
The demon night mare

Emily_Udeaja · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Demons behind Closed doors

A family who was thrown out of their home all in the case that they do not have enough money to pay for the house rent, Adrien whom is the father had alot in mind of how he could provide shelter for his family when the elder daughter whose name was hannah , she went to him and sat closer to him,

"Dad I know all will be fine, and I am sure and assured that before today ends we will get a good House too call our home"Hannah said to him, Adrien looked at her and smiled. Some hours later Adrien receive am information about a good and affordable house for his family, so he quickly went to check the house after the settlement of the house he went back home and told his family about the news, when hannah heard that she smiled at Adrien and later on went to bring her bag and also her little siblings bags.

So at night time they all went to the house, when they reached the taxi driver looked at the building and asked the woman if she was planning to live in such a house when the little kids saw the house they got scared because the house looks quite spoky for human to stay but hannah moved a little bits close to the house so she turned back at them,

"Do not judge a book by it's cover, may be the house may look beautiful on the inside"she said to them, when the taxi driver wanted to say a word to them about the house he sighted a man who was standing at the gate and he was staring at him in a strange way and so the taxi left quickly without saying a word, hannah understood what just happened but instead she smiled at it, they all entered inside the gate and they saw a man outside whom was said to be the landlord of the house,the little kids were scared of the man because he also looks a little bit scary so they went and hold hannah,

"He is really scary, he looks like a monster in our TV shows and the house also looks spoky" sofia said to her, the landlord bent down a little bit

"You little angels, you don't need to be scared of me "he said to them, hannah moved back a little bit with her siblings, so she looked at the landlord,

"You guys don't need to be scared as long as I am here nothing can ever happen to you"she said still staring at him, the landlord stood up and welcomed them after that he left, when they entered inside the house it was already cleaned up so they dropped there bags in their rooms, the house was really big on the inside and it has enough room for each of them but the little kids due to they were scared insisted to sleep with hannah for the mean while and Hannah agreed with that, so they all went and freshened up after that they came outside and it seems like dinner was already prepared and ready to be served so they all sat down and Sarah who is their mum served them their dinner and so she joined them later on. After the dinner hannah quickly stood up and went to her room, while she was looking outside through her window she sighted the landlord of the house starting at her home in a strange way it began to look quite suspicious and when the landlord sighted her from far he quickly looked away and entered inside,he went to his room and sat down on his bed, suddenly he began to laugh in a strange way he stood up and went to his mirror, he began to look at his body,

"I look really scary and old, and after 500 years of waiting I can now taste a good and healthy human blood" he said to him self and began to laugh again.

Hannah siblings, Mike and Sofia was on the bed waiting for Hannah to tell them a goodnight story, so hannah went and sat at the edge of the bed while the both of them layed on her lap,

"What type of story do you want to hear today"Hannah asked them

"We actually don't know but we don't want a scary story because at this moment I am already scared of this house" sofia said to her, Hannah smiled

"Okay then"she replied

Hannah told them a goodnight story and some minute later they slept off, when their parent came to check on them they saw that the little ones were already asleep, Hannah went to them

"They are asleep, good night mum and dad", they both kissed her on her forehead and also wished her good night before they left. After that ,hannah closed the door and went to the window, she looked at the landlord house and she realize the light was still on so she made a guess that he may still be awake and when saying that she checked the time and it was already clocking 12 mid night, suddenly her eyes changed , it was completely black, so she walked outside to a dark room and she began to call upon the demon but he did not come, she called upon him again and when he came he quickly disappeared with hannah to a secret room,

"You are in a big risk,and also your family"the demon said to her

"I know all that and that was the reason you were called upon"she replied

"I can't do anything,you are the only one who is destine to kill the monster unless he will kill you"he said to her

Suddenly Hannah felt an evil presence in her home, she appeared home and who she saw was the monster with a dagger,the demon quickly entered hannah, Hannah appeared in front of the monster,

"Who do you seek for"she asked him

But the monster became confused so he tried to stab her with the knife and quickly hannah took the knife away from him and threw him out of her home. When she began to hear some noise she quickly transformed back and ran to her room.

