
The demon emperor of Lingfei Qingtian has been captured

"Rumor has it that the Eastern Domain Lord Jun Mu Qian is not only powerful in cultivation, but also unparalleled in beauty. However, after dying once, she was reborn as a waste disciple of her sect. This time, her spiritual roots were destroyed, her dantian was shattered, and her junior sister framed her, causing everyone to laugh at her. What's even more tragic is that people look down on her, call her useless, and even want to take her blood to claim her identity. Well, they should open their eyes and see how she kills her enemies of the past life and humiliates the seven major sects on her way to becoming the ultimate ruler! However, on this path, a beautiful woman appeared and forced her into a dangerous situation: 'Be responsible.' This is a story of a top-level expert who returns to the novice village, slaughters everyone, and accidentally brings a man with him, with the couple torturing others together. [Jun Mu Qian]: Since I brought him into this world of passion, I will protect him for eternity. If the heavens block me, I will break through them. If the gods block me, I will kill them!'" Support me on paypal dineshtha@gmail.com

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146 Chs

Chapter 111 He is here! This is impossible! !

"Why are you so panicked?" Old Man Tianji was looking at the miniature of the galaxy that he had transferred out of the Qingtian Palace when he was suddenly interrupted and felt a little unhappy.

  "Someone is coming from outside, asking you to let him go. If you don't let him go, the entire Tianji City will be destroyed!"

  The disciple finally finished saying this and was already sweating.

  "Don't worry about it." Old Man Tianji waved his sleeves, "When I came back, I had already placed a ban on him. His cultivation level was no longer above my level. No matter how powerful he was, he wouldn't be able to get in." He sneered slightly, but Yanshi didn't expect it

  . That apprentice was able to escape from his control was something he underestimated.

  But what if it comes?

  Doomed to come back empty-handed!

  But he could be merciful and leave a body for this kid.

  "I understand, ancestor!" The disciple breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the city gate.


  At this moment, at the edge of the city, attacks fell from the sky one after another, hitting the city wall directly.


  It was like thunder that passed through the ears, roaring continuously.

  The disciples guarding the city on the city wall were all knocked down by this huge spiritual power. They barely managed to hold on to the wall before they managed to get up and stabilize their bodies.   In the panic, some disciples shouted: "Didn't the ancestor

  say what to do?


Tianji Tower.

  Don't want to die?

  "Don't be afraid!" The disciple who went and returned loudly said, "The ancestor said that there is his restriction here, and others cannot break it!" As soon as these words came out, the disciples guarding the city quickly calmed down and exchanged words

  . After looking at each other, they both smiled.

  With the ancestors around, they are not afraid of anyone in Tianjilou.

  Thinking about it this way, let the people below continue to attack.

  Sure enough, although the city wall was shaking violently, those attacks seemed to hit a transparent barrier.

  Before entering, it had already dissipated.

  But even so, there is still some residual spiritual power coming in.

  "Pfft——" a disciple with a lower cultivation level was affected by the spiritual power, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly became fatigued.

  "Who the hell is down here?"

  "This level of strength is beyond our ability to resist!"

  The disciples defending the city were all terrified, and they knew that if the old man Tianji hadn't banned them here, they would have been attacked as early as the first wave of attacks. They are already dead.

  "Look! Look quickly!" A disciple suddenly exclaimed, "Is that, isn't it..."

  Because he was too shocked, he couldn't say the following words.

  "What is it?" The other disciples also looked in the direction of his finger, all startled, "Fairy Tianyin?!" The

  woman in white was standing under the city, with her head down, playing the piano.


  The Fuxi-style piano was lying in the air, floating there, moving with her fingers.

  Twist gently and slowly, suddenly heavy and sometimes urgently.

  Fairy Tianyin seemed not to notice the many glances, her expression was indifferent and her movements were light.

  But just from this simple action, such terrifying power exploded.



  The sound of the piano continued to sound, and the light flowed out. The offensive became more and more intense, and the city wall shook more violently.

