

Entranced by those eyes, Athena felt she was hypnotized looking at that silhouette. She couldn't feel the heat anymore. She wanted to look closer at those soulful eyes but before she could, darkness started to invade her vision and everything faded to black.

Just before she lost all senses, she heard a a deep, demonic voice saying "The time to awaken is near..." What that meant, she didn't know..


When Athena opened her eyes again, she realized that she was sitting on her seat on the same bus she took to city X, drenched in sweat and panting hard. Everything and everyone was the same as before. Those ghostly events, it was as if they never happened.

Athena used a towel to wipe her sweat and sat upright on her seat. She unknowingly sighed in relief. It seems that everything before was a dream. But don't know why, she kept on feeling all of that was real. Those corpse like people, the meteor and the fire, and those red eyes. She remembered everything so clearly, even the feeling of panic and fear were remembered. But other than it being a dream, there was no other logical explanation.

Soon, Athena arrived at her destination, city X. The city was the same as she saw in the T.V, the buildings that once touched the sky were now reduced to a heap of debris, houses were crushed, people were killed... It was a horrifying sight. Members of the rescue team were running here and there, trying to take the situation under control.

Athena didn't waste any time and directly went to her aunt's house. Her aunt wasn't picking up the phone so her worries increased alot.

But when she saw her aunt's house, she was very surprised. Among the fallen houses, only that house was standing the same way! Other than some minor damages, everything else was the same, as if the earthquake that shook the city never happened.

This type of miracle was quite unbelievable. Athena was really baffled at this. But she didn't have time to waste. She hurriedly went inside to see if her aunt was there(The door was open.) The house was okay from the inside too, just that her aunt was not anywhere to be seen.

Just when she was considering to go to the southern disaster relief center, her phone rang. It was her aunt's number.


"Thena! this is auntie, are you at city X?" Her aunt's voice came from the other side.

"Auntie! I am, I'm at you house right now, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Thena dear, I'm fine. I'm at my cousin's house. I went there before the disaster struck the city."

"Thank goodness. Auntie, please contact uncle as well, he will be returning by tomorrow."

"I've already done that. Thena, what are you going to do now?"

"It's late already so I'll stay at your house tonight, Auntie. I'll go back tomorrow." That was what she planned.

"Okay dear. Make yourself at home."

That night, Athena slept at that mysterious house that wasn't affected by the natural disasters...

Next chapter