
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 10


I'm one year old, that's how long I've lived in this world. That's not counting the time spent in mom's belly

Our house was small, one-storey. Our dwelling was located almost a few hundred meters from other houses. Other houses did not hold such a strong distance and were within a hundred meters.


I saw this on my next morning jog, when I decided to run further than I was supposed to, then Shizuka slapped me on the ass for it, because, I quote, "Tai Lung, it's dangerous outside, don't go too far from our house." She was worried because many wolves had lost loved ones after the war. And I'm not a wolf, but a snow leopard. That's why some people can kill me in the heat of the moment.


Although, it's their own fault that they came to my house and began to kill my people, let them realize the value of their choice.


Rarely, but once they threw stones at our windows, however, then, in a surprising way, they stopped throwing. And the children of my age, seeing me, for some reason, began to run home in fear. I wonder why that would be?


Just one day I caught this bastard who breaks windows in my house and broke his arm. It's a trifle, it will heal in two weeks. In general, everything healed in three days when I hit Shizuku on the ass with the palm of his hand with all his strength... Ahem, let's forget about that.


After the snow leopards' territories were captured, most of the wolves moved there. Shizuka and I didn't go there right away, it still took some time to rebuild everything for the new residents, only a month ago we were able to move to my native land.


After moving, we were given a new house on the outskirts of the village. As in the past, there were no other dwellings for about a kilometer from our house and the whole area was completely ours! That's why no one heard my screams...


My ki channels are still closed, not completely, because about one-tenth of my meditations have already opened. And, if you do the math, then only by the age of six or seven will they be fully revealed to me. Must open...


My body, after numerous sophisticated tortures... The game soon lost its childish plumpness, grew stronger and became much stronger. I'm almost a meter tall, well, about 90 with a tail, I look like a two-year-old kid now! Even though I'm only a year old.


Having been wounded, the wound heals literally before our eyes. In the morning I cut myself, and by lunchtime everything was healed. I ran a ten-kilometer cross-country race, got very tired, rested for an hour and was ready for new adventures like new.


I spent my ki every day, when I went to bed, she was always on the bottom. Over the course of the night, it recovered and became a little more with each new day. And all thanks to Shizuka, who evenly and gradually increased the load on my body.


In the past world, any child would have died of exhaustion, but I'm not human, I'm a beast! Moreover, with a powerful cheat called "Ki", it has generally become easier to live with.


If I get too tired, I can use ki as a miracle elixir and regain my strength. However, if I spend all my ki at once, it will be even worse for me than it was before... I was nauseous, dizzy, my stomach twisted, my whole body aching, and I felt like I was slowly dying. I'll never do that again.


About the moment when Shizuka accidentally broke my arm. It's not bad, it's just that I've confused the boundaries a little and wasted it... I confess it's guilty, but it was worth it. To understand how I came to this point, I need to clarify something and start where it all started.


I "learned" to talk in a month, and all because I hit my little finger on the bed and for the first time in this life swore at Russian. At the sound, Shizuka came and began to find out what was going on. And then it went and instead of evening games, she began to teach me to talk and pronounce simple words.


I quickly got sick of pretending to be dumb, that is, to be a little bit like a child, I still missed the moment, so I logically decided, if to be a genius, then a smart genius!


At least in Shizuki's eyes... We all understand and are aware of the truth.


It happened two months ago, when I learned to talk, I started asking her a lot of questions... There are a lot of questions. Now Shizuka regretted that she had "taught" me to talk. Or should I say, did it give her the opportunity to start raping her brain early? I was going to start doing it anyway in the near future. After all, for a year of my life, I had accumulated a lot of questions that needed answers, and it became more and more difficult to restrain them.


For two weeks, she filled me with answers to my questions, confirmed my theories, and occasionally refuted them with reliable information. In most cases, my assumptions turned out to be correct, I missed only the world around me, considering that all animals are at war with each other, it turned out that they are not. Most kingdoms live peacefully, organize combat tournaments, do not interfere in other people's affairs and try to solve problems peacefully. These are predators, predators, the bulk of people's pedigrees are herbivores and other harmless animals.


