

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Chapter Seventy-Two: Reincarnation

Several days ago, he had heard about Zisang secretly preparing a birthday gift. He couldn't sit still and was eager to take a look. But when Zisang heard he was coming, she quickly hid away. Even Lu Yan had to hold him back. He couldn't just directly say he wanted to see it! So, he persisted until today. If she didn't bring it out soon, he'd suffocate himself.

It might have been better to pretend he didn't know anything!

Zisang turned her palm upward, scattering petals into the sky. The petals fluttered and fell with the wind, captivating the audience's attention, trying to uncover the mystery within them as they floated down... Until, beneath the pile of petals, a beautiful figure emerged, breaking free as if from a cocoon. With graceful dance moves, she swayed in her flowing white attire, seeming unaffected by the breeze. It was almost as if the fluttering fabric and her movements were in perfect harmony, like a butterfly dancing in the air.

Her slender waist swayed gently, accompanied by the tinkling of silver bells, in tune with the music...

"That's how I danced in the hall," White Crane squatted obediently, speaking earnestly.

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and remained silent. For a long while, no one responded, and White Crane thought to herself: Is everyone asleep?

"Did she... smile so much before?" White Crane was about to raise her head when the voice beside her suddenly spoke, startling her, causing her to return to her original position.

"She? Who?" White Crane was confused by Jun Feng's words.

Jun Feng withdrew his gaze from the distance and glanced lightly at White Crane. "You might as well dance that piece for me again."

White Crane turned her head and met Jun Feng's gaze. His expression seemed calm, but his eyes were intense, as if expecting something!

White Crane truly couldn't understand this Emperor before her now. His heart was truly hard to fathom.

"Of course."

White Crane began to dance, accompanied by Jun Feng's music.

In the blink of an eye, memories from the past flooded back, as if it were just yesterday. At that time, he was just a disciple of the Immortal Sect. He had saved a fox that was seriously injured, trying everything to heal her, but to no avail.

Later, he remembered overhearing a conversation between two disciples about a miraculous flower in the underworld called the Black Earth Profound Flower, also known as the Ghost Flower.

The Black Earth Profound Flower fed on souls for sustenance, and the water that nourished it was not ordinary rainwater, but the last drop of blood from a person after death.

This flower was the nemesis of the souls in the underworld, especially wandering spirits, but for others, it not only enhanced cultivation but also had the power to revive the dead. With this flower, the fox's injuries could be healed.

The next day, he went alone. He single-handedly broke through the Underworld, even the three thousand Yin Soldiers couldn't stop him. He retrieved the Black Earth Profound Flower and saved the fox.

Her voice echoed in his ears, as if everything had happened yesterday.

"Who are you?"

"Uh, I am Nan Xianyi."

"Me? Haha, listen carefully. I am Zisang, daughter of the Demon Emperor, the princess of the demon race."

"In five years, I'll be waiting for you here. You must come back to me."

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

"Are you foolish? How can you block something without knowing what it is? What if it's a venomous snake or a fierce beast?"

"In a place like this, if you get hurt, how can I save you? What if you die? I only have you!"

Recalling the moments of their marriage, he planted an entire island of flowers for her and held the most beautiful wedding in the world.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied~ This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen!"

"Then I wonder if this beautiful lady is willing to marry me!"


For the first time, White Crane felt like she was sick because she actually saw Jun Feng, who was usually as cold as ice, now showing a very gentle smile, full of tenderness...

Heavens, heavens! There must be something wrong with her eyes. She must find a physician later.

Jun Feng sat on the cliff lost in thought. The clouds here were particularly thin, allowing a view of the earthly scenery through them. Looking down from the sky, the human realm seemed like a miniature world, only the towering mountains and ridges were clearly visible, like an ink painting, displaying a fresh and ethereal beauty.

Jun Feng gazed like this for a long time.

However, to say that Jun Feng was sitting here just to admire the scenery? It was unlikely anyone would believe it if he said so.

After who knew how long, Jun Feng finally withdrew his gaze from the sky and looked at the glass sphere in his hand. It emitted a silver-white light, and he unconsciously tapped it lightly. It emitted a clear and melodious sound, echoing in his ears and reverberating in the sky, reaching the ears of a young girl...

