
The Demonic Duo

Levi a young officer. Vesper an aspiring astrologist and Historian. Two unique opposite sides of the spectrum meet and encounter the supernatural together they must overcome things that had been forgotten hundreds of years ago.

LorieMusgrave_1667 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 8

Levi opened the door for her. He watched carefully as she stepped in and he gently shut the door behind her. He looked over and relaxed suddenly as if he had been tense the whole time. He touched his still injured side. Hissing in pain he walked to the Bathroom and began to draw up a hot bath as the water filled steam rolled into the room from the open door and across to the balcony where the sliding Glass door and curtains were open as Vesper walked out onto the balcony she felt suffocated by all of this happening so fast. She inhaled deeply stairing off into the woods. When she finally felt to cold from the weather beginning to turn she turned to go in with a sick feeling of being watched as a chill went up her spine.

Meanwhile at the balcony off in the woods two glowing eyes turned and it was as if the trees moved as something stepped away....

Levi sprawled in the tub panting hard the heat of the water making it more difficult to breath the murky red of his blood duliting the water as it washed away from his side where it had dried to his skin. He leaned his head back looking upside down at the mirror across from him. "Well Levi what now where will you choose to sleep." He muttered aloud in his thoughts knowing he was alone enough for ves not to hear him what he didn't expect was his reflection to reply.

"With her wouldn't be so bad she would do it for you if you gave her an excuse I'm surprised you haven't made a move on the poor thing you know she is just dieing to be ravished by a man like yourself or I could do it instead for you." Levi splashed heater hard as he jolted up looking at the mirror more properly as it was foggy the reflection seemed normal except the red eyes.

"What in the hell."

"Yes straight from hell actually now be a good boy and finish bathing before I vomit you reek of sweat and blood. Honestly if I wasn't so attached I'd have disposed of you." Levi began to draw a devils star in the mirror and the otherworldly thing vanished as he sat back in the tub he sighed annoyed this thing wouldn't leave his body.

"I'll handle you soon enough." He muttered not wanting to ruin vespers family home to preform what he needed to. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew his work as a Hunter would bite him in the ass he didn't realize it'd be over something he wasn't hunting. He stood up from the tub finally tired as he towel dried and tugged on a pair of thin black short to sleep in it was what he was used to. He stepped out towel drying his hair.

Vesper froze when she saw him he was so close to not having anything on it literally freaked her out. What was she supposed to do she grabbed the first pajamas she seen and bolted into the bathroom accidentally slamming the door.

Levi jumped it startled him slightly.

"Sorry if you had to pee I should've gotten out sooner." He called hoping she didn't have an accident because he took so long. He felt embarrassed now and crawled into the soft king size bed. He couldn't reach the other side surely they could share he would keep to himself. He thought with his face in one of the soft pillows. It felt kinda nice to vacation a little.

"Crap." She said holding the purple night dress she had packed it wasn't sexy or anything just thin and light it went to her knees and had thin straps it was just a simple purple night dress but still. She wished she would have grabbed her other outfit. She tugged it on and let down her hair. She wiped the steam from the mirror looking at her reflection. She was 5'1 Her Hair a lovely brown color with aubern highlights Her eyes shown a lovely green her hair gently wavy as it reached just past her shoulders. He's skin town pale as ever since she didn't go out often.

"Here we go." She whispered to herself as she touched her glasses taking them off they were only reading glasses since her eyes needed a little refining due to her screen time.

Levi's face was buried in a pillow he hadn't bothered coving up whatsoever. She sat on the bed and looked over to him.

"Should I sleep in the chair or the balcony hammock Levi I don't want this to feel to ...."

Her words were cut off as he suddenly pulled her against the soft bed and covered her up.

"Your gonna catch a cold dressed like that your too small and frail." His words cut her like a knife she knew she was little but she didn't realize Levi saw her as helpless.

"Levi I'm fine I can take care of myself."

"True but then I wouldn't have fun teasing you, but seriously cover up there is a draft."

She relaxed and laughed a little now knowing he was joking now.

"Says the brick wall not covering up. "

"Oh so you want me to be under there with you?"

He pulled a tease but Vesper had a reaction he didn't expect. He watched as her face changed from pale to cherry red in a matter of seconds.

"oh...." He said quietly. "I didn't realize Vesper im sorry."

He was stopped by her hand against his lips.

"No cover up with me it's okay." She had mentioned to shush him with her finger but reacted so quickly she had her hand against him she felt so embarrassed what she didn't expect was he listened to her without question.

"Would you prefer I slept facing away from you?"

"You don't have to I just feel a little flustered is all It may take me a minute or two to fall asleep."

When his hand rested on her stomach pulling her against his chest under the covers that's when she felt faint. She took in a deep breath waiting but nothing happened. she was simply being held.

I hope it helps calm her nerves if I hold her maybe it'll make her feel safer and more relaxed with me. He thought as he reacted. He got drowsy and soon just fell asleep holdher like a little bunny.

"Levi" she whispered looking straight forward into the dark. Her call was met with a heavy huff of hot sleepy breath down her neck his warmth making her relax as she soon fell asleep realizing she was safe here with him it somehow reminded her of home.