
The demon emperor of Lingfei Qingtian has been captured

"Rumor has it that the Eastern Domain Lord Jun Mu Qian is not only powerful in cultivation, but also unparalleled in beauty. However, after dying once, she was reborn as a waste disciple of her sect. This time, her spiritual roots were destroyed, her dantian was shattered, and her junior sister framed her, causing everyone to laugh at her. What's even more tragic is that people look down on her, call her useless, and even want to take her blood to claim her identity. Well, they should open their eyes and see how she kills her enemies of the past life and humiliates the seven major sects on her way to becoming the ultimate ruler! However, on this path, a beautiful woman appeared and forced her into a dangerous situation: 'Be responsible.' This is a story of a top-level expert who returns to the novice village, slaughters everyone, and accidentally brings a man with him, with the couple torturing others together. [Jun Mu Qian]: Since I brought him into this world of passion, I will protect him for eternity. If the heavens block me, I will break through them. If the gods block me, I will kill them!'" Support me on paypal dineshtha@gmail.com

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Chapter 112 Hongmeng Luck! Rong Qing comes to save his wife!

 And just as Old Man Tianji was vomiting blood -



  The sky suddenly shook at this moment, as if he was angered by the previous action.

  Large ink clouds began to gather, thick black covered the entire top of Tianji City, and the vision suddenly fell into darkness!

  Thunders fell from above one by one and hit the ground, sparks sparking all over the place and shooting out in all directions.

  Seeing this scene, the Tianji Tower disciples panicked.

  "What's going on?"

  "She is indeed a witch, and she has angered the sky!"

  A strong wind came from nowhere and blew up from the ground. It was so powerful that it knocked someone upside down.

  The disciples had to hold hands and gather their spiritual power to stabilize their bodies.

  "Ancestor! Think of a way!" The leader of the Right Protector shouted, "Only you can stop the sky."


  The second after these words were spoken, a bolt of silver lightning fell down and struck directly on the right protector.

  The right protector lost his balance, his vision went dark, and he fainted instantly.

  Before he fainted, he remembered how rebellious his words were.

  God, that was unstoppable!

  Old Man Tianji's face instantly turned gray, his silver whiskers were trembling, and he couldn't say a word.

  He finally understood why Heaven would accept this resurrected witch so quickly, and why it would send blessings to protect her when he took action!

  Because there is something in this woman that even Heaven is afraid of.

  "Hong, Hong..." Old Man Tianji stared at the light on the purple-clothed woman with wide eyes, his face showed extreme horror, and finally a hoarse four words came out of his throat, "Hongmeng Luck!"


  At the beginning of the chaos, there is vitality, which is called primordial.

  Hongmeng is the original era!

  The things left over from that era should have disappeared long ago. How could there be the existence of primordial luck? !

  Old Man Tianji didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it, because the word came to his mind the moment he was knocked out by the power of heaven.

  Everyone has a corresponding luck, but most of them are unknown.

  And the fortune of saints and kings is all passed down from their ancestors.

  These lucks have names, such as the luck of the real dragon and the luck of the real phoenix.

  But primordial luck...it's not comparable to these, it's the power of luck that makes Tian Du three points!

  But no one knows what is the mystery of Hongmeng luck.

  After all, it shouldn't exist at all!

  But now, it appeared, and it still appeared on a woman.

  The old man Tianji was completely speechless at this moment, he took a few steps back, and then fell to the ground.

  He stared blankly at the woman in purple on the altar, with a wry smile on his face.

  He, he actually... almost killed the host of Hongmeng Luck!

  No wonder Tiandao was furious and punished.

  In the eyes of Heaven, even Huaxu cannot compare to the owner of Hongmeng Luck!

  It's over.

  Old Man Tianji closed his eyes in pain, and his old body kept shaking.

  It is very possible that because of his one thought, the foundation of Tianji Tower was destroyed.

  What to do...