  "Nine, Nine Heavens Ring Pendant!"

  I don't know who, with a hoarse voice, tremblingly called out the name.

  Artifact, Nine Heavens Ring Pendant.

  This is the only one in Huaxu.

  "Fairy Tianyin! It's really Fairy Tianyin!" The disciples guarding the city were shocked. They couldn't understand why Fairy Tianyin would take action against Tianji Tower.

  Moreover, he actually used the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant!

  One must know that Fairy Tianyin never took out her qin even in the Hundred Sects War.

  There are rumors in the world that if the Jiuxiao Huanpei appears, it means that its owner must be angered.

  pissed off?

  Fairy Tianyin?

  When this thought surfaced, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

  What the hell did the ancestor do, why did Fairy Tianyin come?

  What the disciples of Tianjilou didn't know was that Lou Xingxun was communicating with Fairy Tianyin at this moment.

  "The power of the Jiuxiao Huanpei is indeed extremely powerful." He first praised, "If we attack for a while, we should be able to break through." Remembering that he had said that he wanted to see the Jiuxiao Huanpei before, he couldn't help but smile softly

  . With a sound.

  He could take the Nine Heavens Ring, but he couldn't stand such a continuous attack.

  "Indestructible." Fairy Tianyin's voice was clear and cold, "My spiritual power is almost exhausted." "What?" Lou

  Xingxun was slightly startled, "Are you about to run out of spiritual power?"

  He looked at Bai Yi. The woman glanced at her, but she didn't see any fatigue at all.

  "Otherwise you think?" Fairy Tianyin bent her finger and brushed the third string, "The group attack skill is so easy to use?" Hearing this, Lou Xingxun touched his nose and muttered: "I

  thought You don't feel anything."

  But yes, this kind of continuous attack method really consumes spiritual power.

  "I'm not a puppet." Fairy Tianyin looked at him coldly, "I have five senses." "Then

  what should I do now?" Lou Xingxun raised his eyes and glanced at the crumbling city, and was silent for a moment before saying, "I came out. I was in a hurry and didn't bring a puppet."

  In order to hide his identity well, he always placed such things in a secret place. After all, he would not use them easily.

  Who would have thought that something like this would happen to me today.

  "Wait." Fairy Tianyin said one word lightly.

  "Wait?" Lou Xingxun was stunned.

  "Wait for him, or him."

  "Him? And him?" Lou Xingxun was completely confused.

  Fairy Tianyin said nothing more and continued to play the piano.

  The face hidden under the white mist became rarely solemn at this moment.

  I just don't know, I can't wait for it to arrive.


  Jun Muqian lay on the tall altar and looked at the galaxy above.

  And in my ears, I heard the sound of hunting.

  She narrowed her eyes and probably guessed what it was.

  She had seen a similar scene in her previous life, but at that time she was standing in the audience, relatively far away.

  It is said that it was established to remove evil obstacles.

  Oh, it turns out she is still an evildoer.


  "Old man, can you go faster?" Jun Muxian still looked up and shouted, "Weren't you always in a hurry just now? Why are you slower now?" Old Man Tianji did not answer, but stared at

  the Fang Xinghe shrunk and started pointing at the budget.

  When Jun Muqian saw that Old Man Tianji ignored her, he didn't care and started humming.

  A song she had heard in the Illusory Universe, which was said to have spread from the Heavenly Realm.

  "The misty rain is faint, and the world of mortals is misty and indistinct.

  There are ripples, and the breeze passes without leaving a trace..." The

  gentle singing echoed in the altar, and the disciples of Tianji Tower who were ready to watch how the witch brought back by Old Man Tianji died in pain , are dumbfounded.

  This... what kind of nerve is this!

  You're almost dead, but you're still in the mood to sing?

  Jun Muqian was still humming: "...the glass of wine and swords in my palm covered the world with laughter." "


  The sound of the piano from outside the city also came in at this time, accompanying the song, although It's not the same tune, but it sounds surprisingly good.

