
The Decillionaire Heir

Synopis In a world where money and power goes hand in hand, Drew Lucas struggles to make ends meet in a world ridden by super powered beings called the Elites. One day, his girlfriend fiancee breaks up with him after she awakens as an Elite, claiming the disparity in their destinies was huge. Just when Lucas was at his lowest point in life, a twist of incidences causes him to obtain the Super Decillion System, pushing him all the way to the top of the food chain. . I retain copyright to the book cover

King_Dragonslav · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 019

After spending 1,200 deci points, Drew finally brought all his stats to level three. 


-Name: Drew

-Alias: ? ? ?

-Race: Node

-Nationality: Human

-Planet: Earth

-System: Sol

-Galaxy: Milky Way 


-Level: Level 3 Decimus Rank.

-Strength: 40

-Agility: 40

-Speed: 40

-Physique: 40

-Energy: 80

-Health: 100

-DF: 40


-SYSTEM NOTE: Tsk. You are still weak asf! 

Although Drew wanted to increase his strength, the pain he felt just wouldn't help matters.

Currently, he laid limp, the mat already soaked with his sweat.

At that moment, the door opened, revealing Amelia.

"Huh? are you okay?" the lady was quite shocked when she saw Drew's current state.

"I'll be fine. Just doing some exercise. Haha" Drew laughed.

"Oh" Amelia trailed off.

She suddenly forgot her reason for coming.

"Is something wrong?" Drew asked.

"Oh. Your mum asked me to call you down for dinner" Amelia finally remembered.

"It's dinner time already?" Drew blurted in shock.

He was so engrossed in the system that he forgot the flow of time.

"It's past six pm. Don't your phone have a timer or something. I thought many people who workout set timers?" Amelia replied blankly.

"Hehe. I kinda lost track of time. Lemme freshen up. I'll meet you people at the dining in a jify" 

Drew took a bath and wore one of Diego's clothes. Thank goodness they had almost the same body size.

By the time Drew got to the dining, thirty minutes had passed.

"You guys haven't eaten yet?" Drew was surprised when he saw everyone at the table, the dishes untouched.

"It was your mum's idea" Diego shrugged helpless.

The family of four began eating. The atmosphere was quite enjoyable. Apart from the fact that Victoria kept on sending interrogatory questions at Amelia's way, dinner went quite well.

Once again, Amelia offered to wash the dishes. Victoria was completely helpless over this and could only let her do her stuff.

Drew left the house, finding an old swing tied to the only mango tree in the courtyard adjacent to the poultry house.

Staring at the night skies, Drew felt at peace. Since he bonded with the system, fate seemed to be favouring him more and more.

"You seem to be bothered" Drew felt somebody sit on the swing besides him.

"Mum. I should be the one asking you that" Drew replied.

"Are you really happy after what those bastards did to you?"

Victoria sighed.

"It's been years Drew. Why won't you just forget it?"

"Memories can't be forgotten, just like scars can't be healed. What those people did to us, i Drew will never forget it" Drew patted his chest as his eyes gleamed dangerously.

"I know you want to have revenge. But remember that they are your family too. Blood is thicker than water"

Saying this, Victoria stood up and left.

Drew fell into silence. Blood is thicker than water huh?

His mother was just too compassionate and forgiving!

Years ago, his mother was once the sole heir of a powerful company. Her parents died at a genocidal bombing that occurred during a gala event, leaving her all alone with an old butler.

Right from childhood, she was groomed to become a business lady. And as an adult, she became one.

Although she wasn't known nation wide, she had quite the prestige in the social circle.

During a charity programme, she met the young heir of the Wallace family, a local family that was leagues below her.

However, she and the young master of the Wallace family fell in love.

Two years of courtship made the love grow so strong that his mother could no longer let go.

Afraid of a breakup, his mother did everything to please the young master of the Wallace family, including opening a joint account with him.

The date of their marriage was fixed but just at the last moment, the young master of the Wallace stood her up, wiped off all the money in the joint account and testified in court that he didn't know her.

Drew's mother was devasted. It was too late to realize that she was being played right from the beginning. Her family business went bankrupt and had to shut down.

However, the Wallace family business kept on growing day by day.

But although the young master of the Wallace family abandoned her, he still left something.

His seed.

It was that seed that formed Drew. However, Drew never saw himself as part of the Wallace family, who in turn saw him as a worthless piece of shit born out of wedlock.

Due to being poor, Drew had to endure this. But not anymore.

He could now take his revenge, thanks to the amazing cheat he had;

The Super Decillion System! 

The next morning, While Drew had breakfast, he suddenly heard a commotion from outside, alongside faint neighing of horses.

"They are here!" Diego's face turned ashen.

"Then let's go greet them" Drew belched as he stood up.

Just as he was about to open the door, Victoria's words sounded from behind him.

"Be careful"

Drew smiled faintly.

"I will mum"

Opening the door, Drew was greeted with the sight of a large number of horses gathered around the log house.

Their riders were all clad in cow boy outfits, along with pistols and revolvers.

Drew's sudden arrival alerted many of them.

"Brat. Do you live in this shack of a log house? quick, call out the Deviant hiding inside!" one of the gangsters spoke haughtily, while on the horse back.

It was like he was a god overlooking a piece of trash from above.

"You? are you even worthy?" Drew snickered.

"You!!" the gangster went red in anger.


Suddenly he noticed that Drew mysteriously disappeared.

Looking around, he tried searching all around for hints of a sneak attacks.

At that moment, a figure soundlessly appeared besides him, followed by the sound of jaw breaking.


The gangster flew out from the horse, crashing roughly on ground.

"Kill him!" the other gangsters were quite quick to react.

Swiftly bringing out their guns, they attempted to open fire at Drew.


Drew raced towards one and twisted his wrist.

Bam! Bam!

Using the unlucky gangster as a meat shield, Drew swiftly approached a new gangster.

Grabbing him by the neck, he flung him towards another gangster, causing them to fall to the ground.

Drew hurriedly opened the system panel, searching for any gun skills.

He eventually saw it and bought it for ten deci points, increasing it by two more levels with another one thousand deci points.

Picking up a pistol from the ground, he shot a gangster on the head.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Relying on his crazy speed and agility, Drew was like a commando, shooting down all the gangsters.

Although some bullets managed to brush past his body, they could hardly breach the defenses of his powerful physique.

Under ten minutes, Drew stood in a multitude of corpses, while holding a pistol.

Feeling the traces of blood on his face, Drew's heart shuddered.

This was his first time committing murder. And the worst of all, a massive one.

Just as Drew's chest heaved up and down, he suddenly heard loud clapping.

Looking over, he saw a burly man leaning against the broken wood gate.

Drew panicked. His opponent was watching him and he had no idea all along.

It either meant two things.

One, his opponent had an ability that could conceal himself.

Two, his opponent was too powerful.

As if to confirm his conjecture..

-[Analysis failed to work on strong target!]

! ! !