After two weeks of continuous questioning, Shizuka couldn't stand it anymore and said, "One more question and I'm not talking to you!", to the question "why?", she slapped herself in the face with the palm of her hand, sighed heavily, turned away and continued to wash the dishes.


After the three hundredth question, I realized that she was ignoring me. I knew that with proper practice, you could learn to enter a state of meditation at any time, but to wash dishes and meditate... Did I her up so much that she caught Zen?


Walking around her and waving my hands in front of her eyes, which were closed, I didn't get any response. I got down from my chair and wondered how my sick mind immediately came up with a funny and interesting idea...


So we got to the point where I even thought of doing what I did. But it's not my fault! It's all Shizuka's fault, yes...


Still, she bathes me only in clothes, we sleep in separate rooms, Shizuka keeps a strong distance between us, and I want to touch her hot body so much, so it's not surprising that I took this rare chance, who knows, maybe it will be the only one in my entire life. I knew it was a very dangerous adventure, but the reward was worth it...


Taking a small step back, I began to fill my body with oxygen and ki.

Breath. Oxygen goes from my lungs to my blood, through my blood to my muscles and organs, and my frail muscles tense up a lot. Ki begins to flow from the core, spills through the ki channels and strengthens my body, increases sensitivity, speed, and so on. Next, I turn my body to the side, send my right arm back, swing and...


Exhalation! My body, like a mechanism, came into action and my right palm went straight to the buttocks of this hot girl who had been seducing me with her sexy body for almost a year! I longed to touch it, but I never managed to touch it during the games. I had to be content with her hands when she washed my body... But now everything has changed!


I finally had a chance to touch her!

If I had tried to just touch her heel, I'm sure Shizuka would have reacted halfway through and stopped my hand, so I didn't take any chances and used everything I had.


You know that feeling when a car passes you at two hundred miles an hour, so close that you've had time to say goodbye to life and say hello to death. Your whole body is covered with goosebumps, your hair stands up in smoke, your soul flies away through your heels somewhere far, far away, your breathing quickens, you are frightened and realize that you almost died.

Did you have that feeling? Now, that's exactly what I've just experienced.


Feeling this breath of death, I changed my mind and wanted to stop the blow, but the momentum was too strong and I only managed to change course slightly. And instead of her buttocks, I hit her right in the area between her legs, I felt her dumpling with my hand, and then...


— (Slap) — A savory slap against something soft. Wait, it's a familiar sound, I heard it somewhere. It was so long ago, when I was just lying in my crib and meditating. Behind the wall, I often heard similar slaps, but then it stopped abruptly...


"Nya?!" Shizuka cried out and in one sharp motion touched my arm slightly, but it was enough for her and she broke. I...

It was too fast, I didn't even have time to react as my right arm bent at an unnatural angle. Now I have three folds, instead of two... Well, let's say, ouch.


— (Pain) — His right hand hung like a dead whip. At first, a sharp pain flared up, then it abruptly disappeared. Now I don't feel anything, but I know that after a while the pain will return.


Am I satisfied? Of course, YES!! Although there is a small disappointment...


This pain is nothing! The contact between my fingers and her lasted only a second, even through my clothes I felt this softness, but this moment was enough for me.


This event shook my personality so much and had a positive impact on my further motivation.


I have to get stronger! Much stronger!


I'm going to be the strongest... To paw that ass in peace! And for that, you need to train! Let's increase the load on my body! Hardcooo


Shizuka looked at me with a very angry look, but when she saw my slightly broken arm, she quickly lost all her fuse.


I... I quickly turned on the "child-mod", although my sense of self-preservation atrophied, judging by my escapade, but I still want to live, although it does not seem so at first glance, but now I will fight for my life! To become the strongest and do all sorts of things to my Shizuka...


And to do that, you have to survive first, so let's start playing.


"There... Mosquito... I... Called... But... This is... Forgive me! A surprised look. Eat. A pathetic attempt to justify himself. Eat. Stammering. Eat. Panic in his voice, look and face. Eat. A slowly approaching fear that develops into a hysterical scream. Eat.


