
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 60

Chapter 60

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

Zhu Yue thought sadly.

Amid the hilarity, Zhu Yue had already arrived at the location designated by Riku and stopped in a dark valley.

"Lord Riku, are you sure you are here?" Zhu Yue's dragon pupil glanced at the valley below and asked in confusion.

"Nature is here. The hidden ability of the vampires is outstanding among all races." Riku's mouth was slightly raised, and he said confidently. "Especially the blood-sucking species who have just sucked blood, even the gods can't detect it."

"It's also "610" right." Hearing this, Zhu Yue nodded.

"Master, how do we let them out." Jibril grinned wickedly, seemingly asking, but in fact she already had an idea.

"Naturally, it's just as you think, scare them first." Riku said leisurely.


In the dark valley, the deep mountain was hollowed out, and a castle-like building was built inside.

At this time, many vampires noticed the terrifying elf reactions from the sky.

This made them all tremble with fear. If it is okay to pass by occasionally, but the other party clearly stays at the top, it can only show that the other party's goal is them.

"My Lady Queen, it is very likely that the upper races are staying in the sky. Flügel, or even dragon spirits, we need to evacuate immediately." In a luxurious castle, a female vampire was half-kneeling on the ground, sitting facing the top. The red-haired girl in a black dress said that she had a cool appearance and a petite figure on the throne.

The girl's ears are also pointed, but they are shorter than those of the elves, which is a more obvious difference.

"I understand. The other party has already discovered us. It's unrealistic to want to escape." The girl said coldly with a cold and arrogant face. "When we were evacuating outside, it was very likely that the opponent would wipe us out with a single area attack."

Although she was likely to be targeted by the upper races, she was too calm compared to other blood-sucking species. This is the responsibility of the king.

"But..." Hearing this, the vampire female kneeling below paused, showing despair and panic.

"Let's see what they want to do first. Even if they make a move, it's fine. The big deal, use the blood sacrifice to summon my lord." The girl said indifferently.

"My lord... I understand." Hearing this, the vampire guard below nodded heavily.

"The vampires inside, our master said just now. I'll give you a minute to come out. Otherwise, you'll just blow up your nest." At this moment, Jibril's happy voice suddenly sounded, and the vampire girl's voice rang out. The red eyes narrowed.

"I'll go out and see, you are preparing for the ceremony. Be ready to summon at any time." The vampire girl said indifferently.

"My Lady Queen, just let us go. This is too dangerous." Hearing this, the vampire guards present were all shocked.

"Go to prepare the ceremony." The girl said in a deep voice.

"We understand." Hearing this, all the vampires present trembled, and respectfully retired.

Afterwards, the girl turned into a black mist with only two guards and disappeared into the castle.

"Oh, master, it seems that they want to keep shrinking, it's a fluke." Jibril said with a smile. Flying in the air, directly condensing the elves, obviously preparing for a large-scale magic.

"That's not necessarily true." Riku stood on Zhu Yue's head, looking down at the valley below, and said meaningfully. As long as the vampires are not stupid, they will come out to test first, and delay time at the same time.

The creator of the vampire, the god of the gods, and the god of shadows, Gagrath, did not die, and the other party had the means to summon it.

"Vampires, come out, number, three." Shu Vi said slowly as she stood beside Riku with data flashing in her eyes.

"Look." Hearing this, Riku said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then I won't reward them with a spell." Jibril said regretfully. Obviously, she just wanted to move the real thing.

"Girl?" Afterwards, Riku noticed the three figures coming out of the valley. He raised his brows slightly, with a strange look on his face...

Are these races all yin and yang? The leader of the orc race is the little girl Fia, and the elves are really red. Dragon essence, Conglong is often absent, usually Zhu Yue is in charge. Now even the vampires are female...

"The Flügel's extra individual Jibril, the dragon spirit, the mecha, and what race is that...?" When Riku stared at the girl, the girl was also Staring closely at Riku, his heart turned upside down.

She couldn't understand why the hostile races were acting together without incident. Moreover, Riku, who exudes a strong aura, looks like a leader, and she can't imagine what kind of race it is.

Humanity? But how can humans be so strong?

"I don't know what's going on with you?" The girl, wrapped in black mist, with small bat wings behind her back, came into the air with red vertical pupils staring at Riku and asked.

Even if she was completely unable to resist, she could destroy her existence with a wave of her hand, and the girl's expression remained unchanged and extremely calm.

"Interesting." Noticing this, Riku suddenly admired her. Sure enough, in this troubled world, as the leader of the race, there is no simple role.

"Aren't you going to report your name before that?" Riku said indifferently.

Although he didn't express his aura on purpose, the aura naturally revealed on Riku's body also made the girl's body sink.

After all, Liku fought all the way and lost all kinds of 3.4 powerhouses in a row, and a natural momentum has long since formed.

"I'm Sonia, the queen of vampires." The girl's eyes fluctuated, with a vaguely shocked expression, but she still kept her calm, and introduced herself with a slightly noble etiquette.

"Sonia, I remember." Hearing this, Riku nodded.

"You can call me Riku." Riku looked at the girl in front of him and said slowly.

"Riku, dare to ask if you are human." Sonia Ya stared at Riku and asked slowly, the etiquette was perfect.

"Haha, what do you think?" Riku asked with a slight smile.

"I see." Hearing this, Sonia's eyes finally fluctuated violently, making it difficult to maintain her previous calm. .

Chapter 84 The contrast of the vampire queen~ (1/5 please order!)

Seeing the expressions of Sonia and the two vampire guards behind her, Jibril and Zhu Yue also sighed a little. Why weren't they like that in the first place.

However, seeing Riku's increasing strength and the terrifying speed of improvement, they are now much calmer.

"It's very simple for me to come to you. First, I'm here to find something, and second, I'm here to chat with your creator, God of Shadows, Gagrath." Riku looked straight at the girl in front of him and said calmly. .

"------!" Hearing this, Sonia and her two vampire guards were silent. Chatting with their creator, can this reason be a little more casual?

"Excuse me, what are you looking for here?" Sonia asked calmly. Riku's light-hearted appearance made her understand. The other party did not see her Creator as an enemy.

"You don't need to know this." Riku said indifferently.

"I understand, please come with me, please look at Haihan if the reception is not good." Sonia bowed slightly, and then said respectfully.

Although the meaning of the other party is unclear, Riku's strength is enough for her to completely put down her body and treat it respectfully.

No matter where you are, as long as there is no hostile relationship, the strong are privileged.

At least, not yet a hostile 13 relationship.

Sonia took a deep look at Riku and flew down.

"Zhu Yue, just wait here. I'll be right back." After Riku calmly ordered, he followed Sonia.