
The Decillionaire Heir

Synopis In a world where money and power goes hand in hand, Drew Lucas struggles to make ends meet in a world ridden by super powered beings called the Elites. One day, his girlfriend fiancee breaks up with him after she awakens as an Elite, claiming the disparity in their destinies was huge. Just when Lucas was at his lowest point in life, a twist of incidences causes him to obtain the Super Decillion System, pushing him all the way to the top of the food chain. . I retain copyright to the book cover

King_Dragonslav · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 043

After Mandigo's defeat, Boss Jay gathered his former subordinates and began annexing all of Mandigo's assets.

All in all, Mandigo owned two nightclubs and one restaurant. Francis managed to snag one of the night clubs, leaving Boss Jay with the remaining one and the restaurant.

Currently, Boss Jay was tied to a chair inside Bling Nightclub (Mandigo's former asset)

The atmosphere inside was shrill as all eyes were on the man standing besides Boss Jay.

"I am glad that you people showed up. It is my honour" Elon broke the silence.

"Ah! how can Sir. Elon say it that way?"

"Yeah! Yeah! We ran as soon as we got your invite"

"Sir. Elon, it's a pleasure that you were able to visit West Wings!"

The various gang leaders hurried to shower Elon with praises. All of them who were known to be fierce by the public acted completely docile, in Elon's presence.

Shadowshot appeared to be among them

"Hmm" Elon smacked his lips in satisfaction.

"You guys shouldn't treat me like an outsider. I plan on setting up base here afterall"

The various gang leaders were shocked when they heard Sir. Elon's words.

However, none of them dared question his decision. They didn't have the guts to do so anyways.

"Now, let's move over to why i invited you all here" Sir Elon switched his attention over to Boss Jay.

"I recieved reports that a certain somebody has begun to run amok. As a future resident of West Wing, it's only right that i curb him hm?"

"Of course!"

"We are in awe over Sir Elon's selflesness!"

"Sir Elon has my full support!"

Shadowshot didn't say anything. He was curious - - would Jay's backer show up or not?


Sir Elon landed a stinging slap on Boss Jay's cheeks, causing the latter to wince in slight pain.

Bending down a bit, he whispered into his ear.

"Prepare to join by brother!"

Just then, a figure blasted it's way open through the door, landing roughly on the ground.

Sir Elon frowned when he saw it was the corpse of one of his men stationed at the entrance.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Drew walked majestically into the room. He graced everybody with a smile.

"Oh? it's extremely lively in here. Mind if i join?"

"Who are you boy?" Sir Elon didn't even think of assosciating the young man before him as his brother's killer.

He thought Drew was just a trouble maker.

However, Drew totally ignored him, making his way over to Boss Jay who was tied to a chair.

"I was talking to you brat!" Sir Elon's countenance flushed.

How dare this brat ignore him in public.

He made to grab Drew's shoulder.

"Touch me and that would be the last time you ever touch something in your life" Drew warned sternly, not even sparing him a glance.

"Bastard!" Sir Elon lost it, throwing a punch at Drew's head, intending to smash it into meat paste.

"What a stubborn leech" Drew clicked his tongue in annoyance.


He spun around, smacking Sir Elon on the cheeks, causing the latter to stagger a bit.

"I won't be merciful next time" Drew warned, untying the binds restricting Boss Jay.

Everybody watched silently as Drew did his thing. None of the gang leaders present dared utter anything.

Heck! this guy was able to casually slap Sir Elon into stagger. What could they do to him?

Meanwhile, Sir Elon was still reeling in shock. Although it seemed like he recieved a casual slap, he the reciever knew it was far from it.

He felt a certain energy that he only felt from those experts from his gang.

Who exactly was this kid?

Drew finished untying Boss Jay and lifted him up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I have survived situation worst than this" Boss Jay laughed sheepishly.

However, he was secretly deeply in awe for Drew. Although he was tied to a chair, he witnessed the scene where Drew slapped Elon.

Ah! The Grand Patriarch is truly as the legend portrays. Without any equal!"

Drew nodded, turning his attention back to Sir Elon who was still rubbing his red cheeks.

"You are Mandigo's brother?"

"How do you know my brother?" Sir Elon's heart skipped a bit.

Boss Jay chortled. Since he had the Grand Patriarch backing up, he began acting fearless.

"Weren't you looking for his killer? well, he's standing before you"

"You killed my brother?" Sir Elon face warped into rage.

He completely forgot about the other party's terrifying slap, charging towards him with a punch.

Drew cocked his head sideways, easily catching the punch and giving it a squeeze, breaking some of Sir Elon's knuckles bones.

"Your brother had it coming" Drew kicked Sir Elon on the stomach, sending him crashing down the ground like a ragged doll.

"Die! Die!" Sir Elon spat a mouthful of blood, glaring venemously at Drew.

If looks could kill, Drew would be long dead.

"Should i kill him?" Boss Jay asked.

Drew shook his head. He wasn't a cold hearted killer like Boss Jay.

Although Sir Elon wanted him dead, his actions were not without justification since it was all for revenge.

"Throw him out"

Boss Jay nodded, grabbing the injured man by the collar and dragging him out.

Drew plopped down comfortably on a chair and began observing the gang leaders in the room.

Using his 'ANALYSIS' skill, their strength were laid bare before him.

There were six gang leaders in total. Two were at the fifth level, three at the fourth level and one at the sixth level!

Yes! sixth level! surprisingly, it was a female.

"Stand up!" he nudged at the female gang leader.

"What's your name?"

"I.. I. I.."

"Speak, i am not a scary monster" Drew smiled amicably.

"My name is Wanda. I am the leader of the Black lotus gang"

Drew nodded and made the other gang leaders introduce themselves.

After they finished introducing themselves, the room plunged in silence.

"Good. I want you all to disband your gangs. From now on, you are part of my Werd family" Drew said after much contemplation.

"Werd Family?" Wanda repeated with a strange expression.

What kind of wack family name is that?

Drew blushed in embarrassment. The Werd family was something he brought up on the spot. It was literally spelling his name backwards.

"Don't ask questions, just do as you were told. I want it to be done before tomorrow" saying this, Drew stood up and exited the room.

The gang leader finally let out the breath they were holding.

"What a scary man!" a fat gang leader trembled.

His name was Wilis. Usually, he was a fierce man, however, his eyes were currently filled with fear.

The scene of Drew thrashing Sir Elon kept on playing repeatedly in his head.

Although no much blood was shed, it was extremely scary, after all he was quite aware of how powerful Sir Elon was.

Yet he was completely helpless before a young man in his twenties!

"To be so young, yet wielding such power. His backing must be extraordinary" Wanda licked her lips.

"Don't you think of seducing him, it won't work" another gang leader laughed.

His name was Zeal.

5 minutes ago

"What do you know. Although he is strong, he's extremely young. He can be easily controlled" Wanda was confident in her charms.

As for the scene where Drew beat Sir Elon like a kid, that further sparked her interest.

Shadowshot remained silent all these while. It was unknown what was going on in his mind.