  Jun Muqian didn't know what was happening in the outside world at this moment. To be precise, she was a little confused now.

  Because the moment she was about to enter Taixiao, she suddenly felt another powerful force bursting out from her body.

  The force rushed straight up along her Tianling Cap, suddenly breaking her body.

  Immediately afterwards, she saw the galaxy above it shaking, and then shattered with a "bang".

  Next, the light falling from the sky covered her.

  The light was warm and soft, like a hug, reassuring her.

  And the wounds on her body began to heal slowly under the light beam.

  When the blood stains completely disappeared, Jun Muxian propped herself up on the ground and sat up cross-legged.

  For some unknown reason, the spiritual power in her body suddenly rioted and began to flow from her Dantian into her meridians crazily.

  If she couldn't calm down this violent spiritual power, she would definitely explode and die.

  Jun Muqian simply closed off his hearing and vision, calmed down, and began to regulate his breathing.

  She allocated part of her mental power to guide the scattered spiritual power in a fixed direction.

  As he exhales and inhales from his Dantian, his spiritual power begins to circulate, one week after another.

  Soon, she entered a state of trance.

  The breath began to rise slowly, and the cultivation level also improved accordingly.

  As for the woman in purple clothes, mist-like light appeared on her body, flowing on the surface of her skin, becoming more and more crystal clear.

  "God, Goddess!"

  Suddenly, a scream rang out: "Look! Look!"

  The disciples of Tianji Tower who were still conscious looked in the direction of the altar, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

  They actually saw a phantom appearing behind the woman in purple.

  Old Man Tianji also looked over and was also shocked.

  That phantom was not the Phoenix Winged Butterfly of Bliss from before. When he caught this witch, he forcibly severed the connection between her and her fighting spirit.

  Moreover, this shadow is not a butterfly.

  If he saw it correctly, it was a human figure!

  Old Man Tianji's eyelids twitched, and he found it difficult to breathe.

  Everything that happened today was beyond his prediction.

  Who is the owner of this primordial luck...

  Everyone watched in shock as the phantom slowly floated up, and then the shadow raised its two arms, encircling the woman in purple who was sitting there.

  The movements are gentle and elegant, and extremely beautiful.

  Although this shadow is very illusory, it doesn't have any color, it's just pitch black.

  But everyone can still tell that this is a woman.

  Her long hair was spread out, caressed by the wind.

  She floated there, her posture was calm and divine, making people dare not look directly at her.


  This is a thought that comes to everyone's mind.


  In the dream, a soft call echoed in my ears.

  Like the sound of wind and water, fresh and natural.

  "My child, my child..."

  "My child, open your eyes."

  Jun Muqian felt that her eyelids were very heavy. Although the voice was close at hand, she couldn't open it to take a look.

  who is it? Who is calling her?

  The voice seemed a little familiar, but more unfamiliar.

  She tried hard to open her eyes, but to no avail.

  And that soft voice still echoed in her ears.

  "Son, it's almost here, just hold on for a while, and it will be over soon."

  "Don't give up."


  After saying these four words, the voice completely disappeared, only the lingering sound was still around, It's like the sound of Sanskrit lingers, and the Zen bell rings softly.


  Jun Muqian's eyelashes trembled slightly, is this calling her?

  Who is it?

  But at this time, the disciples watching below screamed again: "Disappeared! The goddess is going to disappear!"

  Sure enough, the color of that phantom began to gradually fade.

  But just a second before she was about to turn into nothingness, she suddenly raised her head, and her movements paused.


  Those disciples were all stunned there, because they actually saw... the goddess smiled.

  No—it's just a shadow, where's the face?

  But in their senses, they saw a beautiful woman smiling at them.

  It was a laugh that dazzled and almost drowned in it.

  But when they suddenly woke up from the laughter, they forgot what the goddess looked like.

  At this time, the shadow completely dissipated.

  As if there was a connection, after the shadow disappeared, the ink clouds in the sky also dispersed, and the lightning and thunder stopped instantly.

