

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

DaoistRvJsRY · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Killing the Chicken to Warn the Monkey

Luyan bowed politely, saying, "I apologize for my earlier rudeness. I hope you can forgive me." What an appearance of a humble gentleman!

Quick-witted as always, the master spoke before South Xianyi could, "It's nothing! I'd say it's all my nephew's fault."

South Xianyi was stunned, blaming him?

"But Master, it was clearly he who attacked us first. How can this be my fault?"

"And, Master, can you stop being so unreasonable? I'm your nephew!"

South Xianyi was increasingly puzzled. How did he become the Morning Star Immortal in the first place?

"What's going on?"

A crisp voice suddenly rang out. Before Luyan could reply, South Xianyi rushed forward eagerly and asked, "Stinky fox, where did you go? Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

"Do you know how worried I was when I heard you were in danger?"

"Are you lost? If you're lost, you should stay put and wait for me. How can you run around?"

South Xianyi rattled on like firecrackers.

Perhaps his emotions were too intense, and his volume increased. What were clearly caring words ended up angering Zisang.

Zisang pushed away the hand on her shoulder coldly. "Why are you shouting at me? As a princess of the Yao tribe, do I need to report to you?"

"Yes, you do. Why wouldn't you? You're my fox. Wherever you go, you must stay by my side and never leave for a moment."

South Xianyi retorted with righteousness.

Zisang felt her cheeks heating up, clearly embarrassed, but still insisted on saving face. She retorted, "Who's your fox?"

Luyan, who always cherished his sister, became anxious. "Why are you speaking like this? What do you mean 'your fox'? Are our foxes livestock now?"

After saying that, he angrily fanned himself with his fan.

"So, are you a fox too?"

The master, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly spoke up.

Luyan didn't even think about it and replied directly, "Of course!"

"Then, is the fox that attacked us also yours?"

"Of course!"


The smile at the corners of their mouths froze instantly.

It seemed that the truth was revealed.

Once the master's temper flared up, it was impossible to contain. Despite being controlled by South Xianyi, he was still kicking wildly in the air.

"Alright! You stinky fox... You stole my things, and you bit people... Stinky fox, if you have the guts, don't run away. I want to challenge you... stinky fox..."


At night, the few who had finally quieted down fell asleep, each leaning to one side and dozing off.

Danjun followed Wuchen closely. He walked too fast, and Danjun had to exert all his strength to keep up.


The person in front suddenly stopped, and Danjun, who hadn't reacted yet, bumped into him.

Wuchen's figure was slender, and hitting him felt like hitting a stone!

Danjun was so hurt that tears almost came out. Before the pain in his head subsided, a cold voice came from the front again.

"You've been following me all the way."

"Ah! Are you trying to drive me away?"

Danjun held his head in pain and complained.

"I only promised to take you out of the forest. Now that I have other things to do, let's part ways here!"

To be honest, doesn't Wuchen understand what it means to be compassionate?

As soon as he finished speaking, he heartlessly left, leaving behind Danjun, a girl, chasing after him.

Danjun grabbed Wuchen's sleeve, but Wuchen couldn't walk away, so he simply sat down.

In short, he would rather sit there and waste time with her than take Danjun with him unwillingly.

Danjun still looked pitiful, pouting and complaining, "Please, take me with you, Brother in Black!"

"I have nowhere to go now, and I don't know anyone around. I only know you."


"I have nowhere to go, so I can only go home. I'm about to get married soon."

"But my husband is missing. If I go back now, it will be a joke in Qingqiu. I don't want to go back."

After a long silence, Wuchen finally turned around and looked at Danjun.

She pouted, frowned, and looked like she was being bullied. When she saw him turning back to look at her, she even hummed a few times.

"Don't make trouble on the road."

Wuchen's voice was much gentler than before.

At this moment, Zisang was sitting paralyzed on the throne of the Yao world.

His dark eyes were agile and lively, watching the ministers below with interest.

... This scene had been going on for almost two hours.

As for why Zisang returned to the Yao world... let's start from two days ago.

Early that morning, the four of them set off on the road. The other three were still arguing incessantly about the previous incident.

Anyway, Zisang didn't participate in that matter. It was annoying to listen, so he walked faster, but unexpectedly fell behind.

The old folks in the Yao world took advantage of the situation, and Zisang couldn't argue, so he had to follow them back.

"In my opinion, the Yao world is currently in chaos. In the previous battle, our clan suffered countless casualties, and now we need someone who can bear the responsibility."

"One is to handle the affairs of the Yao tribe, and the other is to stabilize the people's hearts."

"Your Highness is still too young and impatient to take on the responsibility of the Yao world. I think we should select someone capable of taking on this great responsibility, so that our clan can prosper for generations to come."

To be honest, isn't this just a way to pull me down from the position of the Yao Emperor? Why go around in circles like this?

Zisang lay on the chair lazily, yawning like a lazy cat.

Zisang frowned slightly, and his lips curled up slightly, saying, "Then... in your opinion, who can take on the position of the Yao Emperor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room erupted in excitement.

Heh, it turns out this position is so attractive. As soon as the position of the Yao Emperor was mentioned, everyone's eyes widened.

In today's world, who doesn't think about their own future? Once they have ambition, they lose themselves, fantasizing about things that don't belong to them, which is ridiculous.

One of them stepped forward and replied, "In my opinion, the position of the Yao Emperor should belong to Lord Qingluan."

"Lord Qingluan has assisted the old Yao Emperor in dealing with countless large and small matters over the years."

"For many years, he has been diligent and sincere, never complaining despite suffering."

"For so many years, he has followed the old Yao Emperor, gaining experience through observation."

"So do you all think Lord Qingluan is the most suitable candidate to be the emperor?"

Zisang walked step by step towards Qingluan, his smile on his face making people feel more and more uneasy.

She stood beside Qingluan and asked, "So... what does Lord Qingluan think?"

Her voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the room to hear clearly. She seemed like a soft girl, but she had enough majesty to awe everyone present.

She was born with the demeanor of a king, surpassing every man in the room.

Perhaps that's why the Yao Emperor initially thought of handing over the Yao world to her.

Maybe intimidated by Zisang's majesty, Qingluan, who was always proud and arrogant, bowed his head in front of Zisang.

Qingluan wiped away the cold sweat carefully, and said, "Your... Your Highness is joking."

"Is that so?" Zisang smiled again, his eyes narrowing into crescents, and his thick eyelashes covering his dark eyes.

No one knew how long this confrontation lasted, but suddenly there was a "crack"!

Qingluan's eyes widened suddenly, and when he lowered his head again, a sword had pierced his heart.

"Bang!" His soul was extinguished, and everyone looked at each other, shocked. None of them had expected that Zisang would publicly kill someone.