The girl stopped and looked up at the sky as if she had heard the echo of bells. Without lingering for too long, she immediately turned around and followed closely behind the monk ahead. Suddenly, she looked up and asked the monk, "Master, where are we going?"

The monk, moving his prayer beads one by one, didn't speak much, only replied with three words, "To the fishing village."

The girl nodded silently and asked again, "Are we going to save people or guide souls?" With big watery eyes, she blinked innocently, looking adorable.

The monk frowned slightly at the girl's words, and his hand holding the prayer beads paused for a moment, then continued, "Guide souls."

There was a small fishing village along the riverbank. The fishermen made their living by fishing, but recently, the weather had been rough, making it difficult for the fishermen to go out to sea. Without fish, their lives were getting worse day by day.

Some said it was because the people in the village angered the Dragon King by fishing too much, which led to the rain curses, punishing those who went to sea to fish.

But some didn't believe it. They insisted on venturing out to sea, and in the end, their boats sank, and some didn't even recover their bodies.

Listening to the villagers' complaints, Yun Si couldn't help but sigh deeply. These were all young men in their late teens or early twenties. How could they just disappear like that?

On the way back, Yun Si followed the master, who wasn't actually walking fast, but because of his long legs, one of his steps equaled two of Yun Si's.

Sigh~, was this considered the tragedy of short legs?

The master and disciple found a cool place to sit and rest. The master remained as calm as ever, sitting with his eyes closed as if he were a transcendent being.

Meanwhile, Yun Si couldn't sit still for a minute. She sat alone on the side, flipping through her belongings, and finally found a few pieces of cake in her package. Although she was somewhat disgusted, it was clearly the best option at the moment.

Glancing at her master, Yun Si asked cautiously, "Master, are you going to eat?"

To be honest, Yun Si was really afraid that her master would starve himself. She had indeed brought a lot of cakes when she left home, but now there were not many left. She had eaten them all by herself, and her master had hardly eaten anything in the past few days.

As expected, her master's eyes remained closed, and he shook his head gently, replying, "If you're hungry, just eat first."

With her master's consent, Yun Si immediately began to eat hungrily. Honestly, they had traveled quite a distance today, and she was already starving. But looking at her master, it seemed like he never felt tired or hungry.

Yun Si felt a bit sorry in her heart, so she broke one cake in half and handed it to her master, saying softly, "Master, you should eat a little less! We'll have to continue our journey later, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Upon receiving the master's silent consent, Yun Si immediately devoured her food as if she hadn't eaten all day, feeling dizzy from the long journey. However, looking at her master, he seemed unaffected by fatigue or hunger.

Yun Si felt a pang of guilt in her heart and handed half of her food to her master, softly suggesting, "Master, perhaps you should eat less! We still have to continue our journey later, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

The monk ignored her, continuing to recite scriptures with closed eyes. Yun Si awkwardly withdrew her outstretched hand.

While eating and watching the monk, Yun Si suddenly asked, "Master, when I die, will you guide me like you do others?"

The master shook his head slightly without opening his eyes and uttered two words calmly, "Not likely."

Yun Si looked at the monk's face, devoid of any emotion. He neither liked nor disliked, truly embodying the detachment of a monk who had renounced worldly desires.

Unwilling to accept the answer, Yun Si continued to inquire, "Why not?"

The master responded, "Because you have committed grave sins, you are an irredeemably wicked person!"

Yun Si fell silent. Since childhood, her master had always said that she had accumulated too many sins in her past life, thus she was here in this life to repay those debts.

She then asked the monk, "What crimes did I commit in my past life?"

The monk slowly opened his eyes, gazing at her with indifference, and replied, "You killed people! Many people!"

She then asked, "Was I a great demon in my past life?"

The monk replied, "No, you were a demon, seducing the world!"

Yun Si fell silent, chewing on her dry cake absentmindedly. Suddenly, it tasted like wax in her mouth.

After a long silence, Yun Si spoke slowly, "I suppose... many people must hate me."

The monk did not respond, giving her a meaningful glance before silently closing his eyes again.

At that moment, Yun Si felt like she had received her answer.

She remembered when she was three years old, a monk suddenly visited her home. It was the first time she saw him. He wore a golden robe, his eyes closed lightly, and his mouth moving in words she couldn't understand.

