

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

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124 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Meeting on a Narrow Path

Lu Yan was not the son of the Demon King; he was merely a survivor after the war.

Later, he was fortunate enough to be saved by the Demon King but forgot everything that had happened before he woke up. He had asked the Demon King why he couldn't remember anything and what kind of person he used to be.

At first, the Demon King dismissed him hastily, but he persisted in asking, annoying the Demon King. The Demon King replied, "Since you've forgotten, why bother remembering? Forgetting some things is actually a good thing. Since you've forgotten, start anew. Remember that your name is Lu Yan, and you are the Demon King's adopted son. If anyone dares to mistreat you in the future, just invoke my name as your father."

These few words seemed to rewrite his life, and he no longer pursued the question of "Who am I?"

He had a name now, Lu Yan, and later on, he became acquainted with Zisang. Zisang was younger than him, so he treated her like a little sister and took great care of her.

In comparison, Zisang also took great care of him. When someone gossiped about him behind his back, he was used to shrugging it off, but Zisang, with her fierce temperament, would confront them and even threaten to wipe out their entire family.

 Every time he saw her like this, Lu Yan would smile indulgently and ask her, "Do you know you'll scare people away like this?"

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but every time he treated her better, he couldn't see a smile on her face anymore. Instead, he saw a different emotion in her eyes... guilt.

"Lu Yan, Lu Yan..."

Lu Yan snapped out of his reverie, startled by the enlarged face of Zisang in front of him. Zisang asked, "What were you daydreaming about just now?"

Lu Yan was momentarily stunned, then smiled awkwardly and replied, "Nothing much." "Oh, by the way, what did you want to ask me just now?"

Zisang sighed helplessly and repeated, "I said, you didn't come to the human realm just for this trivial matter, did you? Is there trouble in the demon world again?"

Indeed, Zisang was Zisang, unable to hide anything, Lu Yan admired her greatly.

"Indeed, today's matter was just a coincidence for me."

"I came this time because of the situation in the demon world. Now, all the tribes are in turmoil, and the Fox Clan is no exception."

"And now, you don't even care about the affairs of the demon world while you're in the human realm. They are all discussing how to obtain the Ten Thousand Demons Order and control the demon clan's fate, seizing the throne."

"This time, they sent me to find you and persuade you to come back to take charge of the situation. In reality, they probably want to force you to hand over the Ten Thousand Demons Order."

After looking at Zisang for a long time and seeing no reaction from her, Lu Yan couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have anything to say?"

She just shrugged and said indifferently, "They've long wished for me to die in Fusang. Now that they see me alive and back, they're probably itching with hatred."

"They can still sit together and discuss, which proves they still fear me. Since they fear me, what do I have to worry about!"

After hearing Zisang's words, Lu Yan could only sigh inwardly, "It's only you who's afraid, that's why you're wandering around in the human realm."

Since Zisang didn't care about the affairs of the demon clan, Lu Yan couldn't force her, so he had no choice but to accompany her when she wanted to find Wuchen. At least he could take care of her along the way. If they encountered someone like King Avian Rui and King Constant Pine again, he could help her deal with them.

Since they parted last time, Zisang had entrusted Wuchen to find out the whereabouts of Lizhou. Now, Wuchen had sent word that someone in Chengjiang Woxugu knew the whereabouts of Lizhou.

Now they were just waiting to meet up with Wuchen before heading to Woxugu together. It was already midnight, and there was nowhere nearby to rest.

They found a place to settle down randomly. Perhaps it was a fox's habit, they all liked to sleep against a tree. Zisang liked to lie on the tree, while Lu Yan preferred to lie under it.

Tonight's weather was still warm, with occasional light breeze brushing past. Lu Yan had already fallen asleep drowsily. Only Zisang was still staring blankly at the starry sky, spinning a glass bead in her hand.

Speaking of this glass bead, it was a toy given to Zisang by her mother when she was young. Whenever Zisang cried, her mother would use the glass bead to cheer her up.

She remembered that the glass bead used to make a sound, like a bell. Just a light shake would produce a "ding-ding" sound. Zisang loved that sound very much; it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. But later, she didn't know when, it seemed to have become mute, without any sound at all.

Sometimes Zisang couldn't help but associate it with her mother. She always felt that the glass bead had the same life as her mother, perhaps it was her mother's incarnation, specially here to accompany her.

They hurried along the road, and finally caught up with Nan Xianyi. Unexpectedly, the guy had lost his mind today. When he saw them catching up, he quickened his pace, leaving his master behind. Seeing this, the master was stunned.

"You little brat, stand still!"

With a command from the master, Nan Xianyi was forced to stop, but he stood there without looking back, both helpless and bitter.

The master gasped for breath, dragging his legs forward step by step, and continued to talk without mercy.

"You little brat, how dare you start despising your master so soon after I came here for a short time?" The master said, feeling wronged, even showing the look of a wronged young wife. This made Nan Xianyi even more helpless.

"Master, you also know that you've only just arrived! I was almost beaten to death by people not long after you came here. If I wasn't beaten to death, I would have been tired to death."

"What's the point of you wandering around aimlessly every day?" Nan Xianyi now began to doubt how his master managed to survive his travels.

Following him through the streets, they inexplicably attracted attacks from people. Even when he stood by peacefully, a fox would randomly run out and bite him. What kind of situation was this?

He feared that if he continued to accompany his master for a few more days, he would meet his end here.

Originally, he had planned to escape from the inn at night when his master was not paying attention, but he was discovered by his master and chased all the way here. This pursuit spanned hundreds of miles! Nan Xianyi sighed helplessly, wondering why he had such a persistent master.

"Ah, why do I have such an ungrateful nephew like you?"

"You think it's easy for me, at my age, to roam the streets with you looking for people? Can't you appreciate it?" He chuckled.

Now, he found himself being criticized by his own nephew.

"Master, please don't cause any more trouble. At this rate, we won't be able to rest tonight."

Foxes have the most sensitive hearing. Luyan, who had already fallen asleep, was awakened by the movement in the forest. His eyes opened, his pupils turned green, and in the next moment, Luyan darted off like a shadow.

On this side, they were still frolicking around, completely unaware of the danger. Suddenly, claws attacked Nan Xianyi...

Fortunately, his agility saved him. With a swift movement of his hind legs, he narrowly avoided the claws, and in the same motion, he struck the assailant with his palm.

When Luyan saw the person clearly, he blurted out, "It's you guys?"

Nan Xianyi asked in confusion, "Do you know us?"

In fact, it was not surprising that they knew each other, thanks to his good master.

Every time they went somewhere, people would point at them and shout, "It's you again! You dare to come back, I'll..." Then a group of people would come over with clubs. Perhaps it was because they were really scared, but as soon as they heard this, they became particularly sensitive, always feeling like something was about to happen.

But obviously, Nan Xianyi was overthinking it. The person in front of him just smiled gently at them, replied, "I've never seen you before." Although it was a smile, Nan Xianyi always felt uncomfortable looking at it. It seemed like mockery... No, this person definitely knew us.