

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 14: the return of the devil.


Tian was sitting on a mountain of skeletons, he looks excited with his tired body covered in different large wounds, but it was healing slowly.

Looking at him from a 3rd personal view he looks like a devil king sitting on his bony throne.

After spending so much time battling, he eventually succeeds in killing all the undead, but he paid a price—he lost an arm, and there was a large hole by the side of his stomach. He now lets his body rest so that it may heal.

To accelerate his recuperation, the runes on his scale were collecting all of the death energy and abyssal energy in the air. Tian looked around him, witnessing his enormous work of destruction, and he felt "euphoric" about it.

"hehehehhe..... Can't believe this feels so good and euphoric, then I can't wait to bring calamity to those bastards Naga race and Centaurs race, especially those two bastards ( Shui Hui and Weng Tianhao) I can't wait to see the despair on their faces."

After a few hours, his body completely heal, and he stood up before walking down the mountain, he started finding a way to get out of the unknown land he was in.

He keeps walking around until he saw a dark tunnel that leads to an unknown destination.

He plunges into the tunnel, and although the tunnel might be dark inside, Tian can see everything clearing in this dark tunnel.

He keeps running until he reaches a dead end, he stops his movement before looking up to see another big hole that leads upward, then he spread out his wings before taking a fast flight upward.


He keeps flying for a few minutes before flying out of the hole and what welcome him was a dark sky he knows, and the trees around are different from

The land of death he was in earlier.

A smile emerged on his face realizing that he is now back on the cliff he was on before falling into the abyss, he land on the floor, and close his eyes with his hand folded behind his back before breathing in a deep air.

He exhales and opens his eye back but a crazed look and Machiavellian smile appear on his face, the thought of getting back to these people brings him so much joy, he was not a good person so he will pay goodness for goodness and become a nightmare to those who harm him.

He started walking around the forest with the hope of finding someone to get information from.

Suddenly he heard the sound of battle, then he rushed toward the sound, and when he was close to the place the battle was ongoing he climbs up to the top of a tree close to the battle.

Ahead of him were 5 dark elven females, 4 of them were protecting the one in the middle, the dark elven in the middle looked a little different from the one that is protecting her, she had blue hair packed in a ponytail hairstyle, and her dark skin had a tint of golden line around her body, she has ocean pearl-like eyes, her curvy body structure, and cute oval face, in simple words she looks beautiful.

These dark elves were surrounded by a group of centaurs, some of these centaurs has full horse lower bodies while some has two horse leg lower bodies and they numbered in 20.

Tian got angry seeing the situations these elves were in, and this is cause he also has an elven bloodline, even though his blood is far too superior to any existing elf, at least he is still one of them, but he was curious about the situation so he doesn't let his anger take over him, he decided to wait and see how things will turn out.

"Princess Ling Yi our Young master asks us to escort you to the clan, can you please not make things hard for us?"

One of the centaurs said to the elf in the middle in a proud tone.

"Snort... Seems your Weng clan is looking down on my Ling clan now since you dare block me."

Princess Ling Yi was the dark-elven with a golden line around his body name and she is the only princess of the dark-elven clan.

"Princess Ling Yi, you've misunderstood our intention, we don't dare block your path we only want to escort you to our clan since our young master wants to see you".

"Humph..... And if I don't follow you back what will you do?"

"Then we can only do this the hard way since you don't want the easy way, boys capture them".

Before the centaurs rush to attack the group of dark elves, an arrogant voice resounds in their ears.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk"

"I can't believe your group of cowards is trying to use force on a woman, don't you all have the moral of a gentleman? How disappointing, but it's not surprising of you bastards."

Tian scolded them in an arrogant tone, he is not giving them any face at all.


All the centaurs jumped in shock, and they started looking around, trying to find where the voice came from. They finally found a man sitting on top of a tree with a golden fruit in his hand.

"Do you dare question our actions here?"

The centaurs who talked to the princess earlier shouted at Tian.


"Why can't I? You see a beautiful lady like this, and you dare to be rude to her? You've lost the face of all gentlemen in this world, you bastard. it seems I have to teach you how to be gentle to a beautiful woman."

Tian yelled at the group of centaurs before rushing at them at full speed.

Realizing that this unknown stranger who came out of nowhere disturbs their business first and now rushes at them without any fear, the leader of the group got angry.

"Kill that bastard; he dares disrupt our young master's business. Kill him and bring me his head."

Scale covers Tian fist before throwing a punch at the head of the centaurs closer to him.


His head was smashed like a watermelon.

Tian rushes to the next one.

Bang... Bang... Bang.

All it takes to kill each centaur was one punch, how can a bunch of nascent soul warriors withstand a punch as strong as a king realm expert? Of course, they stand no chance.

He killed all of them within a few seconds and only the leader remain standing.

The leader of the centaurs was speechless, cause Tian look too ordinary and he couldn't feel any energy from him that is why he thinks killing him will be a piece of cake, so the situation surprise.

"You... you kill them?"

"Well, I did kill them, and I like the surprised expression on your face but I prefer to see the despair on my enemy's face, but I can't help it."

"sigh... seeing the way you all were disrespectful to this beautiful lady the only way is to give them a quick death and as for you."


"Shuuuut the fuuck up"

"You dare kill my men? Arrghhh I will kill you."

"Diieeeee for me you son of a bitch."

Tian becomes angry hearing this man call him the son of a bitch, his eye shone brightly and an overbearing aura explodes out of him.

The centaur who was speeding toward Tian stopped and his body shivered with the destructive aura and terrifying killing intent that was directed at him.

Tian finds it hard to control his killing intent hearing someone call his mother a bitch and he started walking slowly toward the centaur that is now motionless and finds it hard to breathe or move, and with each step, he took forward the ground crack.

He arrives in front of the centaur before gazing deep into his eyes.

"You... Dare... Call... My... Mother... A... Bitch?"

Each word carries Tian anger, even though the centaur standing in front of him is a saint realm expert, he was helpless in front of Tian terrifying destruction aura.

Tian then stretches his finger covered in his scale and tore off the centaur's complete arm.


He screams in pain, but Tian does care; he tore off the second arm before he started to rain punches on his horse's lower body, each punch breaking all his bones into pieces.

The centaur's eyes turn pure white and he was in a terrible, he keep screaming and hoping for the devil in front of him to give him a quick death but how can Tian give in to his wish after such blatant disrespect to his mother " The Goddess of Creation".

Tian tortures him for 20 minutes before sending him off to the yellow spring.

He took a deep breath to calm the anger in his heart before turning to dark elves standing behind him.

"Hello beautiful ladies"...

"I know it's so rude of me to jump into the conversation without introducing myself, so I apologize for that".

"By the way my name is Tian".