  Listening and listening, those disciples couldn't help being immersed in it, and forgot what they thought before.

  Some people who are familiar with the rhythm have even hummed along.

  Here, Old Man Tianji hadn't finished his calculations yet. When he suddenly saw this scene, he shouted angrily: "The witch! She's deceiving people's hearts again!" The shout instantly pulled the somewhat distracted disciples back from the fantasy world


  They were startled and all knelt down: "Ancestor, forgive me!"

  "I don't blame you." Old Man Tianji looked stern, "This witch is too powerful. It is expected that you fell into her trap."

  Jun Muqian couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

  After singing a song, it becomes a demagogue. This old man really likes to talk nonsense.

  Tsk, she doesn't know how to confuse others, it's Mei who knows how to do this.

  Her good friend's charm is not ordinary.

  "Huh!" Old Man Tianji snorted coldly, clicked in the void, and then directly blocked the voice of the woman in purple.

  Jun Muqian shrugged and didn't care, but she wanted to see what method she would use to kill her later.

  Old Man Tianji continued to count, counted, and suddenly, with a "wow", he spat out a mouthful of blood.

  This scene shocked the disciples who were watching.


  "Ancestor, what's wrong with you? Did this witch hurt you with her magic?" "

  This witch is so brave!"

  "Pfft--" Old Man Tianji vomited again before he could answer. A mouthful of blood.

  The black and red blood stained the silver beard, making it look slightly ferocious.

  "Monster, witch..." His fingers trembled, "You actually, actually..."

  Jun Muzhen was confused: "What happened to me?"

  She was lying here well, what did she do?

  Doesn't this old man still have paranoia about persecution?

  No one can know the fear that Old Man Tianji felt at this moment, because just when he was doing calculations, he suddenly discovered that the star that had not been completely integrated with the Huaxu star disk had returned to its position at this moment!

  This proves that Tiandao has recognized Xingzi's master, and admitted that she did not make any mistakes in coming to Huaxu.

  But also because of this extra star, the whole Huaxu has developed in a completely different direction from before.

  What is meant to be alive is destroyed.

  He deserves to live and die.

  It's messed up, everything is messed up!

  Old Man Tianji's body trembled violently, his beard curled up, and he fell into a state of madness.

  No, it can't...

  This is Hua Xu, who he has guarded for hundreds of years, and it can't just be destroyed like this.

  Thinking up to this point, old man Tianji's gaze was sharp again, extremely cold.

  He sneered: "Witch, so what if you are accepted by Heaven, you are still going to die today!"

  Hearing this, Jun Muzhen's eyes suddenly narrowed.

  This old man...

  Listening to his words, it seems that Tiandao has no intention of getting rid of her.

  Why did he become even more furious?

  Sure enough, an old lunatic.

  "The order of the old man—" After wiping off all the blood, the old man Tianji said in a stern voice, "Inject all your spiritual power into the altar, and then..." "

  Punish the demon girl!"

  Very good, since Tiandao has already If you don't care about this matter, just let him solve it personally.

  "Obey, Patriarch."

  All the disciples responded in unison, and then gathered their spiritual power in unison, following the order of Old Man Tianji, and poured their spiritual power into the altar.

  In an instant, light of various colors exploded, intense and dazzling.

  Then they gradually rotated, gathered together, intertwined and rushed forward.

  The next second, Old Man Tianji took action. He formed a seal with his hands, full of spiritual energy and ready to go.

  At the same time, the miniature galaxy in the sky shook violently.

  Those stars seemed to sense something and began to tremble, as if they wanted to fall down to prevent the next scene.

  "Get up!" the old man Tianji shouted, and quickly raised his finger, "Gather   !

  "   Jun Muxian chose to close her eyes, her expression still calm.   She had already calculated that if she couldn't hold on, she would immediately enter Taixiao, and then take a good dip in the spring of creation.   The cinnabar on the center of Old Man Tianji's brows became brighter and brighter, his eyes were extremely cold, looking at the altar as if looking at a dead person.   Indifferent words spit out from his mouth: "Go—"   He yelled again: "Destroy me!"


