
The Death Instinct

!!COMPLETED!! Marv, a character with an insatiable death wish, goes on a mission to find Arioch, a badass vampire with a mysterious and uncaring past. Little does Marv know that her quest for self-destruction will lead to a series of unexpected twists and unsettling revelations, turning her world upside down. Trust me, things are about to get real interesting. *This might be a bit late but trigger warning, this book talks about dark themes and mental health.*

Novel_Dumre · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Bhang Thandai

Marv hopped down the stairs towards the Jeep in her flare pants and knitted top with her swimsuit underneath it. She ran for the backseat when Nandi grabbed the handle; she dressed in shorts showing off her long glowing legs, thick sunglasses, and a wide-brim hat. 

"I get car sick in front. Can I take your seat?" she smiled. 

Marvel smiles "Well we can share the back seat" but Min appears next to her in a combat vest with sunglasses on his nose and sun shading his face. 

"I have the same thing. " He smiled and got in the car. 

Arioch came to the door. In a light white kurta and jeans, he also wore thick sunglasses and a wide-brim hat. "You ready?" he asked the group as they nodded. 

Marvel slipped into the passenger seat as Arioch climbed onto his side. His gloves grabbed the steering wheel. "I don't know where I am going. " Arioch looked in the rearview mirror at Nandi. 

"Nessa said the substance of your memories is the first thing that needs to go into the vessel," she said, looking back at him. 

"There must be something that counts as a substance, like someplace you and this person shared, that could be the answer," Marv said, looking at Arioch who just started out the window. 

"So it has to be here, and I think I know where to start" Arioch started at the engine and they were off. 

Arioch rode through the city of Durban. Marv sat back in her seat, letting the memories come flooding back. She watched the colorful minibus taxi hoot and speed past their car. The smell of braai meat and curry filled the air. There was a hint of sea air in the breeze. The city was busy with street markets, people trying to get to their destination or standing in line for a massive sale at one of the stores. 

A pastel pink building with purple trimming came into view. It was an old building with mosque roofs in green. Arioch drove them into the underground parking and all stepped out. The heat hit them in the face and Marv's wrapped hair instantly started sweating. 

"oh my fucking god" she hissed, trying to fan herself. "I forgot the heat," she expressed, grabbing her head wrap. "this, my hair. " Nandi grabbed Marv's arm. 

"we will be right back. " she pulled Marv into the car. 

Arioch and Minjun leaned against the car as Nandi pulled out a detangling comb and grabbed a bottle of water. She took the wrap off and wet Marv's hair before combing it out and using pins to style it onto an afro puff mohawk. Nandi sat back and smiled at her handy work, and Marv just stared at the rearview mirror in disbelief. 

"Perfect," Nandi said behind Marv. "you have beautiful hair and such an interesting color," she whispered against Marv's ear. 

"You are amazing. I have never seen my hair like this," Marv smiled brightly. 

"I spend a lot of time with the kids at the clan," she whispered, putting the brushes away. "We are always trying new styles. This one is one of their favorites. " Her smile faded on that memory. "we should go. " they left the car. 

Arioch leaned against the car. "just on the stick?" he asked Minjun. 

Minjun nodded. "yup, just a pig's head on a stick," he explained with his hands. 

"What? " Marv walked into the conversation and Arioch looked down at her hair, the tight curls that sat like a mane on top of her head.

He wanted to curl his fingers into her hair but controlled his urging fingers "nothing, let's go" he adjusted his sunglasses. 

They walked into the building where there were stalls as far as the eye can see. Colorful traditional African clothes and accessories stood outside the staff or hung above them. Different towers of spices and delicious Indian snacks sat on tables, Marv's mouth watered at the scene. 

She turned towards Arioch with puppy dog eyes. He exhaled. "what do you want?" he pulled out his wallet as Marv began to point out different snacks and sweets. 

Marv had a gleeful smile and arms full of snacks and sweets. She ate as they walked deeper into the building. Nandi placed her arm around Marv's shoulder, sneaking snacks into her mouth. Arioch watched the two with such warmth. Marv fit so well in the group, but it gave a bitter taste in his mouth. 

"This way," he nodded down another hallway until the words 'sweet tea' sat on a banner. 

The smell of sweet teas, spices, and cinnamon filled the air as they stepped into her bright blue and yellow stall. There were quilted pillows with embroidered mandala and oriental rugs next to coffee tables. A lady in a saree turned to the door and a big smile appeared on her face. She was short, plump and had hair to her ankles. She walked up to Arioch and gave him a big hug. 

"Arioch" she hugged the grumpy vampire "Nandi" she gave the nurturing vampire a kiss on the cheek "and Minjun" she pinched his cheeks "ugh, all of you look so good" she turned to Marv, who stood with her mouth full "and who is this?" she asked, eyeing Minjun "did you finally find a girlfriend?" but Minjun shook his head. 

Marv grabbed her hand. "I am Marv, I am just along for the experience," she smiled. 

She patted her cheeks "you are adorable, I am Fatima but you can call me aunty Fatima" Fatima clapped her hands "come in, I will fix you some masala tea, okay?" she moved, disappearing being a curtain of beads. 

The group sat around the coffee table. A server brought multiple side dishes with different types of biscuits from Nankhatai to Atta, hard risk, and onion pakora. Marv licked her lips when Fatima placed a masala tea in front of her and sat next to Arioch. 

"So, what's bringing you down here? Huh? Haven't seen you in years? " She asked, looking into Arioch's eyes. "oh" she whispered. "this is not a social call. " She clapped her hands. "well, ok, what can I do for you?" she smiled. 

Arioch nodded "I need a glass of bhang thandai, I know it is off season but…" Fatima shook her head. 

"say no more. " she hopped up and moved behind the curtain again. 

"What is Bhang Thandai?" Marv asked, biting into the sweet almond biscuits that reminded her of her childhood. 

"It's a traditional Holi drink, it's milk with a couple of spices, it's just a fun drink with lots of colorful memories," Arioch explained as Minjun and Nandi watched his changed expression and he cleared his throat as Fatima placed the milky drink before him. 

"there you go, love. " she placed more glasses for everyone else. "I added a bit of Goli. " she winked before moving on to her other customers. 

Marv smiled with huge eyes "no, not for you" Arioch tried to grab the glass but Marv had already down some of it. 

Marv moaned at the aromatic, warm milk that filled her stomach and made her sleepy "Oh my god, that is so good" she licked the milk mustache that sat in her upper lip. 

Nandi just smiled before turning to Arioch. "anything? Any memories?" she asked, but Arioch just stared at Marv. 

He looked at Nandi and shook his head. "it doesn't make sense, this was our spot," he mentioned, and Marv leaned her head against his shoulder. 

"Who's the spot?" Marv chuckled in his ear. 

"No one," he growled before looking at Nandi and Minjun. "We need to keep going," he said, standing and moving towards the beaded curtain.

Marv again took a mesmerizing sip. "you mean Arjun?" she asked, when Arioch stopped in his tracks. 

"No," he threw over his shoulder before disappearing behind the curtain.