Though he was a monk, his appearance was remarkably handsome. He exuded a special aura, like that of an immortal descending from the heavens, making people want to look at him, fearing they might miss the chance to see him again.

But her parents insisted on sending her out to buy wine. Yun Si didn't know what happened during that time, but three days later, her parents brought her to a place called Pure Water Temple and left her there.

She stood at the entrance of the temple for an hour, crying for an hour. By dusk, someone finally came, but it wasn't her parents—it was the handsome monk.

The monk gently stroked her head, his movements tender, but his face remained expressionless, like an emotionless machine.

"From now on, you will follow me. I am your master, Qing Wu, and you are my disciple. Your secular name is Yun Si. Do you remember?"

That was the first thing he said to her, and it was also the longest thing he had ever said to her in his life, still engraved in her mind to this day.

Just as Jun Feng returned, a celestial official hurriedly came to deliver a message, saying that the Heavenly Emperor was looking for him. Without a second word, Jun Feng turned around and headed straight to the Lingxiao Palace in large strides.

Seeing the appearance of the celestial official, there must have been some urgent matter.

"Feng'er, why did you just arrive now!" The Heavenly Emperor hurriedly greeted Jun Feng as soon as he entered. Although he was anxious, he still maintained the demeanor of an emperor.

"What's the matter?" Jun Feng remained indifferent, asking calmly.

"Jun'er, why did you only come now!" The Heavenly Emperor hurriedly approached Jun Feng as soon as he entered. Despite his inner urgency, he maintained the demeanor of an emperor.

"What has happened?" Jun Feng remained cool-headed, asking calmly.

"Someone led troops to invade the Abyssal Sea, set up a barrier there, and sealed it, intending to rescue the Demon Sovereign trapped inside," the Heavenly Emperor explained succinctly.

"Do you know who did it?"

"The son of the Demon Sovereign, Ye Bai!"

Jun Feng suddenly fell into contemplation. After a moment, he asked slowly, "And what about that fox demon?"

The Heavenly Emperor inexplicably felt a bit frustrated. "At a time like this, you're still thinking about her?"

Jun Feng's gaze became even more indifferent. "Just tell me what happened to her."

Seeing Jun Feng's persistence and the Emperor's growing annoyance at not being answered, Jun Feng continued, "If it weren't for that fox demon, Ye Bai would never have been able to break the seal."

"You mean..." The Heavenly Emperor suddenly realized, "But that fox demon is already dead."

"Dead?" Jun Feng's voice grew deeper, a hint of anger crept into his demeanor. "How did she die? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"She trespassed into the Underworld and was struck down by Lady Monpo."

Though enraged, the Heavenly Emperor's anger was somewhat abated by the realization of his own fault. He explained the situation to Jun Feng.

"That fox demon thought you were dead, so she tried to rescue you from the Underworld. After several attempts to enter, Lady Monpo, in a fit of rage, struck her down."

"Don't worry! That fox demon is lucky to still be alive."

"But her demonic body died!" Learning that Zisang was still alive didn't bring any joy to Jun Feng; he remained as indifferent as before.

For a moment, both of them fell into silent contemplation. But they both knew there was no time for silence. In this urgent moment, there was no room for tantrums.

"I will lead the troops to intercept them!" With a casual remark, Jun Feng left.

Abyssal Sea Strait

The entire strait was enveloped in a huge light wave. Below it lay a dark expanse, and at the very top of the strait, Ye Bai sat cross-legged, palms continuously absorbing the black mist surging from all directions, gradually condensing it into a sphere.

His young body had long borne an unbearable burden, yet he persisted without wavering. Despite sweat soaking his clothes, he showed no signs of slackening.

As everything approached its end, the need for vigilance intensified. Otherwise, one might fall into the abyss, unable to recover.

However, the more he feared, the more it came. Just as he was about to complete his task, Jun Feng broke through the barrier with his troops, engaging in battle with the demon soldiers.

But who was Jun Feng? He was the number one War God under the heavens. How could a few demon soldiers withstand him?

So Jun Feng cut through the demon soldiers one by one, advancing toward Ye Bai. Just as victory seemed imminent, a massive figure blocked his view from the sky.

Jun Feng paused for a moment, then swiftly dodged to the right. His target was Ye Bai, and he had no intention of wasting effort on anyone else.