Let's not forget about the body, with each stage passed, my body slightly, quite imperceptibly, but tangibly took different poses, which complemented my image and did not make my game fake.


God, give me an Oscar. Did you think I had been sitting on my hands all this time? Not at all! At night, I spent two hours practicing all these little things! Standing in front of a small mirror!


It would be foolish not to know how to use my childish charm, but now I am making full use of all my opportunities.


I took into account my shortcomings and drew conclusions. I had a very bad acting, but now... Hollywood is resting.


And, the finishing touch...


"Whimper... I look down, grab my broken right arm with my left hand and "try" to hold back the pain, sobbing softly and shedding tears. The pain hasn't come back yet, so, by the way...


In order to finally put an end to my game, I began to project through ki these slightly simulated emotions, such as fear, belief in my words, remorse, regret and other things that the culprit and a person with a pure soul should feel.


In fact, in the depths of my soul, somewhere deep inside me, behind seven seals, the emotion of guilt, shame and the desire to tell the truth flared up, but they were not enough compared to the pleasure of feeling her charm, the pride in my acting skills, the happiness for my saved skin, the schadenfreude, the joy that I had almost succeeded and that I would be able to get away with it. And other bad emotions that a good boy shouldn't feel.

Why am I so worried about this? I noticed that Shizuka was quite sensitive to my feelings, and after studying it in detail, I realized that along with my emotions, my ki stank as well. It doesn't stink, but you get the idea. If I feel joy, my ki gets the smell of that emotion.


I solved this problem, partially. The main thing here is to believe in your truth and have good control over ki.

Here's how it works. I closed all my unnecessary emotions in myself and began to slowly release the necessary range of ki.


A flawless plan, perfect, flawless, thought out to the smallest detail, the chances of failure simply do not exist, and if it does, then it is extremely small...


Shizuka didn't suspect anything strange and didn't notice my playing. Who would take a one-year-old child seriously in such a thoughtful and ingenious way? No one. Even if I noticed the falsity, I probably wrote it off to the fact that I was in pain and I was holding back the pain.

The pain still hasn't come back and doesn't seem to be coming back...


"Ehh, calm down. You're the one who's sorry... Give me your hand, I'll see... "I've won." Everything went according to plan...


Shizuka gently grabbed my right hand with both hands and closed her eyes.


"Wait, what?!" Wide-eyed, the girl, who had been reserved and calm for most of her life, exclaimed in surprise. Oh, I have a bad feeling.

It's time to scream at the ultrasound level ""


The chance of failure is very small, but... Not zero.


No, no, no, where did I go wrong?!

And soon I realized where I had gone wrong.


I felt the alien ki penetrate my body, the thin barrier that held back and sustain the emotions I needed collapsed easily under the stronger ki.


All my real emotions got out of control, and pushed out a little fake and fake feelings... It's time to say "oops."


Shizuka wanted to check my hand for damage, but she ended up ruining my fucking Swiss watch plan.


She looked up at me, for a second, two, three, and on the fourth she realized and understood everything... For my emotions said everything beautifully instead of words.


"Tai Lung... I think I underestimated your... Ability. Shizuka grabbed my good left arm tightly to keep me from fighting, and I wanted to do it so badly!!


Smiling sweetly at her, I went all-in. As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot!


"Sister, I... Love you! "With these words, I gathered all my positive feelings, all my lust... Ahem, all my love came together in one big ball, mixed it with ki, I pushed it out, right on top of Shizuka! To increase my chances of survival, I jumped up and kissed the surprised girl right on the lips.


She relaxed her grip on my arms for a second and I was able to free myself!

Naturally, I immediately gave a fight, with the active use of ki. Never before have I seriously used ki to enhance myself. I think it's time to correct this misunderstanding.


I was moving at the limit of my strength, the picture in front of my eyes blurred and I felt like I was teleported to the front door, but even at this high speed I could easily react to my speed.


As soon as I opened the door, I began to shuffle my legs wildly and run as fast as I could. And only after a second I realized that I was standing still, although I seemed to be running, then I realized that I had lost my footing.