The next morning hannah woke up really early, so she dress up her siblings for school and after that she went to meet her mum in the kitchen , while she was doing so she sighted a dagger which was on the table she quickly looked at her mum,

"Mum,who has the dagger"she asked her conciously, sarah looked at the dagger

"Actually i don't know how come a dagger will be in here may be it's the landlord's" she replied to him, Hannah went to the table and took the dagger,she looked at her mum

"Mum,i will be back"she said to her and left with the dagger, Hannah locked her room door and also the window so she sat down,

"These dagger is one step to my victory"so she stood up having one question in mind

"But how can a monster use a dagger to kill a human,what power is hidden in this dagger" she said to her self, but while still in the room she heard the door bell so she quickly dressed up and left, when she went outside she was not so surprised when she saw the landlord in her home looking at her in a suspicious way,she was quite far from him but his staring really pased her off so she had to end the eye contact,she went to him and paid her respect but instead of giving a reply he smiled,

"What brought you here" she asked him

"I came to check on you all, asking if you guys were comfortable here"he replied to her

When hannah was about to talk sarah interrupted so Hannah went to the table,

"These house is really good and beautiful and also in an affordable price,you really helped us seeing our bad condition"Sarah said to him, when hannah heard that she had to come into the conversation

"Mum, point of correction we were never in a bad condition to begin with so please don't every say such a word to someone you hardly know" she said that in anger and left to her room, when mike and sofia saw her they went to her

"Big sis, what happened why are you so angry'sofia asked her, Hannah looked at them,

"Nothing,it was just that man mum and dad are still indepted to even though he did not do anything to help us' she replied

"Are you talking about the landlord"mike asked her

"Yeah,how do you know that" she replied

"Obviously,mum and dad are with him in the living room just thanking him as if he is some one important"mike said, suddenly someone interrupted,

"You all also are suppose to be indepted to me, after all I provided shelter for you all" when they all looked,they saw the landlord standing at the door entrance of the room,

"Excuse me,you did not do us a favour,we paid for it"she said to him

"Oh really"he said

"Yeah,so please leave my room now"she replied to him, so they all walked out on him and went to the dining room, when they were done eating they all went to school,

"Another terrible day for me"hannah said to herself before she entered the class and went to her seat, she was all alone looking around and suddenly a rude girl who claims to be the best and the ruler of the class all in a case that she is rich and classic while hannah was poor,

"Hello plain jane"she said to her, Hannah looked at her and ignored her words,later on the teacher entered the class.

After the first class, Christal who is the rude girl squeezed a paper and threw it on hannah,but she still ignored her. Hannah began to get angry but she breathed in and out before she left the class,she knew that if she get angry something unspicious may happen leading her in trouble; when she was strolling around the garden to ease her self off she bumped into a boy by mistake,

"I'm really sorry" she said to him and continued going, suddenly the boy came in front of her

"Hello"jai said to her

Hannah looked at him,"what is it"she asked him

"I will love to know your name"jai replied

Hannah looked at him head to toe and ignored him so she countinued going while Jai was following her, when christal saw what was going on she got angry. Hannah was walking on her own and suddenly christal set her leg and hannah fell down,all the girls bursted in laughter but hannah stood up and ignored them when she was about to go christal stopped her,


Hannah looked at her

"Come here"she concluded

Hannah already knew the outcome of she goes to her but she had to go to avoid trouble from her side; hannah went to her,suddenly jai came into the scene

"Jai,I am really angry at you" christal said to jai

"But why"he asked

"Why will you stay with such a plain jane,come on"she replied

"Who is a plain jane"jai asked her because he was confused,he actually don't know who she was referring to,

"The girl you are eager to know her name"she replied

"Excuse me, what words are those"jai said to her

"What then do you want me to say,she is so low class and she irritate me alot"she replied

Hannah looked at them,

"At least I'm not a fool like you"she said to christal and then walked away

When the class was going on jai went and sat close to hannah,


When hannah looked and saw it was jai she ignored him and countine writing,christal was informed by her girls about what was going on at hannah seat,she got angry when she saw the both of them,

"I will get her for this"she said in anger

After school hannah went and picked up her siblings when they were about to go christal and her friends blocked their way,christal steeped forward to hannah,

"What is it"hannah asked her

"Nothing much,i only came to warn you"christal replied

"About what"Hannah asked

"Stay in your limit and never think of crossing my part"christal replied

Hannah smiled,

"Then try to stay away from me"Hannah said, when she was about to go christal set her leg on her way and so she fell down on mud,christal and her friends began to laugh,

"Then if so be ready to be disgraced everyday"christal said and left with her friends,

Mike and Sofia held her up,

"That girl is really rude"mike said

"Don't speak bad about someone you don't know"she replied

"At least they are out spoken unlike you who always ignore and get humiliated"they looked and it was jai,hannah looked away