However, Jiang Wu happened to be a loyal protector, no different from a dead man, willing to sacrifice himself for his master's safety.

Jun Feng paused for a moment, then swiftly dodged to the right. His target was Ye Bai, naturally unwilling to waste effort on anyone else.

However, Jiang Wu was a protector devoted to his master, no different from a dead man, willing to sacrifice his own life for his master's.

It seemed that without passing through Jiang Wu, it would be impossible to approach Ye Bai.

Jun Feng reversed his fingers, flicking three white blades toward Jiang Wu. With a roar, Jiang Wu chopped them away with an axe, generating a powerful force that stirred up a storm.

Jun Feng stood on the waves, carried away by the surging sea, with Jiang Wu closely behind, pursuing him all the way.

A swift axe swept towards Jun Feng like a shooting star. Jun Feng calmly glanced at it and then sank into the waves. The surging waves gradually formed into a huge water qilin, firmly blocking Jiang Wu's incoming attack.

Jun Feng sat calmly on the water qilin's head, elegantly spreading out the flowing-shangqin, lightly plucking the strings. As soon as the music started, the water qilin shed its watery exterior, transforming into a majestic jade qilin.

Jiang Wu, naturally strong and tall, was no match for the giant jade qilin formed from water by Jun Feng, merely a mantis trying to stop a chariot, utterly inadequate.

Controlled by the flowing-shangqin, the jade qilin advanced step by step towards Ye Bai. Jiang Wu, not one to shrink from danger, rushed forward to block, disregarding his own life.

The jade qilin trod on the gentle waves, shimmering under the moonlight. Reflecting the moon's glow, it revealed its majestic figure. With a slight tremor, it emitted a low roar.

Then, with a light step, it stirred up towering waves, swirling upward, forming a dragon's body that surged towards Jiang Wu.

Caught in the rushing waves, Jiang Wu struggled against his restraints. Despite his immense strength, he now found it difficult to break free.

Jiang Wu continued to roar and struggle, but to no avail. As a clear melody resonated once again, echoing in all directions, the tide rose and fell, turning into sharp blades that pierced every inch of Jiang Wu's skin, letting blood seep into the sea.

Amid Jiang Wu's low and muffled roars, there echoed a tender, childish voice, accompanied by a long and clear howl.

Jun Feng inwardly cursed as he realized the situation was turning bad. Just as he was about to intercept, a huge water barrier erupted between them, trapping Jun Feng firmly in the sea.

From within the water barrier, a black figure emerged. Acting quickly, Jun Feng threw out the Red Immortal Umbrella, pulling the unconscious Ye Bai into it.

"Humph, Jun Feng, just you wait and see. When this lord returns, I'll make sure you regret it!" With those words, the figure disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Jun Feng tightly grasped the Red Immortal Umbrella. He knew that as long as Ye Bai was in his hands, the Demon Sovereign would surely return. And that was something he could control.

"How did it go?" The Heavenly Emperor rushed up to Jun Feng as soon as he entered.

"Escaped," Jun Feng replied expressionlessly, without offering any further explanation.

This was the result the Heavenly Emperor had anticipated. It wasn't that he didn't trust Jun Feng; the Demon Sovereign had been dormant for thousands of years, but the resentment in his heart had been swelling. If not for Jun Feng, the Demon Sovereign might have broken the seal and escaped long ago.

To persist until now was already quite commendable.

However, despite knowing this would be the outcome, there was still some unavoidable disappointment.

"I want to volunteer to capture the Demon Sovereign in the mortal realm," Jun Feng said, shocking the Heavenly Emperor momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure. "Jun'er, no matter what you decide to do, I will support you. But remember one thing," he cautioned, "never get close to her again. Even if you encounter her, stay away."

Jun Feng's words surprised the Heavenly Emperor, but he quickly regained his composure. "Jun'er, no matter what you do, I will support you, but there is one thing you must remember," he said with a worried expression.

"Remember, do not get close to her again. Even if you encounter her, avoid her," the Heavenly Emperor's face was full of concern.

Jun Feng's expression softened slightly as he took a few steps back before leaving. As he departed, he casually dropped a remark, "I, Jun Feng, am a heartless person. My heart remains unmoved!"