They grabbed me by the scruff of the neck like a kitten and lifted me off the ground.


"I'll give you a choice: punish you now, but because of the injury, I'll hold back, or punish you fully after you've recovered." Choose.


Shizuka held me lightly at arm's length. Her hands are thin and elegant, where does so much power come from, and, for sure, she is to blame for everything...


After calming down, I tried to relax and send my voice more cuteness, naivety, and childlike charm. At least it's worth trying.


"Why should I be punished?" Maybe we should understand and forgive? I asked with an innocent look.


"God will understand and forgive, and my task is to prepare you to meet him. Shizuka smiled sweetly at me.

So, the phrase should have been written down, it sounded cool. I admired her words, and then came the realization of what she had said...

Wait, what?!


"Uh?" My eyes flashed with a twinkle of awareness, indignation, and a desire to run away.


"I'm kidding, I'm forgiving you this time." Shizuka reassured me, returning her face to its former calm and peace.


Phew, I was already thinking that I was going to be reincarnated. Once again.


"But next time—" You're not going to get away with it so easily, got it? That touchy girl unleashed a sinister aura. Mom's aura was stronger, but it was enough for me to nod like a dummy


After that, the wound was treated, bandaged and fixed.


Because of such a serious injury, it was difficult for me to swim on my own, and I have been swimming on my own for several months, because "learn to be independent".


To some extent, Shizuka is a little to blame for not restraining her strength and hurting me, so I was able to press on pity and she agreed to wash my back. Three days later, my hand betrayed me and healed. And I began to swim myself again... Trouble came out of nowhere, incredible regeneration is also a curse.


By the way, training has increased several times. She especially liked me with calligraphy and grammar. Plus, she gave me books to read.


Her attitude towards me hasn't changed much, it's just that I began to notice her scrutinizing and thoughtful glances on me more often.


A week later, a tomboy, about 5 or 6 years old, started breaking our windows after he saw me the other day when I was running near other houses.


Shizuka taught me how to change the glass on the windows, I cut myself once, but then I got my hands full. I think she wanted to see what I would do if she didn't interfere. Will I tolerate it and silently change the windows or...


For a week I tried to catch him, but I was always late, because I was outside all this time, and he was breaking the windows on the other side at a great distance from our house. By the time I noticed it, the trace of it had already vanished. But, still, I caught him and...


I beat him and broke his arm.

I did the first one consciously, with pleasure, the second one came out completely by accident! I just wanted to intimidate a little, stepped on my hand, and was about to say a pretentious speech, but I applied too much force and eventually heard a crunch and a scream...


Then Shizuka ran out and saved my life from a knife flying at me. The boy's mother got worried and began to look for him, and then she heard his cry filled with pain and pleas for help... Naturally, she rushed to help!


In general, My Shizuka was taller than this mother and she chased her. Although, it turned out to be a little awkward, I wanted to intimidate a little, and not break a limb, but he deserved it... Right?


True, her words made me want to tear this aunt to pieces, but I was not yet old enough and I would have been torn apart if it hadn't been for Shizuka. It's all the fault of my childish body, which gets aroused too quickly.


She told her to keep her dog on a leash. That busty cow called me a dog! I remembered this beautiful face, in the future I will definitely show her who is the dog and who is the boss!


In response to all my actions, Shizuka patted her head approvingly and gave a short lecture, the meaning of which boiled down to one sentence "Well done, always fight and defeat those who harm you", I already knew that, but she was right. In the future, the entire wolf clan will know all my wrath!

I want a harem of girls with wolf ears and a ponytail...


Then, a month later, when I was 11 months old, we moved into the territory of my former clan.


And, in principle, although my life became more cheerful, it was still as measured and relatively calm as always...

Until, for my first birthday, Shizuka decided to give me a gift.


Then I understood why she had been looking at me all this time, as if she was struggling with herself and deciding what choice to make.


Because that's exactly what she did until she made up her mind and made a decision.


To be continued...

Sorry guys, I am a bit mixed up the chapters, but now everything is fixed!