
-The famous death-

The rich family of the East of the island died a tragic death yesterday before Halloween which was Halloween Eve here on the island everyone was so confused because they were found dead in their in house. Not the Abandoned hospital where the two twin girls. It was the 20th year anniversary so I wanted to do something special cuz they were originally going to be 43 and I am 41 I'm no longer 31And I'm kind of glad because the doctor said I have cancer and could only live about 40 more years because cancer could be removed so I'm going to get a surgery tomorrow and I'll update you then not in 10 years. I'm sorry about that but I'm going to be happy cuz I don't want to die just yet. At least family of the richest dead and they left all the money to me because I was one of the loyal Maids. all the other Maids just smoked and took a break AKA slept with the youngest son which was only 16. When the parents of the young boy found out they kicked out the other Maids leaving me knowing that I was apparently they're loyal made to take care of the house whenever they went on vacation or whenever they left for a business trip and had to leave their son here I would take care of him and they would pay me a lot of money cuz I was loyal. The thing about their son as he thought I was cute and since I was 41 he was 16 I told him no you can't and I'm also married but doesn't stop him from where she got grounded and she had to get a different made that was in their 70s. When he met his new maid that was in her seventies he was like oh I could smash that and I was disgusted and I didn't set foot in his room ever again in the poor old lady didn't want to step foot in his room but she had to so she could pay for her husband's bill because doctor bills are really expensive now on this island and we have no idea why. It may be because of all the deaths every century and not many kids have been born. Adults are scared that their babies are just going to die even though the twins only kill people that are only in their twenties that were relatives of the Killer. I am doomed to stay alive for years and years to come and I don't know why but the devil told me in my dream that I was the perfect one to stay alive and commit his Dirty deeds and he wanted me to keep killing just like my family even though I still want to continue higher education even though I'm in my forties I really just want to learn about becoming a doctor so I can save lives even though the devil said if you save lives you're going to have to kill twice as more if twins are born to kill four people if one person sextuplets are born and you have to kill 16 people I'm very sorry about this but I just need you to keep doing the dt my tureed so then the tradition will continue going and going for Generation when The devil told me this I thought it wouldn't be able to see my cousins again but I've remembered they come visit me every Halloween when it's Halloween month here on the island and they tell me stories so I always get to see them then but it's every years and I don't really have a communication device to talk to them with since they don't have phones down in hell so it's quite hard not knowing you can't communicate to your cousin's but at least I get to see them every Halloween and it's really fun though they have an age though they look the same as when they died and then they get super surprised every time they visit me that I look so different. They were shocked and realized that they were ever going to age they were scared that they would never be able to have children and the devil would let women that had died in her twenties and thirties have children down there but they haven't aged a day They begged and pleaded to the devil and he said that he'd let them age for more years but that wouldn't change cuz they by the age of 16 there were no sixteen-year-old Devils down there and whenever they thought they saw a young person it was just someone under the age of 10 or over the age of 30 and they never really wanted to do it with someone that was in their 30s or even a teen I just wanted to do is with someone that was in their 20s so they be like today They would pay for it so when they got granted for more years and I visit them visited them and like another year he looked at two different they looked extremely different they look like they had aged 80 years but apparently I was just one of the side effects cuz at age another four years overnight so their bodies when we used to it yet the next year past and it finally gone down they were now finally 20 years old the devil let them drink even though they weren't supposed to they were little still that goody-two-shoes because they didn't really want to break the law even though there was no laws down in hell but when I found out that God had to enforce some rules I was too late a bunch of people I had already drank smoked and did a bunch of other bad things down there some of them were for some of them were in their 80s and 90s the devil didn't care for people over the age of 20 but someone that was under the age of 19 or 19. Sentence forever and no one really wanted that I just wanted to do their time and get out but the devil had other plans for when I when I went down there the same day since he let me visit only on Halloween several times so I used up one of my times and immediately asked are you want the people that they don't your teeth they both said no and I could tell they weren't lying cuz the devil gave me eyes to see if someone was lying or had anything to hide didn't have anything to hide except I know something I can read their minds