Unmoved? Hah, nothing but self-deception!

Jun Feng sat quietly, this time without playing the qin, just sitting silently.

A silver bracelet floated uncertainly in the air. Jun Feng stared at it for a long time before slowly retracting his gaze.

Everyone knew that Jun Feng was a peculiar person. Although he was hailed as the number one War God across the land, he never used silver or iron weapons. He relied solely on the melody of the flowing-shangqin to fight across the land.

This fact was well-known, yet no one ever asked why.

There was a hint of emotion on his usually impassive face.

With a wave of his sleeves, the silver bracelet was tucked away.

After sitting quietly for a while longer, he got up and walked towards the Lotus Pond.

Behind a stone wall, nine fluffy white tails swayed, followed by a head poking out.

"Hehe, after searching for so long, I finally found you, Big Brother in Black!" Danjun, full of joy, leaped up, but fate suddenly grabbed her tail and threw her to the ground. Before she could understand what had happened, she was dragged away by someone.

"Hey, wake up, stop pretending to be dead!" Jun Feng nonchalantly nudged Danjun's back with his foot, trying to wake her up from being knocked unconscious along the way.

"Don't... don't bother me, let me sleep a little longer," Danjun mumbled, pushing away Jun Feng's foot in a daze, curling up into a ball and continuing to sleep.

Jun Feng rolled his eyes and thought for a moment. "Wuchen is dead!"

"What? Where? Where is Big Brother in Black? Black..." Still in a dreamy state, Danjun accidentally met Jun Feng's eyes, which were as cold as an ice cave, and suddenly felt a chill in her bones.

"Southern Xianyi? Are you Southern Xianyi?" With a tone of uncertainty, Danjun, after a careful look, shook her head vigorously. "You're not Southern Xianyi!" This time, her tone was firm.

"I am Jun Feng." Straightforward and concise.

"Jun Feng? The god Jun Feng?"


"Then, what about Southern Xianyi in the mortal realm..." Although she already had an answer in her heart, she still wanted to hear him say it in person. After all... the disparity between these two in every aspect besides appearance was too great!

"That's just one of my identities in the mortal realm!"

Ah, as expected!

"So, why has the god come to find me this time?"

"Are you seeking to see Wuchen?" Jun Feng raised an eyebrow lightly, his tone extremely flat, a world of difference compared to the Southern Xianyi she knew in the mortal realm.

"I do want to see Big Brother Wuchen, but... I can't get in. Can you help me?" Danjun was also straightforward, stating her request directly.

"I can help you, so you can see him every day," Jun Feng pondered for a moment before continuing, "but you have to promise me one thing."

Danjun looked puzzled. "What thing?"

"He has forgotten everything from before, including everything about you."

"What? Has something happened to Big Brother in Black?" Danjun's anxious heart suddenly interrupted Jun Feng's words. But Jun Feng ignored her, took a deep breath, restrained his emotions to the extreme, and continued.

"I want you to promise me that you will never mention anything from before in front of him. You must remember, he is now Mo Xuan, the son of the Heavenly Emperor, not the remnant of the demon clan, Wuchen."

"What? Has something happened to Big Brother in Black?" Danjun, filled with anxiety, suddenly interrupted Jun Feng's words. But Jun Feng ignored her and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I need you to promise me that you will never mention anything from before in front of him. Remember, he is now Mo Xuan, the son of the Heavenly Emperor, not the remnant of the demon clan, Wuchen."

"Can I ask why?" Danjun weakly asked.

"No!" Jun Feng didn't hesitate to throw out an answer. After a moment of contemplation, he continued, "I have urgent matters to attend to in the mortal realm, and the Heavenly Emperor is busy with court affairs, unable to care for Mo Xuan. So, I want you to help take care of him."

"I will!" "But why are you going to the mortal realm this time? Are you going to find Sister Sang'er?" Danjun had also heard about recent events in the heavenly realm. Now that Jun Feng was going back to the mortal realm, it was undoubtedly related to the Demon Ancestor.

However, would the God Jun Feng go to such lengths just for the Demon Ancestor? If... if the person in front of her was Southern Xianyi, she would undoubtedly rush to find Sister Sang'er without hesitation.

"If you have nothing else to do, you'd better go check on your Big Brother in Black!" Jun Feng didn't want to continue the conversation and changed the subject directly.

