
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 244: A True Brave

Running all the way, Fred and George were so exhausted that they could barely move, leaning against a tree trunk, gasping for breath.

"Thank goodness, that creature didn't chase us!" Fred sat down on the snow, still trembling from the shock. They had almost been bitten to death by the three-headed monster.

"That scared the life out of me," George patted his chest, unable to help but complain, "How could Hagrid dare to keep such a dangerous creature in the Forbidden Forest?"

"I should have listened to Albert and left earlier," Fred regretted not heeding Albert's advice to leave sooner. "By the way, where's Albert? And Lee Jordan?"

"I have no idea," George's face showed a hint of unease as he looked at the snow-covered forest path behind them. He said uncertainly, "They left before us, so they should be ahead of us."

However, there were only two sets of footprints in the snow, the ones they had just made.

Albert and Lee Jordan were obviously still behind them, but why didn't they encounter them while they were sprinting for their lives? The two were briefly confused. Even if they were running for their lives, they couldn't have missed the people on the road.

Fred and George exchanged glances and anxiously said, "Could we have taken the wrong path?"

"We... shouldn't have. Were there any forks in the road?" Fred looked at George, hoping to get an answer from him.

"How would I know?" George recovered his breath, licked his dry lips, and looked at the direction they had come from. "Should we go back and look for them?"

"Go back?" Fred's tone involuntarily rose a few notches. He really didn't want to face that cursed three-headed monster again. But... they couldn't just leave Albert and Lee Jordan in the forest, right? "Fine, let's go back and check."

After encountering danger, the two of them subconsciously felt that they shouldn't leave their friends and run away by themselves.

In fact, with a clearer mind, they would have realized that Albert, a guy who dared to venture into the Forbidden Forest alone at night and take on a group of Acromantulas, wouldn't possibly get lost on the outskirts of the forest.

Unfortunately, the sprinting just now had left their brains deprived of oxygen, preventing them from thinking clearly.

As Fred and George retraced their steps, they encountered Lee Jordan, who had recently separated from Hagrid. Lee had already dispelled the Disillusionment Charm on himself and was feeling frustrated about where Albert might have gone.

"Why is it just you? Where's Albert?" Fred looked at Lee Jordan with confusion, questioning.

"How would I know?" Lee Jordan shrugged.

"How could you not know? Didn't you guys leave together first?" George furrowed his brows.

"We actually turned back just now..." Lee Jordan coughed lightly and complained, "You guys left me all alone there... and I even cared about your safety and turned back."

"Cough, well, we didn't notice, okay? Wait a minute, you two actually sneaked back without me noticing...?" Fred's face was displeased. These two guys must have come back to see them embarrassed.

"That creature was just too terrifying..." George didn't care about these things. He was still trembling from the fright.

"You mean Fluffy?"

"Fluffy, you mean that three-headed creature?" Fred was gradually calming down.

"Yeah, that's Hagrid's pet," Lee Jordan said with a frustrated expression, "I even got scolded by Hagrid just now. That damn Albert secretly slipped away on his own. Speaking of which, what were you two planning to do by running so fast just now?"

"Speaking of which, was Hagrid around just now?" George asked, feeling annoyed.

"Of course, how do you think I survived that creature's mouth?" Lee Jordan grumbled, "If you guys hadn't insisted, I wouldn't have..."

"Alright, stop complaining about this. Shouldn't we go look for Albert now?" Fred interrupted their complaints and reminded them.

"Don't worry about him, let's go back to the castle," Lee Jordan shook his head.

"Is it really okay to ignore him?"

"We'll be fine even if he's not," Lee Jordan couldn't help rolling his eyes at the two of them, "He might be roasting snow mushrooms in the castle for all we know."

"True, he actually sneaked away on his own."

"Who are you accusing of sneaking away?" a voice suddenly sounded from the side. The three turned their heads in the direction of the voice and saw a figure emerge from behind a large tree. Wasn't it Albert, who had inexplicably disappeared earlier?

"You actually hid by yourself," Lee Jordan was the first to scold Albert, "Do you know that Hagrid scolded me for a long time?"

"I know, otherwise, why would I wait to get scolded?" Albert admitted straightforwardly, directly swallowing the words Lee Jordan had wanted to say.

"I told you guys to leave quickly, but you didn't listen. Can you blame me?" Albert shrugged helplessly.

"We almost got bitten to death by that monster just now," Fred complained.

"Yeah, running away was a bit foolish. Next time you run, don't leave your back exposed to the enemy," Albert admonished, "If Hagrid hadn't been there, you probably would've been bitten to death by the three-headed dog."

"Did you have a good laugh just now?" Fred suddenly realized something. This guy was really cunning, hiding and laughing at them.

"Who asked you to stay behind? Can you blame me for being chased by a dog? No, you can only blame yourselves." Albert shook his head and gave them a look that said it was their own fault.

"But you were with us," George's face twitched, and he smiled helplessly.

"That's why I ran ahead!" Albert said.

Fred and George were both left speechless for a moment.

"Remember not to spread this, or Hagrid might give us trouble," Lee Jordan couldn't help but laugh, but he still remembered Hagrid's warning.

"We won't." Although they had a miserable time being chased by that creature, Fred and George knew not to blab about certain things.

The four of them went straight to the kitchen, where they roasted the snow mushrooms they had found with the help of the house-elves. The taste was truly wonderful.

"By the way, is it really appropriate for Hagrid to keep such a creature in the Forbidden Forest?" Fred asked with some concern. After all, they would often enter the Forbidden Forest, and encountering it there wouldn't be a good idea.

That three-headed dog was truly dangerous. If it hadn't been for Hagrid, they might have been bitten, or even killed, just like Albert had said.

"Don't worry, when it grows up, it probably won't stay in the Forbidden Forest anymore. Headmaster Dumbledore will probably have someone send Fluffy back to Greece," Albert chewed his food and muttered softly.

"What if the Headmaster doesn't know about this?" Lee Jordan asked in return.

"I'll write a letter to Headmaster Dumbledore and tell him about it," Albert replied without hesitation.

"But that creature hasn't grown up yet!" George asked incredulously.

"Of course not, Fluffy is still small. It should have Hagrid's size next year." Albert had read about three-headed dogs. He knew that next year, Fluffy would still be at the school and would even be borrowed by the Headmaster to guard the Sorcerer's Stone.

"I really don't understand how Hagrid can guarantee that it won't harm others," Fred couldn't help but complain. He still thought Hagrid was taking too much risk.

"He's training Fluffy just like he trained Fang. There's no denying that it's been somewhat effective," Lee Jordan witnessed Hagrid calling Fluffy earlier, so he wasn't worried about this. He suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look at Albert with a complex expression, asking, "Did you really pat Fluffy's head?"

"Wow! Aren't you afraid?" Fred and George both showed shocked expressions. Patting the head of that creature, how much courage did that require?

"At that time, it wasn't that big yet." Albert thought for a moment and said, "The feel was pretty good, quite comfortable. It's also a decent experience."

The only regret Albert had was that he had forgotten to take a picture of that scene. It was truly an oversight.

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(End of this chapter)