  The paused light instantly resumed its momentum, and the surrounding spiritual energy was rioting, raging to tear the people on the altar into pieces.

  The brightest star in the galaxy shook even more violently, and several stars attracted by it also trembled.


  Jun Muzhen could already feel the oppressive attack right in front of her, and she couldn't help but breathe faster.

  Close again!

  The faces of the disciples in the audience were filled with joy: "The demon girl is going to die!"

  No matter how close it is!

  Old Man Tianji finally suppressed the coldness in his eyes and became immortal again.

  However, in the next second, his eyes suddenly solidified.

  His whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and even his blood was frozen.


  This time, Old Man Tianji couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out.



  was still a state of anxiety outside the city. Neither Qinyin nor the formation could do anything to the other, so they reached a stalemate there.

  Lou Xingxun couldn't help, so he could only pace there.

  "Alas..." As soon as he sighed, he felt that the ground seemed to shake violently.

  One of them almost failed to stabilize and fell down.

  "What's going on?" Lou Xingxun was stunned, and then his expression changed, "Could it be that..."

  Fairy Tianyin obviously also sensed it, her eyes sank, and she strummed the strings even faster.

  "Bang bang!"

  "Boom boom--"

  The offensive was more intensive than before, hitting the city like raindrops.

  However, the formation is still stable and shows no signs of breaking.

  The full attack of Jiuxiao Huanpei still can't resist the power of heaven!

  Seeing this, Lou Xingxun said anxiously: "It would be great if Brother Rong was here. If he comes, he will definitely..." The

  following words got stuck in his throat.

  At the same time, the rushing sound of the piano also stopped with a "hum".

  The big formation was actually broken at this moment, and all the disciples in the city spat out a mouthful of blood, and all passed out.

  Lou Xingxun was surprised: "Fairy, you can do it."

  However, Fairy Tianyin shook her head and said flatly, "It's not me."

  She doesn't have that ability, unless...

  the two of them were stunned suddenly, because they saw someone in the sky. Beside, a scarlet robe suddenly appeared.

  The man seems to have stepped on the moon from the sky, carrying thousands of brilliance, and slowly descending.

  Silver face, black hair, double pupils and thin lips.

  As the saying goes, it is absolutely elegant and magnificent.

  As if aware of their gazes, the man in scarlet clothes turned his head slightly to this side, took a look, and then approached the city.

  "It's really here." Lou Xingxun murmured, then heaved a sigh of relief.

  Now that this person is here, there should be no danger.

  "Fairy, the one you just mentioned is Brother Rong, right?" Lou Xingxun asked, "Who is the other one?" "

  Here." Fairy Tianyin raised her chin, and a faint smile finally appeared in her eyes. "Here we come too."

  "Huh?" Lou Xingxun just turned his head, and after a quick glance, he saw only a white shadow.

  He was a little surprised: "Who is that?"

  "You don't know." Fairy Tianyin shook her head, "The people above."

  Lou Xingxun thought for a while and blurted out: "Wanling?"

  Fairy Tianyin hummed, Said: "Let's go."

  The two of them entered the city immediately without saying much.



  Those disciples screamed and wanted to pass, but found that they could not get closer.

  Invisibly, there seemed to be a force surrounding the altar.

  Old Man Tianji gasped for air, and blood continued to overflow from his mouth, which showed that he was seriously injured.

  "No, it's impossible!" His eyes were terrified, and he looked up at the sky, "Heaven protects you?!"

  The galaxy had disappeared at some point, and the real sky was replaced by it!

  However, on this day, a beam of light descended and enveloped the woman in purple on the altar.

  Old Man Tianji gritted his teeth, shouted angrily, and rushed forward again regardless of his injuries.

  This time, he used 100% of his power!


  his body fell heavily again, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

  When the old man Tianji got up to take a look again, he was completely stunned there, and exclaimed in disbelief: "No, this is impossible, how could it be it
