
There was

"Leave" Ryland was standing outside my door, I am doing it again. I can't control it, he is thinking about someone a guy. It's a romantic thought.

"What are you t-talking about?! " but I'm not stupid and Ryland knows he can't full me especially since he is answering back on the outside of my door.

"You're listening or trying to but it doesn't matter because you will never figure me out. I can't figure me out and trying understand me will never do you any good because it won't change the fact that I can see you where ever you are even if you are miles away I can hear you.The facts are clear I can understand you more than you can understand yourself." His breathing is tense. "-and it scares you"

2hours later

I'm mumbling, "7 deadly sins".Wrath it sounds like me, but it doesn't. It doesn't help, but it's all I have. My only idea to who or what I am. My only way to figure it out....nothing, there is nothing, else there was never anything else