
Chapter 18 : The New World Order

As Vespera, Okita, and I arrived back in our time, we realized that something was terribly wrong. The world we had left behind was no more. Instead, it was run by a group of warlords and tyrants led by none other than Hitler himself.

Hitler had managed to conquer almost the entire world and had established a new world order, with himself at the top. He had four powerful generals who were feared by all and did his bidding without question. Their names were General Krieger, General Richter, General Schwarz, and General Eisen. Each of them was more brutal and ruthless than the next.

The world we returned to was unrecognizable. The streets were empty, and the buildings were in ruins. Everywhere we looked, we saw destruction and chaos. We quickly realized that our mission was far from over.

We had defeated Xaratho and prevented him from destroying the future, but now we had to deal with the present. We needed to find a way to stop Hitler and his generals and restore peace to the world.

Vespera used her powers to sense the location of Hitler and his generals. We quickly made our way to their stronghold, a massive fortress in the heart of the city. We knew that this would be our toughest battle yet, but we were determined to succeed.

As we approached the fortress, we could see the armies of Hitler's generals lining the walls. They were heavily armed and prepared for our arrival. We knew that this was going to be a fight to the death.

We charged towards the fortress, our powers blazing. Vespera used her powers of teleportation to transport us past the enemy lines and into the heart of the fortress. We landed in a large courtyard, where Hitler and his generals were waiting for us.

Hitler sneered at us, and his generals unsheathed their weapons. "You fools! You think you can stop us?" Hitler bellowed. "We are the new world order! We are invincible!"

But we were not deterred. We stood our ground and prepared for the battle of our lives. Vespera unleashed a powerful blast of energy, which sent Hitler and his generals flying. I used my powers to create a massive earthquake, which shook the fortress to its core.

But even as we fought, we knew that we were outnumbered and outgunned. Hitler and his generals were too powerful, and it seemed as though they would be victorious.

Suddenly, Okita stepped forward. "I will deal with these villains," he said. "You two must leave this place and take shelter. The fate of the world rests on your shoulders. You must survive."

With that, Okita charged towards Hitler and his generals, his swords flashing in the light. We watched in awe.