
My unexpected friend

Violet could be seen dragged back into the mansion,she struggled hard to break free but that wasn't enough.

They brought her back to the master bedroom before leaving, shutting the door behind them.

Violet was again heading towards the door exit but was confronted and stopped by li shin yu.

Are you going somewhere again, wifey,"li shin yu said to Violet blocking her part".

You already knew of my escape plan, but how,"Violet asked out of curiosity".

But instead of him answering her question,"he smirked at her,"he said",

You look adorable in your husband's clothes.

Violet then remembered that she was still dressed in his cloths.

We will continue our conversation, don't.. better move from here

Violet said to him while heading to the closet to change.

Violet was already heading to the closet when li shin yu stopped and ordered her to not only change but she should take a shower.

"Why do you care about me not taking a shower now".

Violet looked confused and asked.

You stink,"li shin yu answered her question being straight forward.

What!!!me,I stink"Violet complained while folding her hands on her chest".

Li shin yu didn't answer her,he said,"go take your shower and dress well, we're expecting an important guest".

Violet looked at him with a displeasing face,she said,"we...what does that has to do with me?

As you can see,I am heading to the company,taking care of my guest will be your responsibility,"li shin yu answered her while preparing to go to his office".

Since it's your guest, shouldn't you wait,"Violet complained feeling less easy".

No,I don't need to because I have my little wifey to take care of that,"li shin yu replied with a smirk".

Take good care of my guest although she's a little older than you,"li shin yu said before turning to leave".

Violet watched his back until it was no longer visible.

I should take care of his guest who is actually older than me, is it a male or a female,"Violet thought to herself feeling a little stuffy".

Hmm...I will take care of your guest for you,"Violet thought having a little devilish idea on her head,before heading toward the bathroom to take a shower.

I can't wait to arrive at the mansion,"A lady in her mid's twenty said to herself happily".

It's been a while since she had ever visit his mansion,she was busy having fun,she loves going on adventures and she was a really cheerful lady.

The cab stopped at the gate entrance and a lady could be seen heading out of the cab.

Here is your payment,"said the lady to the cab man".

The cab man thanked her before driving away.

One of the guards spotted the lady and immediately went to open the gate for her.

Young mistress you're here,"The bodyguard whose name was Zha Rin said".

Of course I am,"she answered cheerfully".

But young master went to his office today,"Zha rin informed her".

No worry,he already called and informed me about that,I just came to see the the wife he talked about.

The lady said being too curious.

It was just yesterday she had called li shin yu to inform him about when he was going to marry to w beautiful lady she could have fun with but to her surprise he told her that he was already married,so she decided to come and confirm it.

Okay young mistress,"Zha rin replied before heading back to his post".

The lady went into the mansion and sat on the the cushion waiting for the boss's wife.

Violet was done taking her bath,and was already dressed,she decided to head down stairs because she was informed by Mrs wang that master li shin yu's guest had already arrived.

I need to atleast serve the cold prince's guest some water to drink.

Violet said while heading to the kitchen,she took an empty cup and went to the water dispenser to fill it up.

She later added salt to it,before heading towards the large living room carrying the cup of water.

When she arrived she couldn't believe her eyes it was her,the lady who helped and walked her to the shop they sell mobile cell phone,"Li Chang li was her name".

Li Chang li looked at Violet and couldn't believe her eyes,she couldn't believe that she was older brother's wife,but she was happy because ever since she met Violet for the first time she had always wish to see her again or maybe even be her sister-in-law and marry her cold single brother.

And now her dreams had come true.

Li Chang li taught to herself before hugging Violet like a kid who was gifted candy by her grandmother.