
The Deity

The Deity is about two souls becoming one. A human and a young deity intertwining to become the best version of itself. Follow their humble adventure, as they seek to grow their religion and bring prosperity to all those who respect and worship them.

The_FBI_god · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Reckless Kid

The lunar light of the moon bathed the world in its luminary light. The stars' shallow light peered through the thin clouds, lighting up the dark village. Steadily fighting against the colossal shadows casted by the dark clouds. A light downpour drenched the buildings inside Orkrasist.

A big wall entirely made out of wood circled the city, protecting the residence. Several roads made out of gravel and some even stone were built, going along the lines of buildings, placed next to one another. Different kinds of apartments, all with their own purpose, some served as homes, others as stores, storage, or factories. The structures served to save space and create a safe atmosphere, the towering wall enhanced this aspect.

All the buildings and roads led to the same place, a giant mansion in the middle of the city. Protected by the first wooden wall, an indestructible piece of art, paused in time itself. No mold, specs or dust, anything really had touched the wall. It was the same as the day it was made

The droplets of water poured on the patrolling guards, their clothes were already drenched, yet they kept patrolling. Those in the streets walked past the warm homes and taverns, filled with laughter of joy, radiating warmth and joy, a warmth they were unfamiliar with for the moment.

"The weather seems to be picking up, I understand we need moisture and therefore rain is necessary, but why did it have to rain under our shift?" one of the guards complained. He was one of the youngest and also the newest guard. Recruited yesterday; one of the older guards had to take care of him and show him the ropes.

The water bounced on the young man's silver colored, metal helmet, that looked like a bowl. While he shivered from the cold, annoyed by the weather.

"So, was someone else supposed to suffer instead, grow up kid. This is a pleasant night, the sky is beautiful, I'm certain someone's making a painting of it as we speak." the older guard said.

"Now that I think about it, it's not that bad, sure beats being an adventurer, those poor souls, I've heard ten already died and they've only been here for some months. It's a shame you know, dying young. That's why I'm a guard, to be able to work with things I'm good at, while staying safe, somewhat." the young man admitted.

"There you go, that's the spirit!" the old guard said, as they continued making small talk.

~Pov Jantyr~ (First Person)

Rolf sat in an armchair, made out of the pelt of a wolf he hunted and had tailored into a chair. In his hands was a mug filled to the brim with green tea, a luxury imported to them, as of recently.

Rolf's eyes reflected the dancing flames inside his fireplace, which was warming up his house. Above the fireplace a totem hung, far away from the danger of burning. It dingled back and forth. It looked slightly rough, like it was hand made and it was. Rolf made it a month ago and asked me to bless it.

Rolf glanced towards his wife and sighed, standing up from his comfortable chair he walked towards her.

"Honey, please don't worry so much, I'm sure Rolf junior will be fine!" Rolf ensured his wife, even if his eyes carried the same worry, but he hid it deep within his soul, to ensure his wife would calm down.

"I know Rolf, but I can't help it, he's so young you know, why would he want to become an adventurer already? It's all because of that kid Nevan you saved. Ever since then Rein has been influenced negatively, letting his urges out more and more. Nevan only added fuel to the fire of youth and now we might lose him forever!" she said and started crying. As her worry reached the breaking point.

I sighed watching them, she had every right to be worried after all. Ever since the Squidras returned to the ocean some months ago the forest has been brimming with life. Somehow the monsters that escaped were replaced with new ones and the ecosystem of the forest became unbalanced.

Monsters were more alert, even hunting humans now. Orcs have also become a real problem, they've killed three adventurers so far, their body count only increasing.

More and more adventurers came, replacing the lost numbers and even increasing them, but that didn't change anything. Children entered the forest and never came back. That's not something to casually ignore.

Recently I started sending Rolf, Lenart and Harold into the forest to save them. They've saved over twenty kids, Nevan being one of them. He told Rein, Rolf's kid, about adventurers of old, stories of heroes and all that. Rein, being young and stupid instantly wanted to become an adventurer and managed to convince his pops to allow him to be an adventurer, I don't know how. Tomorrow being the day.

I'm five hundred FP (Faith Points) away from my next upgrade, I don't know what will happen, but last time something incredible happened, so I doubt this is just some weak upgrade, at least hope.

Morning slowly arrived and the sun reached the continent of Zingtopia. The morning light woke the early birds, Rein and Rolf included.

Rein hurled the food into his mouth and left, leaving the parting words "Bye mom, I'll be back by eight!"

Rolf rolled his eyes and waited for him to close the door, before he stood up.

"Jantyr my lord, I'm sorry to use you like this, but tell the others I'll be late today." Rolf asked me and I agreed. "No problem."

Rolf stealthily followed the young boy until they reached the forest and sighed. The boy met up with Nevan and his friends and the five rushed into the forest, each one badly equipped, with almost no experience.

"This is going to be a long day!" Rolf muttered and followed them into the deadly forest.

I accidently delited the fisrt, finished version of this chapter (Sad The_FBI_god) so it's a bit late, sorry :(

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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