
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 202: Brain-Closing Charm

Before returning to the dormitory, Albert first went to the library to see what was going on. After all, the chaos last night was caused by him, so he naturally wanted to know the follow-up developments.

Passing by the library, he noticed several students looking inside, seemingly curious about what was happening there.

"What's going on?" Albert approached a student who was observing the situation.

"I'm not sure."

"Professor Pince is checking the restricted section's books," a girl gossiped, "I heard that several books were taken from the restricted section."

"The books in the restricted section are quite dangerous." Someone else joined the conversation.

Albert didn't stay to join the crowd; this matter had nothing to do with him. He had already returned all the books he "borrowed" from the restricted section.

Back in the dormitory, Albert took out ten Galleons from a hidden compartment in his trunk and put them into a purse created by Transfiguration.

If these ten Galleons could teach Albert the Brain-Closing Charm, then spending this money was definitely worth it.

Before mastering the Brain-Closing Charm, Albert would never reveal the truth to Dumbledore.

When he arrived at the Room 17 where the Transfiguration Club was held, he found Isabelle had arrived early. She was sitting on her armchair, flipping through the latest issue of "Today's Transfiguration."

"You're quite punctual," the girl said without looking up.

"Punctuality is a virtue," Albert replied, taking out the purse from his robe pocket and handing it to Isabelle, "The agreed tuition fee; I guess we can start now."

Isabelle closed the magazine, looked up, and took the purse handed to her. She put it in her pocket and nodded, saying, "Let's begin!"

"Aren't you going to check it first?" Albert reminded with a half-smile, "Maybe it's not Galleons but Knuts inside."

Isabelle's expression froze for a moment, and she glanced at Albert before taking out the purse to reveal a... Knut.

This guy was definitely doing it on purpose.

Isabelle realized that she had been teased by him, and he was truly an ill-mannered fellow!

"Sorry, I was just kidding." Albert couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. He saw the look of surprise on Isabelle's face just now.

Saying that, Albert took out another purse from his pocket and handed it to Isabelle. As for the ten Knuts from before, he had no intention of taking them back.

After taking the purse, Isabelle opened it and saw real Galleons this time.

"I assume you have already read the 'Advanced Brain-Closing Charm: A Comprehensive Guide,'" Isabelle said with a meaningful look, "I think you must have gone to the restricted section in the library last night and secretly borrowed that book!"

Isabelle directly pointed out that Albert was the mastermind behind last night's disturbance.

"No, I haven't had a chance to borrow the 'Advanced Brain-Closing Charm: A Comprehensive Guide' from the library yet," Albert denied without hesitation.

"Alright, the Brain-Closing Charm is a magic that can prevent the mind from being invaded and influenced by magic. Wizards who are good at using the Brain-Closing Charm are usually also skilled in Legilimency," Isabelle continued, not caring about Albert's denial, "They can easily detect if you are lying. Severus Snape is the best example; he can always tell if someone is lying to him... Only wizards who are good at the Brain-Closing Charm can block the feeling and memories that contradict lies when facing skilled Legilimens, and thus lie without being detected."

"Apparently, you're not a skilled Legilimens, are you?" Albert blinked and made a casual, harmless joke.

"That's right, I'm not a skilled Legilimens," Isabelle admitted plainly, "There's one thing you must know—eye contact is often crucial in Legilimency, so... look into my eyes."

Albert suddenly had a bad feeling.

"It seems that you do know something about Legilimency and the Brain-Closing Charm after all," Isabelle said after a moment of silence.

"Exactly." Albert grinned, "You used it just now, didn't you?"

"Yes," Isabelle admitted, "I used Legilimency to open a window in your eyes and extract the feelings and memories I needed from your mind. The average wizard's mind has no defenses against Legilimens. Of course, learning it is not an easy task."

"Do you know what I'm thinking right now?" Albert looked away, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Even if you flatter me, it's useless," Isabelle said instinctively, "And whether I will age prematurely has nothing to do with you."

"Well, I see you through," Albert said, seemingly surprised, and continued, "It looks like your Legilimency isn't as bad as you said!"

"You're such an annoying guy. Put away your boring tests," Isabelle's eyes flashed with a hint of embarrassment. She realized that Albert's recent words were meant to test her.

No matter which woman it was, they cared about their appearance, and it was evident that this guy in front of her also knew this well. He used this opportunity to test her proficiency in Legilimency.

