

I got it. I am all of the 7 Deadly Sins which is backwards because I use to be the seven heavenly virtues. I've been researching and found that every single one of the seven Deadly sins fit me:








As I look at the list, I realize that I used to be the opposite of myself. I can't be that now, that she is gone. She wasn't just my dad's life. She was mine. My brother is the only one who has fully gotten over Amy but I can't. So I escape to my dad's "secret achohol stash" . I talk about him like I am better but I'm not. It's a cover up. It makes things easy.Nothing about me is easy so I put on a brave face. I have to keep going for her, I have to find Amy but I'm still stuck on the name Kathie. "Talk to Kathie to uncover my mystery" It was the last thing she said before being taken from us. So that is what I have been trying to do figure out who Kathie is.With my powers you would think I already know but I don't. Me suppose to save my sister? Then she will never be saved.