
The Deal by wings

Mac never wanted this, it was meant to be a one night stand, and yet he was trapped working for him

_Wings_ · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Dagon stood at the gates of the huge mansion, four men dressed in black suits behind him.

The late night breeze relaxed him as he walked through the stone passage way observing the flowers surrounding the area before reaching the mansion entrance ignoring the two black Lamborghini parked in front and the 10 men that stood there, they all bowed as he entered not even acknowledging their presence.

The mansion was rather large and opulant  he wasn't  blown away by it's luxurious decor since he had seen it a lot . There was a grand staircase that led to the second floor, and a ballroom that was full of expensive furniture, paintings,  crystal chandeliers, and photos of his reason for coming.

"Mr Dagon" a good looking man dressed in a white suit called his attention before speaking again "please follow me "

As he was lead to the office he couldn't help but notice the man had a similar structure to the person he met at the bar, same black hair and pale skin they were almost similar the only thing that distinguished them was their facial structure this one had a plumpy lips and a sharper jawline.

They reached an oak panel double door and Dagon nonchalantly swung it open

"do you want to break my door" Aaron glared at Dagon who just shrugged "you can afford another door it's not my problem" 

Aaron closed the files he was holding and stood up from his desk

"what do you want" he asked.

"nothing much just wanted to check up on my brother" Dagon sat on the couch that faced the large brown desk.

He watched as Aaron placed the file in a library-like shelf behind his desk before he turned to face him

"why not visit Nico?"

"you know I can't do that, he'll try to stab me with a knife the moment he sees me"

Aaron scoffed "anyone who sees you would want to do that too"

"well at least you don't",

Aaron knew that Dagon always had 3 reasons for visiting a person it was either he wanted to have sex, he had business with you or he came to boast, although sometimes he would visit to kill or torture.

He  looks at his brother and laughs "are you here to flaunt something? "

"and what may that be?"

"Those hideous marks on your neck"

Dagon let's out an 'oh' before a smug look appeared on his face,

"you have more to boast about than I brother", Aaron looks at him confusion visible.

"what do you have with the boy in white? " Dagon asked

"Nothing his just  an acquaintance"

"really?, But a moment ago you seemed to be eating him with your eyes, and not only that he was limping"

Aaron took a deep breath " he's the son of Mr Gaing, mother insisted I worked with him"

"oh, I didn't know that you could fuck your business patners"

"I didn't" he groaned in frustration "I'm not like you, I don't go sleep with everyone I see. I'm curious who did you even sleep with last night" he tried converting the conversation from himself and it seemed to work

"someone I met at the club's bar" a smile tugged at the comer if his lips

"wait, I told you to watch the bar and you went to play around"

"what fun is it to own a club but not use it" Dagon simply replied

"that poor person must have suffered" Aaron stated making Dagon laugh out loud,

"brother if a person is to suffer in my hand one will die from yours, you are worse than I am" he watched as his brother adjusted his posture leaning on the table with a frown

"anyways" Dagon continued "he agreed to give   his body for 50, 000 baht, he was gorgeous, nice eyes, delicate waist line with the voice of an angel and the moans of pure liquid sex"

"did you pay him" Aaron asks, knowing his brother well he doubt he did.

"no, if by faith we eventually meet" 

"and if faith doesn't occur? "

"then I'll find him track him down and  torture him till he loves me" Dagon said it like it was the sweetest thing to ever tell person.

"is that the person that you asked your men to kidnap"

Dagon nodded and Aaron wasn't even surprised.

"I pity for that soul, but why?, you normally only taste a meal once"

"I know" he frowned, "but I need someone to satisfy me for the time being I can't keep moving around, mother wants me occupied"

"at least you won't be trying to sleep with my staffs".

Dagon smiles "I don't try to sleep with them, they flirt with me because of my good looks" he brags

Aaron brings his palm yo his forehead questioning himself, "you crazy brat how do I even tolerate you".

"because you are as mad as I am"  Dagon smiles again "if I went to Nico that tiny boy would kick me out".

"I don't know how he got a girlfriend with that temper" Aaron says agreeing.

They both laughed

"by the way do you plan on going somewhere"

"yes" Aaron replies "the Event, I'm the speaker"

"wow twice in a row I'm impressed"

"you never seem to appear at the occasion" Aaron comments

"almost like how you never serve me a beverage whenever I'm around"

He scoffs "you know your way around the house get a drink if you want"

"it's more polite if you do it"  Dagon insisted

"if I get you a drink would you accompany me to the Event" he asks and Dagon shook his head

"it's like asking for a first class ticket to watch you make out with your acquaintance"

"Dagon do i look as shameless as you are?"

"no, you look worse"

"I would love to have this conversation with you" Aaron says sacarsm dripping from his words "but I have to leave I have work to do"

Aaron adjusts his suit and Dagon does the same, "by the way Dagon, mother requests your presence, do not misbehave"

"I'll try".