"Yeah! How is Big Brother in Black? Is he okay? No, I have to go check!" With that, Danjun hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the Lotus Pond.

Shortly after Danjun left, Jun Feng also departed, hastily packing his luggage before heading to the mortal realm.

To be honest, finding the Demon Ancestor in the vast sea of myriad streams was no easy task. Although the Demon Ancestor had been trapped in the Sea of Sorrows for thousands of years and had already depleted much of his power, he was still a figure who had once dominated the six realms. Even with half his power, he was enough to intimidate others.

Moreover, he currently existed in the form of a remnant soul and could potentially seek out a new vessel to possess at any time, which would undoubtedly lead to a major disaster.

Fortunately, Jun Feng had captured Night White earlier, holding him in his hands. This gave him an extra bargaining chip. After all, the Demon Ancestor cherished his son Night White very much. Perhaps he would voluntarily walk into the net for him.

However, since Night White woke up, he had been making a fuss day after day, constantly clamoring in Jun Feng's ears. It was annoying beyond words.

"Let me out! Let me out! Jun Feng, you bastard, you killed Jiang Wu, and I will make you pay with your life! Let me out!" His voice grew louder with each word, the immature tone oddly juxtaposed with a sense of world-weariness, as if he were desperate to scream his heart out.

"Shut up!" No matter how Night White howled with feeble desperation, he would be coldly rebuked by Jun Feng. But this was of no use to Night White, who had always been pampered.

At times like this, Jun Feng would choose another way to deal with him: threats. "If you dare to scream again, I'll burn this umbrella, and you'll be turned to ashes along with it."

When he said this, he was full of confidence, believing that no one would be foolish enough to joke about their own life, especially not this immature little brat.

"Feel free to burn it if you want. This broken umbrella isn't mine. Burn it if you want, and it'll be a relief!" This time, Jun Feng lost, truly lost!

To be honest, Night White might be the most difficult person Jun Feng had ever encountered in his life, without exception!

Just as Jun Feng opened the umbrella, Night White had already jumped out eagerly. When Jun Feng wasn't paying attention, he ran away.

Just as Jun Feng opened the umbrella, Night White eagerly jumped out. But the next moment, he was bounced back.

"Plonk!" He landed back on the ground.

"How foolish!" Jun Feng mercilessly mocked.

"What are you laughing at?" Night White blushed with embarrassment and anger. "What did you do to me? Why can't I leave this umbrella?"

"Your physical body has been trapped by me. Now, you're just a spiritual entity," Jun Feng explained to Night White, without looking at him from head to toe, displaying an attitude of indifference.

"The Red Immortal Umbrella is actually protecting you. If you insist on leaving, you'll be annihilated!" With that, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Jun Feng's mouth.

Night White was almost driven mad by him, feeling the urge to kick him. However, one must bow to the inevitable. At this moment, he gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Jun Feng.

As if he had thought of something, Night White's fiercely hostile face suddenly turned into a smile. With fair, tender hands, he tugged at Jun Feng's sleeve, pouting and blinking his big eyes.

"Brother Jun Feng!!!" Night White suddenly burst into tears, startling Jun Feng.

"What do you want now?" Jun Feng looked at Night White in confusion, as if he were looking at a fool.

"Brother Jun Feng, please let me go! I had no choice but to release my father!" His voice, which was originally soft and immature, now carried a sobbing tone, touching people's hearts even more.

Seeing Night White's reaction, he thought it was effective and continued to cry louder. "I'm just a child, what harm can I do! Sob, I miss my mother, she must still be waiting for me at home!"

"Let go!" Jun Feng ordered expressionlessly. He was Jun Feng, with a heart as firm as iron. How could he be moved by this?

Furthermore, he was a god of war in the realms, facing gunfire and battles every day. If he softened his heart at such moments, he would be the one to die in the end.

If every criminal could be forgiven with just an apology, what would be the need for laws? He had to take responsibility for everything he had done.

"Brother Jun Feng, I miss my mother! Please let me go!" Night White continued to cry stubbornly.

"Don't try this with me. I'm telling you, it won't work!" Jun Feng still remained expressionless, coldly confronting Night White.

