
The ladies sister-in-law bounding got ruined

After some seconds of tight hugging, the glass of water almost spilled on the floor, before li Chang li finally let go of Violet,she said,"Wow... it's really you,I really thought I was hallucinating,I thought I won't get to see you again,nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too,"Violet said sincerely while gesturing her hand to give li Chang li a handshake.

Okay,"li Chang li replied while exchanging handshakes with Violet.

After a while of greetings and chatting,li Chang li became thirsty for water,she collected the glass of water from Violet but before she could drink it,she was stopped by a hand snatching back the glass of water,"li Chang li was surprised and asked cheerfully".

"Why did you collected the glass of water from me,or are you trying to create a fun weird game".

Nope,I..... I,"Violet couldn't tell her the truth,so she decided to lie to her".

I snatched the glass of water because my medicine was filled in it,I had a little headache so I decided to add my medicine in the water,so it would be less bitter,"Violet said before drinking the whole glass of water,she cursed herself on her mind,why did she added salt in the glass of water,and now her devilish plan had backfired and gone against her".

So you're my brother's wife,"li Chang li said cheerfully while waiting for her replies".

Eh...I didn't know that he was your brother,"Violet replied and was surprised,"how can a handsome cold guy have such a lovely cheerfully sister,"she thought to herself".

Hmm.....so my brother didn't told you about me,his sister,Well I am not surprised,what a heartbreak,"li Chang li said while properly introducing herself to Violet".

Little madam, young mistress, breakfast is ready,come and eat,"Mrs wang came to inform the two princess of the house".

After Mrs wang had informed them about breakfast,they headed towards the large dinning table to eat their breakfast that was already served.

When they were done eating as much as they could,their stomach couldn't accept more of the food and they gave up feeling very satisfied.

Violet was later curious of how old li Chang li was,she asked,"li Chang li may I ask how old you are".

I am twenty-one (21) years old,"li Chang li answered".

Okay,"Violet responded now feeling satisfied".

Li Chang li looked at Violet face and examined it,trying to guess how old she is.

Well you look younger than me,"li Chang li said after she examined Violet's face".

Violet looked at her,she said,"I am 18 years old clocking 19 this year".

Chang li was surprised by her age but not much because she could tell her face.

Chang li wanted to ask Violet whether she had decided not to go to college or has she decided to be a house wife,but thought to herself to ask her that for later,and as for now, they will need a little adventure.

Are you ready, let's go,"li Chang li said to Violet while bouncing off from the dinner chair".

Go where,"Violet asked politely while been confused".

We are heading out to have some sister-in-law bounding moment and off course, some fun perhaps,"li Chang li said while bouncing up and down like a kid".

Okay,"Violet agreed happily, because if she could get them out of the mansion in the name of sister-in-law bounding moment,she would have her chance to escape,"she thought to herself feeling happy and excited".

Of course I am ready and already dressed big sis,"Violet said to Chang li while showing her how ready she was before she bounce off the chair too".

Okay let's go,"Chang li replied".

When they were about to open the door to head out to the gate, Mrs wang approached and stopped them atleast to ask where they were going to.

Young mistress, please may I ask where you're taking little madam to,"she asked politely".

To have a sister-in-law bounding moment,"li Chang li said while smiling at Violet".

But young mistress,you can celebrate your sister-in-law bounding here,in the mansion,I can arrange all the necessary things that you will need,"Mrs wang said to li Chang li being a little persistent".

No Mrs wang, outside the mansion is a lot better and lovely for celebrating my sister-in-law bounding moment,"li Chang li assured her".

But young mistress, Mr li gave an order that little madam should not step out of the mansion without his permission,"Mrs wang finally told the truth to Chang li".

Hmm....well that's not a problem, besides she's not a prisoner and it won't take long we will be back,right sis,"Chang li said while turning to Violet for support".

Of course,it won't take long,we will head back before you even know it,"Violet said supporting Chang li".

Who would come back???"Violet thought to herself on her little mind".

Okay young mistress, but keep a close eyes on little madam,she might get lost on the way,"Mrs wang said to Chang li while staring at Violet with a little pleading assurance eyes before finally assuring them to go".

Okay Mrs wang, thanks a lot,"li Chang li replied while dragging Violet along with her".

Be back soon,"Mrs wang said to them while staring at their back until it was no longer visible,she head back into the mansion".

Chang li and Violet could be seen outside wandering amongst the crowd, chatting happily before Violet sighted a restroom and lied to Chang li that she was pressed.

Chang li then gestured her hand for her to go and she decided to wait outside for her.

Violet entered the restroom and was about to climb the window that was facing the opposite side,but before she could do that,her heartache with guilt.

She though to herself,if she escape now,the chang li would be blamed for not keeping a close eyes on her and she may have problem with her brother, Violet thought bitterly".

When she was done with her thinking,she decided not to escape for now,so that she would not put Chang li, who was her only friend here in any trouble.

She came out of the restroom and told Chang li that she was done.

But before she could adjust herself,she was dragged by Chang li into the nearby large restaurant with hotel rooms too in it.

The restaurant look quite expensive and organized,Chang li dragged Violet in and a lady with the restaurant uniform logo approached them.

Ma,please how may I help you,"the lady asked politely".

I have made a reservation for two please,"Chang li said politely to the lady".

The lady checked and confirmed it,and led them to their sit.

Violet was amazed to see that Chang li had already made a reservation for them,she was pleased.

And soon another lady came with the menu, although they had already eaten at the mansion, Violet ordered a little and Chang li ordered for beer, Violet was surprised,how can she drink beer???*.

The lady in the uniform served them and  Chang li could be seen drinking the beer asif it was water.

Violet digged in to eat her food but was surprised when a hand grabbed her up with force,"it was a man atleast in his mid's 55 with a pot belly,he is the CEO of fashion industry entertainment company,"Yi Yuan".

He dragged Violet along with him without her permission.

He spotted Violet sitting a mile away from him and was stunned by her beauty,he decided to come have his way with her since no one could stop him.

Violet struggled to break free from his grips on her hand,Chang li dropped her bottle of beer surprised,she stood up and also begin to drag Violet awayvm from him , but was held by his two bodyguards.

Let me go!!!!!"Violet and Chang shouted at the same time.

But Yi Yuan kept on dragging her to his hotel room while laughing,he wasn't touched at all by her screaming.

The hotel workers was scared to interfere because they were scared for their life and they decided to do nothing ,they just pitied the two young ladies.

Chang li wasn't giving up,she kicked one of the bodyguard and escape from the other,she ran towards Violet that was been dragged to the hotel room by Yi Yuan,she hit him hard but he wasn't letting go of Violet, before she could hit him again Yi Yuan's bodyguards grabbed her back.

Violet cried for help,as soon as he was about to open the door to his hotel room,he was held by a very strong grip of a man with a godly handsome face,the man's aura was as cold as hell. 

Yi Yuan was amazed as to who dared to hold and stop him,he turned to the man and was left shocked.