
The Decillionaire Heir

Synopis In a world where money and power goes hand in hand, Drew Lucas struggles to make ends meet in a world ridden by super powered beings called the Elites. One day, his girlfriend fiancee breaks up with him after she awakens as an Elite, claiming the disparity in their destinies was huge. Just when Lucas was at his lowest point in life, a twist of incidences causes him to obtain the Super Decillion System, pushing him all the way to the top of the food chain. . I retain copyright to the book cover

King_Dragonslav · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 020

"So you are the one who has the guts to kill my boys huh?" Boss Jay approached Drew.

The way he looked at the latter was like the way an eagle looked at it's prey from up above.

Drew wanted to shirk back in fright under Boss Jay's terrifying gaze.

However, he stopped himself at the last moment.

No! Not anymore! he was tired of being the inferior one. It was time to step up his game.

"He deserved it for daring to mess with my family" Drew puffed up his chest, unwilling to back down.

And just like that, both men got themselves in a staring contest.

From inside the log house, Amelia was on pin and needles as she watched the scene play out.

It was already a miracle that Drew could possess such strength besides being a medicinal genius.

As such, she was ready to step up and help Drew as soon as the anticipated fight started.

"Are you going to attack first? or should i do it?" Drew frowned when he noticed Boss Jay just standing on the same spot like a dummy.

Wait! what's up with that look on his face.

"Y--You!" Boss Jay pointed at Drew.

His eyes as wide as saucers. Like he had just seen a ghost.

"Me what?" Theo touched his face.

Perhaps there was something there?

"That.. that ear ring. Who.. who gave it to you?" Boss Jay's eyes flickered with unconcealed joy and a bit of expectation.


Theo unconsciously touched the ear rings. It was given to him by an old man who claimed to be a god. After that incident, he got heartbroken after his fiancee dumped in, leading to him falling into coma and obtaining the system.

Somehow, Drew felt like these webs of events all connected to one thing -

The pair of ear rings.

However, now, this guy was curious about them.

'Does he know about the system?" Drew became guarded.

He couldn't allow his secret to leak or it would cost him many troubles.

Taking a deep breath, he gave his reply.

"It was given to me by my master. So what about it?"

Since he claimed to have a secret powerful master, he would stick to this lie.

When Boss Jay heard Drew's words, his heart shook. His earlier haughty viciousness disappeared, replaced with subservience and humility.


"I failed to recognize the Patriach l. Please forgive this lowly one!"

Drew gawked as Boss Jay fell on his knees. Not just him, the trio in the log house were confused.

One moment they were about to tear each other's throat, and the next, they become master and servant.

Such a crazy scene has never happened in movies, no?

"What are you doing? are you crazy?!" Drew shrieked.

Boss Jay hung his head down while mumbling.

"This lowly one is just showing his sincerity. If the Patriach is dissatisfied, i'll cut off my tongue!" just as he finished saying this, Boss Jay had already brought out a pocket knife from his pants pocket, about to really cut his tongue off.

Drew's heart made a flip. Yep! this guy has gone mad.

However, he quickly stopped him before he really caused harm to himself.

"That won't be necessary"

"You can uhm.. stand up. Geez! don't you find it embarrassing?" Drew scratched his cheeks.

He wasn't used to people acting subservient towards him.

"This lowly one thanks the Patriach" Boss Jay got up his feets.

Drew rolled his eyes. There you go again with that your patriach thingy.

"Although i have a lot to discuss with you. I believe now is not the right time" Drew glanced briefly at the log house.

He was sure Amelia and the others witnessed what happened.

"This lowly one understands" 

Drew finally succeeded in driving Boss Jay away. When he finally got into the log house, he was immediately blasted by his mother.

"Drew? who was that man? why does he seem so respectful towards you?"

Facing the curious stares thrown at him, Drew had a headache. Luckily, he swiftly found a lie.

"He's one of my master's many servants" he replied with an awkward laugh.

Amelia was beyond shocked. She knew just how terrifying Boss Jay was, judging from the slight pressure he released earlier.

Yet, such a person was just qualified to be a servant.

Just how terrifying was Drew's master.

"But, he seemed to want to fight you" Victoria was not pacified.

"Relax mum. He just wanted to make sure i was not slackening off in my training so when i encounter a real foe in the future, i won't be completely hopeless"

Although Victoria wanted to ask more questions, she managed to control herself. As for Diego, he just stared at Drew, who seemed like a completely different person to him.

Drew bid goodbye to everyone and locked himself up. To step his hypothesis, he tried pulling off the ear rings.

Although he managed to do it, the ear rings would turn into a pile of mud, while a new one would mysteriously appear on his ear.

Drew smiled wryly. He kind of expected. He couldn't remove the ear ring because it represented the corporeal form of the system!

That meant, the reason why he obtained the system from the ear rings.

However, he had no idea why that old man gave him the system.

That was the mystery that he had yet to solve! 

That evening, Drew walked into Darryl Restaurant.

It was a local food joint, famous for their distinct milk flavoured food and beef that could make a man lick his plates clean.

It was evening, as such, the restaurant was at it's peak bustle. Thankfully, Boss Jay booked a whole table, while awaiting Drew's arrival.

"Patriach!" he immediately stood up in salute when he saw Drew making his way over.

"Can you quit calling me that? it's kind of uncomfortable" Drew wasn't courteous and directly sat down.

Boss Jay followed suite. Shortly after, he waved at a waiter who just happened to walk past them.

"What are your orders sirs?" the waiter beamed.

Due to Drew changing his wardrobe at the boutique, he resembled a young rich man. As such, the waiter's tone became extremely respectfully.

Just as Drew made to speak, Boss Jay beat him to it.

"The whole menu"

"E-Eh?" the waiter stammered.

He thought he misheard.

"I said bring over the whole menu. Or are you deaf?" Boss Jay frowned with displeasure.

"Oh! Yes! right on it!" the waiter hurriedly left like as if his pants were on fire.

He had to report this to the manager. If these customers were legit, maybe the manager would add some bonus to his salary?

Just thinking about this made the waiter's face flush with excitement and anticipation.

"You shouldn't have done that?" Drew smiled faintly at Boss Jay while cussing inwardly.

Bastard! You better let me foot the bills!

"It's my honour to treat the patriach to a meal" Boss Jay replied proudly.

"Now i'm curious. Why do you keep on calling me Patriach ?"

"Because, you are wearing those ear rings"