

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 13: heaven wrath


Tian looks up towards the sky, and his facial expression grows gloomy as he realizes that what is happening is precisely what happened when he was born.

The energy around Tian got turbulent as the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled. This made Tian realize he was about to experience the unexpected heaven tribulation.

A powerful suffocating aura sweeps down Tian as the tribulation cloud grows.


Tian finds it difficult to breathe, and his entire body is trembling, not out of terror but because the aura of his tribulation is destructive.

The earth beneath him fractures, and he feels the weight of the entire planet pressing down on him.

Tian knows that Heaven has been trying to murder him since it designated him as an abomination from his birth. Still, he is astonished that Heaven would act against him so quickly and have no hope of surviving the tribulation—he would be destroyed.

Tian's indignation toward Heaven for his selfish conduct was building up in his heart. When his rage erupted, a dreadful will burst forth from his body. Tian bent back from the pressure of his tribulation, straightened up, and pointed his spear at the cloud.

With his pure white hair flapping behind him, scales covering his entire body, and that Machiavellian smile on his face, he looks like a devil meant only for destruction, and that is precisely who he is. His dragon golden violet eyes shone brightly, and a black destruction aura emerged from his body.

As soon as the tribulation senses Tian Wills resisting, its rage intensifies.

The first tribulation descends.


The thunderstruck Tian and his scales cracked, he vomited blood, and his knee bent a little; he tried to regain his footing as fast as he could, but before he did that, the second tribulation descended on him.

Bang... Bang...

His body started recovering gradually and not quickly because the annihilation energy in the tribulation was wreaking havoc in his body and killing his organs. He puked blood again, this time covering his entire body, but he had a fast healing ability.

Tian's aura began to weaken by this energy, but suddenly, the runes in his body started devouring all the annihilation energy.

After noticing these small details, he raises an eyebrow before realizing that annihilation is another type of destruction energy, so of course, he can consume this kind of energy. A Machiavellian grin appears before he looks at his tribulations as though he had just caught his most succulent prey to sate his appetite.

Before his tribulation can develop fully, Tian bends his knee and quickly takes to the air to meet his tribulation head-on, and Big, deep golden-black dragon wings with violet runes on them suddenly form on his back.


Tian clashes with his 3rd tribulation with his spear.

Whoooosssshhhh... Baannng.

He was violently propelled back to the ground before crashing into it and deeply buried in it. The impact was as violent as an earthquake.

Without giving him any pause, the 4th tribulation descends.



The thunderstruck Tian directly on the skull, causing cracks to form and severe bleeding. However, his powerful will prevent him from losing consciousness.

He looked up into the sky and saw that the tribulation was still brewing, so he soared up to meet it head-on once more with a smile.


The 5th tribulation descended, but Tian was attacking; this time, instead of defending, he lunged his spear to meet the thunder head-on.


He was thrown kilometers beyond his starting point, and his arm was destroyed this time. An energy of destruction lingered on his wound, but his body quickly consumed this energy, and his limb immediately grew back.

Tian looks up into the sky again and notices that another tribulation is building, and this one's aura is more dreadful than the previous five. He summons the spear that flew out of his arm earlier when he clashed with his fifth tribulation.

Tian noticed the damage to his body and was astonished to discover that his previous scales had fallen off and new ones were emerging on him; also, this news emitted a powerful fearful, destructive, and wild aura with a hint of destruction.

He can feel his body becoming stronger, and he senses that this will be his last tribulation, and as long as he survives this one, he will be reborn.

He then gets ready for his final trial, which is still forming. Suddenly, though, he felt a killing intent and numerous menacing glances directed at him. He used his spiritual sense to scan the area and discovered that some creatures were lurking nearby; however, the tribulation aura prevented them from attacking him just yet; once he completes this trial, the beast will pounce on him.

He curses his bad luck for always putting him in a situation that will want to take his life.


The raging sound of his tribulation pulls back his thought; his tribulation was angry that he ignored it.

A black dragon with blood-red eyes entirely made of annihilation energy emerge from The tribulation cloud, which descends directly on Tian.

Before flying at top speed to face his tribulation head-on, Tian hastily prepares his most potent assault by circulating his cultivation technique and directing all of the energy in his dantian into the spear he was holding. Immediately a dragon roar emerged from the spear.


It was like an apocalypse; the earth tremble, cracks appear in space, mountains vanish, and nature's morn.

Tian flew like a shooting star and collided with several mountains before coming to a halt and quietly falling into the land of death.

A minute later, Tian emerged from the last mountain he was smashed into, and surprisingly there was no wound on him; in fact, his body was now stronger than before, but he had no energy present.

Suddenly, he felt surrounded, and around him were the undead; they were creature-like skeletons but taller than an average human; each human skeleton had a red rune on them and green flames burning in their eye sockets; each skeleton was holding different weapons, and there are substantial skeletal demonic creatures they are huge and of different shapes, some are easy to recognize, and some are a combination of other bones.

Tian was helpless seeing this million of undead creatures coming at him, but then his blood began to boil, and the flame of battle was ignited in his heart; However, he had no energy left in his body, but his physical body was still not something to look down on cause after the tribulations, his body was as strong as a king realm Expert.

He rushed to meet the undead head-on cause he didn't want to be passive in this battle, as he tried to control the battle tempo.

Even though he has a pure soul, he will only be friendly to those that show him love, and as for those that want his life, he will be the incarnation of destruction and bring calamity upon them.

Boom... Bang... Boom... Bang

Tian was like a barbarian dragon smashing into his energy with brute force.

But after smashing hundreds of undead to pieces, he notices that their body parts fix themselves back, and they come rushing back at him; then he remembers he read about something like this in a book in the library in his soul world, and the book states their weakness.

Tian started smashing each skeleton's head into pieces, and their body stopped moving; according to the book, one must destroy their core to kill creatures like this.

So Tian was destroying each core of the undead; he lunged, pierced, smashed, and used all sorts of spear techniques he had learned so far, and a terrifying spear intent accompanied each spear attack.

As he was fighting, he felt his heart become excited, and this excitement made him fight more vigorously, but he didn't let his action cloud his judgment, so he started planning an escape route in his mind.


He was smashed in the chest by another undead, and this one looked different cause it was taller and bulky than other skeletons; it was holding a giant hammer, and nine more of this type of undead were rushing at him.

Tian regains his footing before rushing to meet the undead holding hammer.


This time the undead was thrown miles away while smashing the lower undead to pieces. Tian decided to follow the undead with a killing blow. Still, before he could rush to him, the remaining nine undead surrounded him, and another round of battle began.

Bang... Bang... Clank...


Tian was pierced in his chest by a spear of the undead, but he did not give the undead any pause, and he pierced it in the head; the undead went limp and removed the spear, and quickly dodged the arrow that passed through his neck, before rushing toward another undead holding a colossal saber.

Bang... Clank... Clank.

Tian was breathing heavily after killing the ten undead but was not allowed to rest before the rest of the lower undead rush to him; he realized that he was finding it challenging to create an escape route. Also, he didn't know anything about this unknown land he found himself.

Anger, frustration, resentment, and grief all these negative emotions appear in his heart, then a dragon roar emerges from his mouth, and his destructive aura becomes more explosive; black thunder circulates his body, his eye becomes pitch black, and his golden violet pupil shines more brightly.

He rushed to the middle of the army of undead and started smashing them apart with his spear.