
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 59

Chapter 59

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

"Lord Riku, what's your state? You have a very pure dragon attribute aura." Zhu Yue suddenly interjected.

ShuVi and Jibril both looked at this question.

"Well, you figured it out when I was fighting Regin Levi." Riku touched his nose and said helplessly.

System thing, is - impossible to say.

"Riku, you're lying." ShuVi said silently.

"ShuVi, it's the right choice to be obedient at this time." Upon hearing this, Riku rolled his eyes, touched ShuVi's head, and taught.

Sure enough, it was unrealistic to want to be so perfunctory in front of ShuVi, who is a mecha-type.

"However, ShuVi wants to know about Riku." ShuVi stared at Riku and said slowly.

"Well, I'll talk about this later." Riku shook his head.

"Hmm..." ShuVi finally nodded after hearing this.

Seeing ShuVi who was becoming more and more human, Riku nodded in relief. Emotions are getting richer.

"Zhu Yue, let's continue on our way."


After that, Riku, Jibril, and Shu Vi came to Zhu Yue's back again.

Afterwards, Riku lay on Zhu Yue's back with his head resting on Jibril's soft and sensual thighs, and looked at the sky leisurely. He just burst out with such a strong power, and he is still quite tired now.

"By the way, Master, are you going to the vampires to bring them closer to the alliance?" Jibril touched Riku's forehead and asked curiously.

"No, I'm looking for treasures, treasures that only I can find." Riku pondered, and finally explained vaguely.

"Oh, so the master's power just now was also a treasure found in the dragon spirit?" Jibril asked curiously.

"Well, that's it." Riku replied softly.

The reason why he replied was because ShuVi's eyes made him a little apologetic.

"Hehe, Master, look at me now that I'm recovering, can you make a deal with me?" Jibril's eyes lit up, and she lowered her head, her pretty face almost touching Riku's face, she laughed.

"Jibril, what is your current status?" Riku raised his brows slightly, exhaled on Jibril's face, and said calmly.

"Of course it's the master's maid." Jibril said without hesitation.

"Since I'm a maid, as the master, I want to play with your body, do I still need to trade with you?" Riku said solemnly.

"Hey! I really don't need this!" Jibril was stunned, then tilted her head and exclaimed.

"As the person I most respect, Master can play with my body at any time. Master, do you want to play with my body now? I can take off my clothes and serve you now." In the next moment, Jeep Lil showed her slutty expression again and stared at Riku frantically.

Hearing this, Riku's mouth twitched slightly, what Jibril said was absolutely true, she really could do that kind of thing.

"Prohibition of life-value behavior!" Shu Vi suddenly interjected.

"Hey, stupid Flügel, don't copulate with Lord Riku on my body!" Zhu Yue also turned her head and said angrily.

"Ara, Zhu Yue can't transform into a human form, so do you envy my master and I for being able to love each other?" Jibril raised her head and stroked her hair, provocatively.

"Jibril, if you play like this, you will really miss the gun." Riku raised his eyebrows and said with a serious face.

"Master, in fact, I really miss you missing a gun. After all, you only favor that little brat, Fia." Jibril said provocatively.

"Very well, Jibril, you have successfully aroused my 'anger', and I will teach you how to respect your master when you go back." Riku said majestic.

"That's really exciting." Jibril raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile.

"A pair of idiots." Hearing these conversations, Zhu Yue was speechless.

At this moment, ShuVi kept staring at Riku with a look of hesitating to speak, her eyes flashing slightly.

"ShuVi, what's wrong with you?" Riku asked with concern, noticing ShuVi's strangeness.

"ShuVi, I also want to help Riku. It's just that Fia doesn't give me reference data, so I can't create the most suitable 'hole' for Riku." ShuVi said in a tangled manner.

"Uh..." Hearing this, Riku touched his nose. ShuVi's obsession with this matter is really deep.

"Also, in terms of combat power, ShuVi is only a hindrance. I hate the feeling that I can't help." ShuVi stared at Riku and whispered.


" Riku was okay, Jibril and Zhu Yue didn't expect ShuVi, who is a mecha-type, to have so much thought, and it didn't fit the definition of mech-type at all.

"ShuVi doesn't need to think so much. You are one of the most important beings to me. Besides, ShuVi, you are one of my biggest trump cards. Let me take the Star Cup's trump card." Riku stretched out his hand lightly. Caressing ShuVi's small face, she said earnestly.

"Shu Vi, it's not that strong..." Hearing this, Shu Vi's eyes lit up at first, and then dimmed again. "ShuVi, it's just the parser that was disconnected."

"Well, disconnecting doesn't mean you can't go back. ShuVi, I will not only let you go back to the connection body, but I will also make you the full commander of the Armor Seed. ." Riku promised with a serious face.

0 ...


Hearing this, ShuVi's eyes widened a lot. Even Jibril and Zhu Yue were stunned.

"Are you confident?" Riku said softly with a smile.

"For Riku's sake, ShuVi, I will definitely do it." ShuVi was silent for a while, and then she said firmly.

Although her calculations told her that it was impossible, her 'heart' told her that she could do it. No, it's for Riku, I'll definitely do it.

"That's it. ShuVi is my most important contract partner at any time. Our lives, souls, and wills are already linked the first time we look at each other, aren't we?" Rikuwen said softly.

"Yeah!" Upon hearing this, ShuVi showed a rare humanized smile, nodded lightly, and laid her petite body on Riku's body, feeling Riku's heartbeat.

And Riku also touched ShuVi's head with a small smile on the corner of his mouth.

It feels so warm. Although ShuVi didn't quite understand the difference between this and the warmth of energy flow.

"It makes me a little envious." Jibril murmured in her heart as she watched Riku and ShuVi quietly.

Jibril had never seen such an expression, even when Riku loved Hatsuse Fia in the past. .

Chapter 83 The disaster of the blood-sucking species? (5/5 for full order!)

During the conversation, Zhu Yue also quickly left for the vampire's lair.

To be honest, Zhu Yue also envied the three of Riku chatting so smoothly. Although she can interrupt from time to time, being sat on her back and chatting with someone face-to-face are two concepts.

Why don't dragon spirits have the ability to change shape?