

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 44: long seclusion.

While Tian was studying everyone in the hall, he suddenly felt someone approaching him, he looked beside him and saw a young man walking toward him with a smile, he stands taller than most people, with a broad shoulders and a muscular build that speak of his immense strength, he has dark, unkempt hair that falls about his rugged, masculine features, his skin is tanned and weather-beaten, giving him the look of someone who has spent a great deal of time outdoor. He has piercing green eyes that seems to take in everything around him, and that gleam with a fierce intelligence.

despite his somewhat rough demeanor, this young man is considered to be quite handsome by many who know him. His rugged, rough features and muscular physique give him an air of danger and excitement, which can be very alluring.

overall, this young- man physical appearance is that of a true brute, with an imposing stature and rugged, masculine features.

Tian was curious about the man, so he used the universal heavenly eyes on him, and he discovered that this young man has the Barbarian God Devil bloodline. "No wonder he looks like a brute". Tian thought to himself.

"Hello, brother Tian". The young man greeted Tian with a pat on his back.

Tian does not get angry, as he couldn't feel any hidden intent or malicious intent from this young man; in fact, he was curious because all he could see in the man's eyes was respect, absolute respect towards him.

" Hello do i know you". Tian asked since he couldn't remember the face but he felt familiar with it.

"I'm Muchen, but you can call me your younger brother. I know you might not remember me, but I was there among the children Lord Su gathered on the platform before you were sent to who knows where". Muchen continued "I love your strong altitude and have always respected you in my heart since a mortal like you could stand your ground against gods like Lord Su, so I promise to be your younger brother and follow you everywhere once we see each other again".

Hearing this Tian finally recalled who this Muchen was. He was actually the second kid with a strong body on the platform they were gathered on when he was captured by Mo Chen.

"You remember now?", Muchen asked, and immediately he saw Tian's eyes widen.

Tian nodded his head, "you must have been through a lot also?". He asked.

Muchen face turned sad hearing this, " thousand of innocent children were packed in a single room to kill each other, i was the only survival among my group, i killed all of them". He said, " I hope brother Tian won't blame for killing them, i had to survive so I'm left with no choice".

Tian started liking his straightforward and honest attitude; he realized that although Muchen looked rugged and tough on the outside, he was actually still a child on the inside. But then, thinking of how Muchen called him older brother, he felt shameless. Who would have thought that a man who is now 19 years old would be calling a man who is not even up to 15 years old older brother? But he thickened his face and accepted Muchen's grand gestures.

"I will never blame you because you did what you had to do. Let's forget about that and drink to the new relationship of brothers between us". Tian said to cheer him up, because if Muchen is to blame for such an act, what about him who invades other people's homes and slaughters millions of them?

The celebration went on for three hours before everyone went on their own, as Tian and Muchen were walking to his buildings, two people suddenly appeared in front of them.

seeing this two people Tian face hardened, " How can we help you". He asked in a cold tone, cause this people are Evil child Guo and Tie.

"Tsk, how rude of you Tian, is that how you were supposed to greet your seniors?". Tie yelled at Tian.

"Huh, seniors? No, you've got it wrong; I've never had one", Tian replied calmly. Although these people are stronger than him and Muchen, since they were in the celestial realm, Tian has neither fear in his heart nor any form of respect for them, and he could see the same in Muchen's expression.

"Tie, you don't need to be rude to our juniors; anyway, I come with good intentions; I want to invite both of you to my home for a drink, and we brothers will get to know each other better". Guo spoke in a calm tone, which portrayed him as a good man.

However Tian could see through his act, " I'm sorry to disappoint you, we are not interested, we will be on our way thank you". Tian said before walking away while Muchen follow behind him.

"hahaha, since you don't accept my good will, i hope you are careful from now on, also my only warning to you is that don't you even think of competing for the lord post, cause only i am worthy of it". Guo threatened Tian out loud.

But surprisingly, Tian did not react; he just kept walking, which is actually strange of him. Tian was a very impulsive person who will not accept just acting; he will have a charge toward Guo and have a life and death with him, even if he knows he is going to lose his life, but knows he actually doesn't react to the threat and keeps walking.

when they both arrive in front Tian building, they stopped and Tian looked at Muchen, " I'm about to go into seclusion, and it will be a very long seclusion, will you come with me or you have a plan for yourself". He asked.

Muchen was lost in thought for few minute, before he looked at Tian, " although I'm also of the same post as you, but I'm helpless against those people so i need power but there is no other way to grow stronger in such small time". He stated his worries.

Tian walked closer to him, he patted his shoulder like real men, " I have what we need, and I have a solution for your bloodline also. So will you come with me ?". He said gently to Muchen.

they both walked into his courtyard, and immediately, Tian stepped in, he was hugged by two beautiful ladies, he also embraced them and feel their warmth.

"Bao'er, Lingyi, I'm going into a long seclusion, because i need power to protect my life and everyone, will you be coming with me?" He asked gently. And the ladies nodded their head in approval.

Tian introduced his maid to Muchen and explained something to Muchen, then a portal appeared in front of them, which they all stepped into before disappearing from the courtyard.

Muchen was fascinated by the beauty of the soul world, but before he could enjoy it more, a figure with a brute-like appearance appeared in front of them. "My lord, you called for me?". Muchen was terrified to see this figure, because his aura was too heavy and his brute strength felt like he could lift the whole universe.

"Buck, you will be training Muchen in the shadow world, make sure you treat him, cause as a brother of me, he has to capable right ?". Tian said to Buck giving him a hint.

Muchen felt bad hearing what Tian said even though he couldn't comprehend it's full meaning. " brother Tian, do you think i will be good, if I'm left alone with this brute?'. He asked .

"What could possibly go wrong? He is a brute, you are a brute; aren't you guys perfect for each other?" Tian said before he continued "So you don't have to worry about anything; just focus on getting stronger. Maria will be providing you with the pills you need. I will also ask her to bring you the right cultivation techniques for your bloodline. We can't waste such a brilliant gift". He concluded before walking away from Muchen, heading toward the castle with his maid.

Muchen stared at Buck for a while, feeling the wild and terrifying smile on his face. He knew he was going to suffer too much if he stayed, so he decided to run toward Tian, but before he could take two steps, Buck caught up to him and threw him on his shoulder, walking toward the pagoda.

Tian ignored Muchen's scream for help, while the maid couldn't help but feel pity for him.

Tian enjoyed few days in the castle, sleeping, getting a massage, having a lovely bath with his maid, and reading.

After spending two days relaxing, he walked directly to the pagoda. Upon arriving on the second floor, he heard the scream of Muchen being beaten by Buck. He shook his head before walking directly to the third floor.