
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 257: Mutual Academic Flattery

"Mr. Anderson is attending the gathering for the first time, probably unaware..."

"No, no, Mr. Anderson has also brought his own achievements!" Cela Harris pointed mysteriously at Albert's right wrist, where there was an exquisite wooden bracelet.

Harris had just noticed Albert's protective wristband. After all, he was an expert in alchemy and could guess what it was with just a glance.

"Mr. Anderson, could you lend it to us to take a look?" Harris asked.

"Oh, this thing you're talking about!"

Albert hesitated for a moment, then took off the protective wristband 2.0 version from his right hand and handed it to Cela Harris beside him, still wearing a slightly puzzled expression.

"It's a very practical item." Harris looked it over and couldn't help but sigh, "At your age, I couldn't have made something like this."

"A very British magical item."

Adolf, who had previously called Albert a genius wizard, took the protective wristband 2.0 version from Harris and carefully examined it before commenting.

"This isn't anything profound, and the effect probably can't last too long. It's not much different from a regular talisman." Another French wizard glanced at the protective wristband 2.0 version, thinking that these two guys were really exaggerating.

"Haha, Claude, looks like you're mistaken!" Cela Harris couldn't help but tease, "Next time, remember to change your glasses."

"Is there a problem?" Claude frowned slightly. He believed his assessment was quite objective. While it was impressive that Anderson could create such a thing at his age, it was still just at that level, nothing to boast about.

"Mr. Anderson excels in ancient magical scripts, which is truly admirable." Adolf pointed at the protective wristband and looked towards Albert, curiously asking, "Why not use purple hemlock wood? I feel it would better complement ancient magical scripts."

"This is just a prototype," Albert explained.

"Well, I suggest you try purple hemlock wood. It pairs well with ancient magical scripts." Adolf said gently, "You're Albert Anderson, right? I'm Adolf Funie, and I have some knowledge of magical artifacts. If you're interested in this field, feel free to write to me sometime."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Funie. I'm indeed interested in crafting magical items." Albert smiled and shook hands with him.

"Indeed, quite a talented young lad," Adolf mused to himself, planning to go back and look up some of Albert's previously published papers.

Claude couldn't help but be surprised. He had known Adolf for decades and understood that he wasn't someone to casually praise others. It became clear that there might be something on the wooden bracelet that he hadn't noticed.

Honestly, Claude's proficiency in ancient magical scripts was average. Thinking this, his face reddened, and he quickly picked up his teacup and took a sip, concealing his embarrassment.

"I remember that in Mr. McDougall's recent book on ancient magical scripts, Mr. Anderson was mentioned." Nielsen glanced at Claude next to him, smiling and nodding at Albert, "To this day, I still haven't fully understood that book. Perhaps we could find time to exchange ideas. Also, your idea is good; you could consider mass-producing and selling these protective charms to the Ministry of Magic's risk-prone employees. I think they would definitely appreciate your talismans."

The middle-aged wizard's English was a bit peculiar, possibly due to him being Danish. He was also skilled in ancient magical scripts and alchemy.

After all, Norse mythology was the source of the Nifflish language.

Claude became even more embarrassed.

Protective Wristband 2.0 has gone through a full rotation, whether one understands its uniqueness or not, it's clear that Claude misjudged.

"Speaking of which, what kind of wood is this? It doesn't seem to be pear wood." Someone finally couldn't stand it and changed the topic to distract Claude.

"That's Mandrake Root. Dried Mandrake Root is said to have the effect of protection and repelling dark magical creatures when used." The explanation came from Gobalot, who was the most knowledgeable in potions.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Albert with new respect, realizing that there was so much depth in such a simple item.

"Well, this small wooden bracelet indeed surprised us." Claude coughed lightly, admitting that he had indeed misjudged.

In truth, if Claude had just admitted it openly, no one would have teased him. After all, anyone could encounter such situations, especially in fields they weren't particularly skilled in.

The study of ancient magical scripts was quite elusive; to truly comprehend it, one needed a certain level of expertise, otherwise, you would only scratch the surface.

Harris gestured for Albert to stand up and explain the protective wristband. Albert talked about the magical inscription on the version 2.0 of the wristband, but at least half of those present couldn't follow.

Nielsen, however, engaged eagerly in a discussion about magical scripts with Albert, completely leaving the others on the sidelines.

"Well then, it's my turn next." Harris smiled as he took out a glass jar containing a black powder that seemed as if it could devour all light.

"I call it Dark Powder. It's a very special substance, a magical material extracted from minerals from Peru and some plant fruit powders. Its characteristic is that it's completely non-transparent."

Cela Harris poured some black powder out of the glass jar and waved his wand lightly, preventing the darkness from spreading too far.

"I remember this thing was discovered in Peru. It belongs to a certain type of mineral, right?" Another old wizard frowned.

"You're not wrong. However, there hasn't been much progress on that side in Peru. I've already taken a step ahead in researching its manufacturing process. It's just that, for now, we haven't discovered any practical uses for this thing," Cela Harris added after some thought, "if creating an area of darkness can be considered practical."

Jelon Baldur ignited his wand and thrust it into the black mist, only to find that the light emitted by the magical tip couldn't penetrate the darkness.

"Regular Lumos spells and flames can't penetrate this darkness. It's strange. Perhaps it could be used to counter spells that rely on light."

"Muggles have a type of smoke bomb they use for escape," Albert reminded, "you could use this to create something similar. It would definitely be useful, but I wonder about the cost of production."

"It's not expensive, but it's not cheap either."

"That would make it quite expensive, and in that case, it might not be practical." Albert frowned.

"The extraction process technology needs improvement, and the price would decrease significantly." Cela Harris suggested after some thought.

"By the way, would this thing be blown away by the wind?" Professor Brolde asked blankly.

"No. Although it's a powder, once it disperses, it behaves more like magic. However, its effect gradually dissipates over time. It usually doesn't last too long."

"We'll surely find a use for it," Gerber Smith reassured, "and, of course, Mr. Anderson has already provided the first use for Dark Powder."

Afterward, Cela Harris also mentioned the extraction process for this substance. To be honest, it was a bit complex, at least for Albert. If it wasn't produced on a large scale, it would likely be an unprofitable venture.

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(End of this chapter)