  The huge pressure from the sky was removed, and the ground stopped shaking.

  But the woman in purple was still sitting there cross-legged, as if she was not moved by anything outside at all.

  Those disciples breathed a sigh of relief, and some who showed their loyalty immediately said, "Old Ancestor! This witch is not dead yet, please allow me to kill her!" "


  As soon as he finished speaking, a big slap came over.

  Old Man Tianji's gray sleeves suddenly grew longer, knocking over all the disciples who said this

  , and they all fell into pieces.

  He was furious: "What a witch! They are all talking nonsense!" As

  soon as these words came out, the disciples couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

  "This is a distinguished guest of my Tianji Building!" Old Man Tianji took a few deep breaths, "Pass the old man's order, open the Lingtan, and welcome the distinguished guest!" All the disciples looked at each other in disbelief


  Just now, he said that the woman was a witch and must be eliminated as soon as possible. Why is she now a distinguished guest of their Tianji Tower?

  Want to open Lingtan?

  It should be noted that this Lingtan Lake is a naturally formed lake that has the effect of reviving dead people, whitening flesh and bones, and washing muscles and cutting marrow.

  It can even improve your cultivation level.

  It is also because of Lingtan and the excellent Feng Shui here that Tianji Tower was chosen here.

  And Lingtan is the lifeblood of Tianji City and cannot be used easily.

  Even Yan Shaoling, Old Man Tianji's favorite disciple, is not qualified to enter, and now he is actually using the Lingtan Pool for an outsider?

  "Old Ancestor! Think twice!" Guardian You had already woken up, and upon hearing this, he hurriedly persuaded, "We can exchange other things to welcome the distinguished guests." "Shut up." Old Man Tianji looked at him coldly

  , "What is the old man going to do, how can you tell me what to do?"

  He snorted coldly: "Why don't you hurry up and help the distinguished guest down? If there is a slight mistake, we can't even think about living up and down the Tianji Building!" "   !


Dare to talk more, he had a vague feeling that something big was going on in their Tianji Tower.

  "Quick, hurry up and invite the distinguished guests down."

  The disciples who were frozen there immediately started to take action and walked towards the altar.

  Old Man Tianji stroked his beard and sighed with worry on his face.

  I hope he can use these to make amends, otherwise, the fate of Tianjilou is really coming to an end.

  However, before Old Man Tianji could heave a sigh of relief, suddenly!

  A powerful coercion suddenly approached, causing those disciples who had just stepped onto the altar to fly out.

  "Bang bang!" several times, each of them hit the ground.

  "What... people?" The veins on the old man Tianji's forehead twitched, and he was about to utter a rage, but the next second he became strangely quiet.


  For a while, everyone was silent, even the wind seems to have stopped.

  On the high altar, a tall and slender figure appeared.

  He was wearing a long crimson robe, with half a mask covering his face, his black hair tied up with a red ribbon, and a few strands of blue hair hanging from his forehead.

  The man's skin is as smooth as white jade, without any blemishes.

  It seems to have seen all the mortals in the world, with infinite indifference and compassion.

  But what made people breathless was that when the double pupils fell on the body of the purple-clothed woman, the ice inside shattered.

  In an instant, the warm wind came together, shimmering up and down, a vast expanse of blue.

  The peerless appearance is not an exaggeration.

  Rong Qing bent down, stretched out her arms, and then slowly hugged Jun Muqian.

  He glanced down at the person in his arms, held her with one hand, and clasped her wrist with the other.

  Nothing happened, but fell asleep again...

  Rong shook his head lightly, and when he looked up again, his pupils darkened a bit.

  He swept the people under the stage lightly, and his eyes finally fell on Old Man Tianji.

  Old Man Tianji's body suddenly trembled in disbelief.

  It's actually...

  This is impossible!

  Doesn't he belong to the same era as that god of war Shen Ye?

