
-The Decade After-

It's been one decade that since they've died I'm now 31. I always thought that they wouldn't tell me any more stories but every year they have a new story to tell none of them are ever repeated and I kept frankly quite scared because last time. I had a boyfriend as you read in chapter one he was trying to kill me but my cousins were there to see through his facade so thankfully. I didn't want to go in that house with him and he was gullible and I was so happy that he didn't kill me and that my cousins killed him for me. I'll forever be thankful but they actually inspired me to write a song now I'm pretty popular all around the world it's called Dancing In Between Worlds because he told me a little bit about the underworld. they're sent to hell and I don't know why but at least they weren't sent to heaven we don't believe in heaven we actually believe in the devil well it's because we always thought that Christianity and stuff like that was stupid and disgusting but since then we've actually been pretty good the devil and the casino has been having ass too weird jobs like Louis they told me I had to clean the bathrooms and apparently Lily was the devil's right-hand girl butt he had her always working as a bartender both of them were bartenders and sometimes they would prank a double and switch now Lewis was actually kind of good she always kept up with work in Lillis Willis was a different story was a little bit of a troublemaker and the devil didn't care he actually liked her and they told me that they actually started well dating and I was shocked to hear that cuz when we think of the double we think the devil of us loves us all and tries to get us to do bad things and we do is bad thing but I never expected her to be dating him he honestly said that he liked her ever since the day they were both born please said that Lily was a bit... too good so he decided Willis would be his girlfriend now they've actually been dating for about two years now and they've been working at double casinos. They started 9 years ago started in the first year they met him and they didn't want to do anything but they had to do Soul contracts like cuphead and mugman ended and it's kind of creepy because I've actually been there before well in my dream they pulled me down to hell and I saw the casino there and wow that was awesome I honestly thought this was just the biggest dream but when my cousin started speaking to me I knew this wasn't a dream that the Devil Himself and immediately started praising him he said well you're trying to be a good little kid so then you can just stay here and be my new date lillis will be with me for a while and I said you're just my inspiration behind on my work I'm also an artist so whenever I was little whenever I hear the devil's name kiss would always scare and get scared cuz I actually like the devil I don't. He was just a big disgusting demon really nice and cool and I met him. He was the nicest guy ever but because people think oh God it's best he will always be there to save us now God sent them. down to Hell because he saw that they were capable of so they were capable of harboring gems in and juvenile detention kids because they were part of the devil's Posse Posse was originally just a Miss but when we originally found out about this and my family you were really happy and we actually does sacrifice to see if we could get in and we're on the late waiting list I'm actually number one until I die otherwise my family is behind me so I'm kind of scared but my uncle's going to go to heaven is it going to go to hell because, of the devil doesn't want him to be around me cuz he doesn't want that to happen again he wants us to be pure so yeah my cousins were actually kind of Goody Two-Shoes has but they only did that seem innocent to teachers when they were still in school so what did you do while I was well the only thing they could do pretend to be good and then when they cause Mischief the teacher wouldn't think it was them even though there were many kids had told told on them and said they were Liars thieves and cheaters one time on the 12th grade exam started cheating off of this really smart kid they started flirting with him in the middle of the test the teacher didn't care about them cuz he said they're good girls "I'm going to throw away your test and you're going to get an F if it's also your final". they already gotten A .because well Louis had slept with the teacher for both of them it was only once but the teacher kept calling them after they completed college and they started to get scared so they're kind of glad to die but finally they were free from his Havoc said he's going to send all of that people that has caused pain in our lives of heaven so then they can be suffering with the good now I hope this wasn't too long of a chapter but I'll see you in the next chapter and I'll explain more about the next decade that happened.