"That is none of your business"Hannah replied

"At least i can give a helping hand by dropping you guys home seeing the bad condition you are in"jai said

"I never asked for your help,i can manage on my own"Hannah replied

"Sis, let's go with him" Mike said

"Yes sis, you are really in a bad condition"sofia said also

So hannah had to go with jai due to her siblings persistent,jai driver dropped them home,hannah quickly went inside while mike and sofia bid him good bye before he left. When hannah entered inside she quickly went up to her room and freshened up,she dressed up and went to the window she looked at the landlord house and she saw the landlord talking to someone suddenly when the landlord looked outside through his window he saw hannah so he stood up and closed the window,hannah faced away,

"What will actually be on his mind at this moment "she asked herself in curiosity

So hannah ignored all those things so she went downstairs to get some water,and when she got down she saw her mum and siblings starring at her in a strange way,

"What is going on,why are you guys starring at me"hannah asked them

"They told me what happened at school"Sarah replied

Hannah ignored her and went to the kitchen,she took a bottle of water from the fridge and went back to the living room,

"What are you saying"she asked sarah

"Come on sweetheart you can tell me what's on your mind, explain things to me"sarah replied her

"I am not a kid that will need to explain everything to you it sounds awkward and also i don't have any explanation to give because nothing happened"Hannah said,

When she was about to go upstairs sarah stopped her,

"I am really sorry"sarah said

Hannah looked at her,

"But why are you apologising,what happened"Hannah replied

"All because of our financial condition you are being humiliated"Sarah said

"But mum who said so,I never complained about our financial condition then what is wrong with you"Hannah replied

"Everyone laughs at you everytime all in the case that we are not wealthy"Sarah said

Hannah got angry,

"What is wrong with you mum,we are not facing any problems and we are living fine what then brought strangers to our family, what they say is theirs to face not us so please mum don't ever say that again"Hannah replied and after that ran upstairs,she closed the door so she lay down, she breathed in and out so she closed her eyes and suddenly she dozed off, she had a wired vision and in that vision she saw four dolls covered with blood and it has a tag on it, she saw all her family name on it and suddenly she woke up , when she looked around it was already dark so she checked the time and it was clocking 12 mid night, Hannah went and check on her family and she saw that they were all asleep,she went to the terris and sat down she was looking at the stars but suddenly she saw that the stars was turning black and it was falling like ashes, hannah was completely confused so she entered inside and who she saw was mike going to their parents room with a knife on his hand, Hannah quickly went and took the knife from mike when she looked at him carefully and she noticed that mike waa sleep walking,

"But how come,he has never sleep walk before"she said to her self before she went and lay him on the bed.

The demon appeared to her,

"Danger, danger,danger"he whispered on her ear

Hannah looked around but she found no one, suddenly her eyes turned black so she disappeared and appeared inside the house of the monster,he was doing an incarnation holding a doll, when hannah saw the doll she quickly recall that same doll she dreamt about because it simply looks alike, when the monster was about to make a move hannah quickly held him on his neck and grab him up,

"Do not even think of hurting my family,i warned you before but i won't do it again"Hannah said to him, so she took a dagger and stroke him hardly, the monster fell down,

"If i go your family is also going with me"The monster said and so he took his blood and wipe it on the dolls, Hannah did not know what to do because she had no idea about what just happened,the monster was already unconscious. The demon appeared to hannah when he saw what happened he became speechless because after the battle she still lost victory,hannah looked at the demon,

"What just happened"Hannah asked the demon

The demon disappeared and hannah also disappeared,she went to him,

"Talk to me, I'm confused"Hannah said to the demon

"The people you were eager to safe is unfortunately the victim in the end"The demon replied

Hannah did not still understand what he said,

"Don't speak in riddles just tell me what happened because exactly what i say in their was what i dreamt about"Hannah replied

"Those dolls you saw represent your family and the monster knew that if he cover the dolls with his blood then he will never die"The demon said

"But I hope that is not connected with my family"Hannah asked

"Well unfortunately it connects with your family,the monster is not dead and if you try to kill him then your family will also be the victim so at this moment your family is in a deep sleep and they will never come back"The demon replied

Hannah was devastated, she broke down in tears,

"I can't believe i did this to my family"Hannah said to her self in tears,

The demon held her up,

"This is just the beginning,you have many more life to save"The demon said to her

Hannah looked at the demon,

"If i can't save my family how then can i be able to save a whole nation"Hannah asked him

"Jusy believe in your self"The demon replied and disappeared

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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