and they were crying cuz they could read each other's minds but they couldn't rely they're scared cuz he knew I could read my mind I just couldn't tell if I was waiting there so when I told them I can finally read mine and I was reading theirs they're scared and said so you heard about our conversation about the teenager I didn't realize you were talking about a teenager they just said about the guy I didn't know what they meant by the guy but I found out I was infuriated I realize they were talking about our youngest cousin there's only four they were talking about how hot he was really being for and they actually let him drink and do all that stuff that's why the devil wasn't letting them so what do you do he decided German their lives and make him do all the corbel tasks like do it with him and make sure that no one escaped even though them themselves were planning an escape but they couldn't cuz the devil has eyes and ears Everywhere by that I mean have cameras and microphones and she would let me visit hell anywhere anytime I just can't see my cousins anytime only on Halloween and then I saw a cute boy his name is dice even though he looks like he's in his 40s actually only in his 20s happy sir flirting with him and he floated back until I noticed something who's the devil's right hand man in the devil made me his left his right-hand girl so I had no choice I had to marry dice actually wasn't mad at happy then I realized something cat eyes so you can see if I would ever cheat so that I ever cheated on him he would be notified by one of them just basically just a mini devil beard bigger than 2 feet tall so they weren't really that threatening until you see dark black eyes the first time I saw their eyes I was scared he said no need to fret it's only just a little flaw in my system I asked what he meant by flaw in the system and he said I didn't need to worry about it until I was actually dead until dawn hateful day you told me you were So I continued making cocktails for the rest of the people that were on break my little cousins came there well I called them little cuz they're shorter than me I told my cousin who was here they were scared cuz I don't like to talk to them and said that he would be there for them to have a chat with them and don't want to talk to him because he knew it would happen then you they'd have to be dragged up to heaven and they didn't want to meet up in heaven actually just didn't want to be there they wanted to be alive have a real life announce fancy one they called it a fantasy because every time they woke up it was like groundhog day except it was the same day if I look the same day even though it was the same it was the same day of the week but it was different but it was a different week every time so whenever they asked the devil what day was he would always say Wednesday he wouldn't tell them the number day so finally got fed up with it and tried to commit suicide but the devil wouldn't let them she said you're supposed to try to commit suicide. You guys won't be able to be here anymore you'll have to go into the deeper layers of hell and still be my servants especially you I don't love you anymore you know your older cousin to the one that's in her 40s I love her know that she has stolen my heart weighs more when you are she actually ages and you guys just stay to stay awake just stay the same age it's creepy cuz you guys are mean next to your twenties now I'm actually in my 40s well 1940s even though I will see your 1930 Brown well actually it was 1940 so it made sense it was only 1941 so it was only a hundred years older than me only a hundred years and I wouldn't well that makes sense cuz he's been alive ever since the creation of the Earth I know I know but technically then he'd be millions of years old but he claimed to be only from years Summit 800 it's kind of scary.I was getting ready for work and I'm just straightening my hair and I'll send her to scream it was both my cousins the dice kid said you don't insult me or my girlfriend I didn't know who is talking about but when he looked back and saw me he was flustered and said oh hey and he just ran away they said that he was talking about how we were getting married soon even though I barely even knew him I only knew his name was dise and that you was really nice I didn't know that she would kill for me I'm kind of scared cuz I love my cousins and if they were tied or anything to tell him I would be scared but I told him I had a husband and I mean I did like him like as a friend but he was going too far then when I told him that I only like him as a friend freaked out and said we're going to get married and then immediately kiss me my husband also works there but he wasn't working where we were he took me an area where I didn't know no one can see us it was secluded in all of a sudden I hear Martinique on Irma she said where are you dinner's ready the one he saw me trying trying to push the ice off immediately said dice y let me hear explains that he loved her more than he did my husband's flipped out and said babe why did you let him kiss you I said I couldn't then he shoved me and said get away from me we're getting a divorce in the real world then when the devil tried that he knows that my husband straight down the hill I was happy but I will so sad it wasn't my life dad I'm gone now but at least I could have kids with whoever I wanted to because my husband did not want to have kids he said they were going to be too loud while we were hanging out because hanging out cuz my kids were always in the room there was a hanging out instead of doing stuff in our room.