

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Fantasy
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19 Chs


When the two spoke at the same time, Su Ming secretly rolled his eyes. It seems that the other party also has some concerns and does not want to entangle, and the point is that no one pays commissions to deal with such a powerful enemy. Mercenaries cannot do business., Hatred and emotions, there is no green dollar.

"Put down the weapon, let's talk!" X2

"You put it down first!" X2

"Let's put it together!" X2

Su Ming is helpless, everything they do is synchronized, terribly weird.

He is obviously an ordinary person from another world, not a real death knell, what's the matter of this mysterious tacit understanding? How much influence has I been affected by the death knell itself, has even the way of thinking become the same?

"No, I have never experienced life and death with others. When I was a young and Dangerous boy, it was better to say that I was lost in the fun of life. I have never dealt with these real dark things. So I rely on the death knell. The physical memory from the past has adopted his way of thinking and methods that I have learned from comics."

Su Ming was thinking about things in his head, and at the same time and on the other side dropped his weapons.

Both long sticks were simply thrown into the rain, and they were covered with sewage on the roof. The two stood opposite each other, and the heavy rain flowed down the mask like a small waterfall.

"Say it!" X2

Seeing that the two people said the same thing at the same time, Su Ming tried to get rid of the influence of death knell thinking, raised his palm, and put his other hand on the palm.

"Stop, stop, let's stop having fun, this is the most creepy thing I have ever experienced, let me say it first, listen."

"It couldn't be better." The other side was obviously relieved, at least finally able to communicate.

"I'm a mercenary, codenamed Death Knell, Slade Wilson, but you can also call me Su." Su Ming briefly said about his background, because he can't figure out which parallel world it is, so other settings He also couldn't understand.

"Interesting, I probably guessed what happened, I am also a death knell, my name is Cindy Wilson."

The opposite seemed to understand something, and he touched his helmet a little uncomfortably.

The death knell is different from other masked people. His black and yellow uniform is more of a warning color like the body color of a bee, not to hide his identity. Anyone knows that, Slade is the death knell, a myth in the mercenary world.

If you think about it, how can there be business if it is mysterious? At least let the financial future customers find themselves.

"What's going on? Did the military use my blood to clone humans again?"

Su Ming knows that the death knell has the past of the military, and the genetic modification also comes from the military, not to mention that there are so many clones in the DC world, and there are many forces with cloning technology.

"No, I don't think I have a cloned relationship with you. The person who performed biochemical transformation on me has long since died, and there is only one potion for strengthening."

Said that he was called Cindy's death knell, fumbled for the lower right edge of his mask, lifted it back, and took off his mask.

Su Ming was big for a while, and this death knell called Cindy was actually a woman.

She has short blonde hair and a stern and beautiful face. She is a standard American beauty. The only pity is that her right eye is also a black blindfold, which seems to be blind.

What makes Su Ming feel incomprehensible is that she is only in her twenties and is not an old lady.

If it is a female version of herself, she should be in her fifties...

thought this way in his heart, he also fumbled under the mask, and sure enough, there was a very inconspicuous sliding buckle, pressed and pushed to the side, the helmet also took off.

Cindy was also surprised, obviously she couldn't understand something.

Su Ming looked down. Although he couldn't see the details in the puddle due to the interference of rain, he could still see that he was very young, with short blond hair, handsome and unruly face, with a touch of stubble., A black leather blindfold was over his right eye. He touched it, and he could feel that there was no eyeball under the blindfold. He undoubtedly inherited the body of the death knell when he was young.

Here comes the question. The death knell's right eye is in the old story. He was shot blind by his wife with a gun. In the new 52 world, he was blinded by Batman's son Damian. But anyway, the death knell in his twenties should still be a bachelor in the army.

What is going on with this world line? How was he blind?

"Man? Are you a man?" Cindy's expression was cold, but his tone was incredulous.

Su Ming is depressed. It's not right that the death knell becomes a woman?

"Are men weird?"

"A strong man like you is very rare. Among those with superpowers, I only know the 'Qi Xia', but he is an Amazon politician bastard. Compared to him, I am a saint."

Cindy walked under the huge 'W' of the Wayne Group logo, took out a cigar from a small box on her belt, lit it in her mouth and smoked it. She felt that she needed to take some nicotine.

Su Ming walked over, and the two of them couldn't fight anymore. The original questions from each other now became a common confusion. At the same place where Cindy took out the cigar, Su Ming also had a small box on his body. He also took out one, and the two stood together in silence.

When he heard Cindy mention Qi Xia, he basically knew which world it was.

One of the many parallel worlds in the DC Universe, Earth 11, the world ruled by the Amazons, here, whether it is a super villain or a superhero, it is a female version.

Batman has become Batwoman, Superman has become Supergirl, Aquaman has become Sea Queen, Flash has become Flash Woman, Bone has become Steel Woman... The Joker has become Nong Chen, the Penguin man became the Penguin woman, the double-faced man became the double- faced woman, and the Shadow Warrior League also became the Shadow Dancer League.

The point is that the celebrities who were originally females are still women, Harley Quinn is still Harley Quinn, Plant Ivy or Plant Ivy, Black Canary or Black Canary, but with the original superheroes or super villains. Lovers or partners become best friends...

This weird world, I don't know how it was created, the DC editorial department is really mind-blowing.

In short, in this world, men have always had a low status. Until modern times, gender equality has not been said, but generally women are engaged in careers and men are doing housework at home. No way, the highest leadership in the world is Amazon. They are all women. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com So government officials are also women, they have stronger power and rights, far better than men.

The only weird thing is that the original Wonder Woman is a man in Earth 11, named Qixia, and the only well-known male superhero, but it sounds like Qixia here is a super villain, something not quite right.

Unfortunately, he was raised by Amazon since he was a child. From Su Ming's point of view, he is very strange. Can you imagine the outfit of Wonder Woman being worn by a muscular man...?

For Su Ming, he couldn't talk to a man dressed like that.

"Cindy by my side seems to be the real death knell of this world. I should have brought the body of that death knell from another parallel universe, and because of the relationship of crossing the wall of the world, he was affected by time fluctuations. Become young."

He immediately made an assumption in his mind, and at present, the possibility of such an assumption is very high.

In that case, it's a little troublesome. Even if you can find your own home, it's Cindy's home in this world. He has no money, no bank card or a place to hide money, unless he is going to the street to rob a gangster, otherwise he really has no money to eat.

But it's robbery... It seems too bad, the death knell will not do such a thing.

And even if he knows that those people's money is not clean, even if he said that he was a young and Dangerous boy before, but he was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, it would be better to say that he was huddling people, cheering people, eating food, even other people's. I haven't snatched the smoke, so I stopped playing when I was fifteen or sixteen.

Not to mention that he has been retiring to the world for nearly ten years. He was an ordinary office worker half an hour ago. He is a harmonious and civilized young man. The original moral concepts of the world always restrain him, and there is an invisible obstacle in his heart. past.

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