

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Endangered world


There was a crisp noise not far away. It may be that the cable was blown off by the wind, or it may be that the rainwater short-circuited the transformer box. The Wayne Group light box above them suddenly emitted a cluster of sparks and a wisp of blue smoke. Up.

The plume of smoke was quickly dispersed by the rain and disappeared. The two of them just looked up and looked at the darkened billboard without saying anything.

Now the surroundings have become dim, except for the butts of the two cigars, which are still brightly lit.

Su Ming thought for a moment: "I come from a parallel world, you are in another world."

If the other party is the death knell, this news can tell her that when the intelligence cannot be used in the operation, she will not spread or sell the news. Just like Batman collects information on the weaknesses of all the superheroes on earth, so that they can solve the problem immediately if they become black.

This news is a kind of strategic reserve. Su Ming can use this news to prove his sincerity without worrying about future troubles in a short time. When no one pays for her to kill herself, the secret is safe to keep with her.

Death Knell and Batman know each other's true identities, but in view of their respective principles, Batman will not attack him when the death knell did not commit a crime, and some things will not appear without evidence even if they know that it is the death knell.

just so, death knell work has always been clean and tidy.

And the death knell will not attack the true identity of Batman Bruce Wayne, because the Wayne Group is too rich, Bruce's life is also very valuable, not tens of billions, the death knell decided to leave Bruce's head with him On his neck, maybe someday will be able to withdraw it?

is like a clown. He actually knows the true identity of Batman, but he only wants to play with the bat, not the boring billionaire. But this does not prevent him from kidnapping the people around Bruce. From the butler Afu to Bruce's girlfriends, they have all been kidnapped by the clown and forced Batman to come out and play games with him.

There are also a lot of villains who know the identity of Batman, including the black mask, silence, Bain, etc., but because the symbol of Gotham City is Batman, only by defeating Batman can you prove that you have ruled Gotham, but not defeated Bruce, dressed as a bat, can only say that he defeated a rich playboy...

The death knell depends on the existence of the dark side of this society, so he must also protect the existence of this society.

Whether it is someone who wants to destroy the earth, or someone who does not play according to the dark rules, this is the enemy of the death knell.

In the comics, every time a big alien comes to invade the earth, it will cause chaos. At this time, some gangsters will take the opportunity to grab a bank or a jewelry store, and even ordinary people will go to the roadside store to move a TV home., Anyway, don't do it for nothing, superheroes are busy.

But among these people who took the opportunity to trouble the superheroes, there will never be a death knell, and even many times, the death knell is to help the heroes solve the invaders of aliens and other worlds, and participate in settling the world crisis. The money is confiscated.

However, when the crisis is over and the world is safe, the death knell will continue his mercenary business. Any superhero who stands in the way is just one word, do it!

"Well, I probably guessed it. Actually, I've seen another self in the parallel universe before, but...he is much older than us." Cindy was smoking a cigarette, and the sound of rain did not drown. How far her voice came, but Su Ming heard it clearly.

"What kind of person is that?"

Su Ming asked her, the two stood side by side, looking at the bat light shadow in the distance, twisting and twisting on the dark clouds.

"A poor man, wearing a cloth headgear like a bank robber, and using old-fashioned firearms. He is very old, his body is deteriorating, and his self-healing cells make him immortal..."

Cindy said indifferently, even though it was pitiful, but there was no expression on his face.

"Have he ever said why he came into this world? How did he leave?"

Su Ming also wants to leave. Although the previous days were so boring to explode and life was no fun, but... at least in the original world, his motherland, society is peaceful and stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there will be no day outside There will be no super villain who will kill him for no reason.

"He said that a criminal group called'Syndicate' killed his child. He tried to find a chance to kill his enemy when they were traveling through the world, and he tried to find a chance to kill his enemy...Unfortunately, it didn't happen. .Our world is ruled by the Amazon Parliament. Highly centralized power represents faster reaction speed and stronger power. The invaders of the parallel world are quickly beaten away. They return to their own world and turn off time and space. The door, the death knell of the old man, naturally went back."

"Did the Justice League repel them? Wait, is there a Justice League in your world?"

Su Ming thought for a moment, and decided to ask this question, because before he crossed, DC had just updated a new DC universe event-"Metal". If there is no Justice League, it means that this is a dark multiverse. The reverse projection of the bright multiverse in the garden of the world.

It is a universe made of dark matter, like the front and back of a coin, but because of the nature of the world, everything that happens here is darker than the ordinary DC parallel universe.

If this is Earth 11, then there will be no major events. Your own living environment will be much more relaxed. As long as you don't provoke the Amazon Council and the female version of the Justice League, you can comfortably watch the vigorous postures of the female heroes.

But if the earth is minus 11, the trouble will be big. This is a world where there are no other superheroes, only Batgirl and countless villains. At the same time, it is a world on the verge of extinction. In the future, the entire world will be submerged by the war between Batwoman and Atlantis. The only survivor is the Batgirl who has transformed herself.

The cause of the incident is actually the bat.

Atlantis and the Amazon had a land and sea war. Regarding the struggle for hegemony in this world, Briss gathered intelligence and believed that this was caused by the excessive ambitions of Sea Queen Arthur. She was an anti-government ambition. Home is also a potential threat, so she dispatched and planned to seize the Sea Queen to Arkham.

The Atlanteans raided the waters near Paradise Island under the guise of peace talks, and Briss took the opportunity to arrest the Queen of the Sea. However, in the fight between the two, Briss, who was not familiar with underwater fighting, missed her and killed her. Afterwards, the Atlanteans naturally chose to retaliate and immediately triggered a tsunami through unknown means, which completely destroyed Gotham.

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