
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 256: What's Going On

"Albert is not just a genius in languages; he's also good in other fields."

A voice came from the entrance of the hall, and entering with a trench coat on was Gobalot Smith, whom Albert had once encountered. "I've seen him publish papers in several academic journals, covering areas that would make most self-proclaimed geniuses feel embarrassed."

"Including you," the French-speaking elderly man tilted his head and asked.

"Including me," Gobalot Smith admitted quite frankly.

Albert felt somewhat speechless. He wasn't someone who liked to boast about himself, despite having the Panel's assistance to pretend to be a genius.

But Albert was humble and didn't enjoy boasting, though the compliment was certainly appreciated.

"Child, what are you best at?"

Finally, someone in the room couldn't bear it anymore and asked Albert.

"What am I best at?" Albert paused for a moment, thought carefully, and replied, "Currently, it's Ancient Magical Runes. I've spent quite a bit of time and experience on it."

This time, Albert spoke in Ancient Magical Runes.

The other wizards in the room automatically overlooked the phrase "and experience" since they couldn't quite grasp its meaning. Albert's skillful delivery was impressive, and even wizards familiar with Ancient Magical Runes might not have spoken it as fluently as Albert did.

"It's somewhat related to alchemy. However, it's more language-oriented," the elderly man with single-lensed glasses and gloves introduced himself to Albert, "Metalworker, Yelon Balled, creator of Golden Snitches."

"Hello, Mr. Yelon Balled," Albert shook hands with him.

"If, and I mean if, you're interested in becoming a metalworker after you graduate, consider being my apprentice. Finding a suitable apprentice isn't easy these days," Yelon Balled said with a smile to Albert. "It's a promising career, and we've been providing new designs for the Quidditch World Cup Golden Snitches."

"I heard that the Golden Snitch has never been touched by bare skin before it's released. When there's a dispute during a match, can it identify the first person who touched it?" Albert asked.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Anderson, it seems you're not unfamiliar with Golden Snitch crafting," Balled winked at Albert playfully, pleased with the conversation. "If you're interested, you can send me a letter."

"Bard, are you trying to poach him?" Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversation.

"This is our first meeting, right, Mr. Anderson? I'm Sela Harixis. We've already had several exchanges through letters," Sela Harixis stepped forward, shook hands with Albert, and then smiled at Yelon Balled. Though both were alchemical experts, their fields of expertise were quite different.

"Hello, Mr. Sela Harixis. It's a pleasure to meet you in person," Albert greeted and shook hands. Now everyone understood the situation; it was a prearranged introduction, a way for Albert to make an appearance in the circle.

"We were just having a casual chat," Yelon Balled wasn't upset either, and he smiled at Harixis.

"By the way, there are quite a few fewer attendees this year!" Sela Harixis changed the subject, taking a seat next to Albert. Beside him was Gobalot Smith.

"It's indeed quite rare. However, it's fine the way it is now," Professor Brode continued the topic.

"Speaking of which, Nicodemus didn't show up either," Sela Harixis frowned, "He told me last time that he would come."

"Who made Gobalot Smith tease him about the Philosopher's Stone formula last time?"

"He tricked us with a fake formula," Gobalot Smith said, though he didn't take the matter seriously. While they were interested in the Philosopher's Stone, they didn't actually intend to pursue it. It was Nicodemus's obsession. Not to mention the difficulty of obtaining it, they also knew the secret was protected by layers of spells, including the Unbreakable Vow, with their old friend Dumbledore as the secret keeper.

Moreover, even if you got the Philosopher's Stone, you had to know how to brew the Elixir of Life.

"Nicodemus has run into a bit of trouble recently, so he can't make it for now," Professor Brode explained helplessly.

"I'm curious, who could give him trouble?" another French man asked.

"The Mysterious Man!" Professor Brode lowered his voice.

"But isn't the Dark Lord, the one whose name can't be spoken, dead already?"

Everyone in the room (except Albert) showed disgust at the mention of Voldemort. Many had lost acquaintances during the last wizarding war, innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

"Dumbledore said the one whose name can't be spoken might still be alive," Professor Brode frowned deeply. "He must have his reasons for saying so, though it's not a pleasant piece of news."

The shadow of the Dark Lord loomed over everyone in the room (except Albert). Nobody wanted to recall those unpleasant memories.

"He's after the Philosopher's Stone," Harixis frowned. "Trying to make a comeback with the Stone?"

That was not good news at all.

"He won't succeed," Professor Brode reassured. "It's well known that the one whose name can't be spoken fears Dumbledore…"

Honestly, Albert was surprised to hear this news, as he had a guess about what was going on.

Wasn't this the plot of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"? Voldemort persuading Quirrell to steal the Stone to sustain his life?

However, Quirrell's abilities weren't that impressive.

Nicodemus was undoubtedly safe. Even the Mysterious Man wouldn't be able to get Nicodemus's location out of Dumbledore.

They all knew Dumbledore was Nicodemus's secret keeper.

Protected by the Unbreakable Vow, no one could easily penetrate Nicodemus's hideout. Even if someone flattened their nose against Nicodemus's window, they wouldn't be able to get in.

"I'm sure Nicodemus isn't very pleased. He won't be able to go to the opera now!"

"I find Muggle opera performances quite boring. A long time ago, Nicodemus and I went to one together…" Before the man could complain further, Professor Brode's cough interrupted him.

"Alright, let's not dwell on that. Since everyone's here, shall we begin?" Professor Brode smiled and asked, "Who wants to start?"

In this moment, Albert was a bit stunned. Start what? Why didn't anyone tell him what was going on?

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(End of this chapter)