"Alright, I'm going to enter your mind to see your resistance ability," Isabelle raised her wand and reminded, "You need to clear your mind, let go of all emotions, and try to prevent me from invading your mind."

"I understand," muttered Albert.

"Get ready. Three, two, one, Legilimens!" Isabelle cast the spell. Although Albert was mentally prepared, he still felt a bit caught off guard by the concentrated moment of the spell. The classroom disappeared before his eyes, and images flashed through his mind like a movie.

At six years old, Albert was riding the new bike his parents had given him in the park.

At eight years old, Albert was sitting on the couch, telling his little sister bedtime stories...

Albert was quite interested in this feeling. He was well aware that Isabelle was browsing through his memories.

After a while, Albert began to try to prevent her intrusion and consciously recalled the economics and mathematics books he had read. He intended to use these memories to block Isabelle's intrusion and push the feeling of her delving deeper into his mind away.

"You did it," Isabelle said with a hint of surprise in her tone. She didn't think Albert could successfully resist her Legilimency.

Especially, she noticed that while she was trying to push her thoughts away, she saw Albert subconsciously constructing a maze, blocking her attempt to explore his mind.

"Hmm, this feeling... feels strange and not very pleasant!" Albert's breathing was a bit rapid. He found himself back in the Transfiguration Club's classroom.

"Let me rest for a moment." Albert took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, took a bite, and unconsciously asked, "Do you want some?"

Isabelle glanced at the bitten chocolate, her mouth twitched slightly, but she didn't refuse Albert's gesture. She took the chocolate, broke off the part that wasn't bitten, and ate it.

"You did well, much better than my first attempt," Isabelle continued, "Now, you need to focus and use your mind to resist my intrusion."

After all, she took his Galleons, so Isabelle naturally had to do a good job.

"I know what I should do!" Albert said casually. He began to try to check his skill panel, but unfortunately, the Brain-Closing Charm still didn't appear.

It seemed he had to try a few more times.

Although he expected it, Albert felt a bit frustrated. Even though he didn't mind others seeing some childhood memories, he still felt a little displeased.

"Clear your mind, concentrate, let go of all emotions," Isabelle reminded, "I'm going to begin!"

"Wait!" Albert suddenly raised his hand to stop her from casting the spell.

"Is there something else?" Isabelle's arm froze, looking at Albert with confusion, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Make yourself comfortable." Albert moved away the armchair and placed a cushion on the carpet. Then he sat cross-legged on the cushion, relaxed his body, and tried to enter a meditative state.

"Okay, you can start now!"

"Three, two, one, Legilimens!" Isabelle cast the spell again.

At nine years old, Albert was in the kitchen, helping his family make a birthday cake for Nia...

At this moment, he was trying to empty his mind as much as possible, focusing all his attention on pushing away Isabelle's thoughts. The images gradually disappeared from his mind.

Albert suddenly opened his eyes and saw a moment of surprise on Isabelle's face.

Yes, even Isabelle had not expected that Albert could master the Brain-Closing Charm so quickly and resist her intrusion.

"You did it!" Isabelle suddenly said, "I have nothing more to teach you."

As she was about to leave, Albert reached out and stopped her again.

"Robbing someone is not done like this," Albert looked at Isabelle with some helplessness, "I feel like I haven't really mastered the Brain-Closing Charm. Let's talk about the things we should pay attention to in the Brain-Closing Charm and Legilimency. I'm really sincere here, so you should show some sincerity too."

"Alright!" Isabelle agreed after thinking about it. She didn't know if she realized she had been a bit too unfair or for some other reason. She began to explain her own understanding and usage of the Brain-Closing Charm and Legilimency.

The exchange between the two about the Brain-Closing Charm lasted about half an hour.

Isabelle was indeed a genius; even though she had only recently learned about the Brain-Closing Charm, she still had her unique insights into the magic.

After listening to Isabelle's explanation and attempting several times one after another, Albert finally saw the Brain-Closing Charm on his skill panel.

Looking at the Brain-Closing Charm on the skill panel, Albert couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If he had spent the Galleons and still hadn't learned it, it would have been a waste.

He raised the Brain-Closing Charm to level two, closed his eyes to feel the changes brought by the skill upgrade. When Albert opened his eyes again, his pupils appeared somewhat empty.

Noticing the change in Albert, Isabelle furrowed her brows slightly.

"I think our transaction is complete!" Isabelle said, getting up to leave. However, Albert reached out and held her arm again.

(End of this chapter)

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(End of this chapter)