  He should have died long ago! How would it appear here?

  Rong's thin lips moved slightly, and he said: "This account will be settled later."

  The tone was very light, unremarkable, but with an undisguised murderous intent.

  Those disciples didn't know why, but when they saw that even their ancestors didn't dare to move rashly, there was horror in their eyes.

  Didn't it mean that no one in Hua Xu would be a match for old man Tianji?

  So who is this mysterious scarlet-clothed man?

  The Dazong sect is far away from the imperial dynasty, and has never cared about the secular world, so naturally it doesn't know the regent cabinet master.

  However, even if they knew about it, they wouldn't take it to heart.

  I don't know the horror of the people in front of me.

  Rong Qing no longer looked at them, and left the altar with the person in her arms.

  But the direction to go is the location of Lingtan.

  No one dared to go up to stop them, they all stood there silently.

  "This is..." Old Man Tianji looked depressed, "It's really over."

  Yes, it's over.

  After that person appeared, he knew that everything was over.

  How could it become like this?

  Suddenly, Old Man Tianji seemed to remember something, and his eyebrows sank suddenly.

  There was a whooping sound in his throat, as if he had been hit.

  "Old Ancestor?" Before Guardian Right stepped forward, he heard the old man laugh out loud.

  There was a cold chill in the laughter, which made people tremble with fear.

  "Okay! Okay, the old man really raised a good apprentice!" Old Man Tianji sneered, "A good apprentice who wants to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors!"

  Now that he figured it out, his aptitude in this apprentice was higher than his, and he would definitely be able to detect Hua Xu's changes.

  Moreover, that person obviously appeared after he retreated, it is impossible for Yan Shaoling not to know.

  How could old man Tianji not understand at this moment that he was being tricked.

  The more you think about it, the more anger you feel in your heart.

  Hearing this, Guardian Right turned pale with shock: "The landlord?!"

  What's going on here, why is the landlord involved again?

  However, he didn't get an answer, because old man Tianji disappeared with a "swish".

  Obviously, they went to find Yan Shaoling.

  Only a few disciples were not injured in the previous riot. They asked in confusion: "Master Protector, what should we do now?" "Don't do anything first." Protector Right thought for a while, "It's better to wait for the

  ancestor and the poster to make a decision. Go!"

  The disciples responded in unison: "Yes, Lord Protector!"

  What they didn't see was that another white shadow passed by the altar and disappeared in the same direction.


  On the other side, Rong Qing had already arrived at Lingtan with Jun Muxian in his arms.

  Misty mist, hazy.

  There is a stone tablet placed on the left side of the entrance, with the word "ling" inscribed with dragons and phoenixes dancing on it.

  Only Old Man Tianji can open Lingtan, so there are no restrictions here.

  But this "only" does not exist in front of Rong Qing.

  He walked straight in without even pausing.

  The further inside he went, the stronger the spiritual energy became, until he stopped at the edge of the spiritual pool.

  Rong Qing bent down, and then slowly put the person in his arms into the pool of water.

  The Lingtan was very shallow, just below Jun Muzhen's neck, and bubbles bubbled up.

  This Lingtan is not as precious as the Spring of Creation, but it is also rare because the spiritual energy contained in the water can be directly absorbed by the human body.

  Rong Qing lowered her eyelashes slightly, stretched out her hand and tapped the top of the pool again.

  Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the center of the pool.

  A trickle of water spurted out from the whirlpool, swirling with colorful light, and then floated towards the sleeping Jun Muqian.

  "Hmm..." As if feeling something, Jun Muqian snorted softly, but her eyes were still tightly closed, showing no sign of waking up.

  Is it unbearable...

  Seeing this, Rong Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, bent down, and wanted to investigate carefully.

  As a result, at this moment, the people in the pool suddenly moved.

  In the next second, there was a "plop" and a splash of water.

  At the same time, a pleasant sigh sounded: "I'm so happy..."