Hearing this, Night White withdrew his expression and hands, but still had an unwilling look on his face. He pouted and said, "They say adults like this kind of thing, that if you cry, adults will listen to you."

After a moment of thought, Night White forced a smile and said to Jun Feng, "Don't you think I'm cute like this?"

Jun Feng swung his wide sleeves and swept them across Night White's face. "Stop smiling at me; it looks creepy."

"..." Night White felt like rolling his eyes. Wherever Jun Feng went, his gaze followed, burning with anger.

Jun Feng, I remember you. If I ever manage to escape from this umbrella, I will tear you apart, limb by limb, and feed you to the dogs, letting your blood dry up in a pile of corpses...

"What are you dawdling for? Hurry up and follow!" Jun Feng suddenly turned around and commanded, instantly shattering all of Night White's illusions. He gritted his teeth and thought: At this moment, I'm at your mercy, and I'll have to put up with you for the time being. But it's definitely not because I'm afraid of you. It's just... it's just... Oh, forget it.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and follow!" Jun Feng suddenly turned around and ordered, instantly shattering all of Night White's illusions. Gritting his teeth, Night White thought to himself: I am not in control at the moment; I'll have to compromise and follow along. And it's definitely not because I'm afraid of you. It's just... it's just... Oh, forget it.

"You walk in front!" Jun Feng suddenly pushed Night White forward.

"Why?" Night White looked at Jun Feng helplessly, blinking his big eyes innocently.

"Fish bait goes in front to lure the fish, while the fisherman waits behind for the fish to take the bait," Jun Feng said indifferently, glancing at Night White as if to say, "Isn't this obvious?" He folded his arms, looking self-assured, making one almost want to slap some sense into him.

Night White gnashed his teeth in anger, wanting to bite Jun Feng. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Night White reluctantly complied.

Really, how did someone as shameless as Jun Feng get chosen as a god in the first place? Was it all because of his brute strength? He looked gentle and refined, but who would have thought he was actually a cunning old fox!

The two of them walked awkwardly, one in front of the other. Suddenly, a woman's cry came from the street.

"Master, wait for me!"

Jun Feng's heart trembled, and his body paused. Before he could react, a petite figure suddenly passed by him.

He had no choice but to follow the direction of the departing figure, which was familiar yet unfamiliar. But he knew, it was her!

Unexpectedly, amidst the vast sea of ​​people, he still had the fortune to see her again. He watched as she ran into the crowd, then obediently followed behind a monk. The monk, however, never showed any intention of waiting for her, striding forward briskly while she could only run to keep up.

Jun Feng stood there, dumbfounded, watching the two figures disappear into the distance, unaware of how long he had been watching.

"Hey! What are you standing there for? If you get lost later, don't blame me for not waiting for you!" Night White shouted at Jun Feng, snapping him out of his trance. After shouting, Night White crossed his arms, pouted, and looked impatient.

Jun Feng was brought back to his senses by Night White's shout. When he turned around, his expression had returned to normal. After sorting out his scattered thoughts, he calmly followed, as if nothing had happened just now.

Little did he know that the girl behind him was also looking back at him.

"Master, I'm hungry! My legs are sore and tired. Can we take a break?" Yunsi suddenly accelerated her pace, passing Qingwu and blocking his path, complaining pitifully.

Qingwu quietly looked at Yunsi for a moment before calmly speaking, "Alright."

"Hey, Master, there's a place selling noodles over there!" Yunsi pointed to a nearby tea shop, smiling.

Qingwu naturally understood her intentions, as she had made them quite clear.

"Two bowls of noodles, please," Qingwu ordered as they entered the shop.

"Um, are you expecting more guests, sir?" The waiter hesitated for a moment before asking.

"No, no one else. Just the two of us," Yunsi said with a smile, waving her hand. She poured two cups of tea, one of which she placed in front of Qingwu.

"Alright, I'll go prepare them!" The waiter awkwardly smiled and retreated, nodding his head. As he turned around, he almost bumped into someone.

Soon, three steaming bowls of noodles were brought to their table. Yunsi picked up her own bowl and didn't immediately start eating. Instead, she brought the third bowl closer to Qingwu's, scooping half of it into his bowl and leaving the rest in hers.

"Master, you've been working hard all this time without properly eating. You must eat well now," she said warmly.