
Chapter 18 : The Metal Monster: Arthur's Brave Challenge

As we faced Hitler, we realized he had undergone a transformation like nothing we had ever seen before. He was now a monstrous figure made of metal and fire, towering above us. Okita and I charged at him, determined to stop him, but we were no match for his power. In mere seconds, he had us both on the ground, badly injured.

With a cruel laugh, Hitler trapped us in a bubble, preventing us from escaping. We tried to break free, but it was no use. We were trapped, at his mercy. It seemed like all hope was lost, but then Arthur stepped forward to challenge the monstrous dictator.

Arthur fought bravely, but even his strength was no match for Hitler's new powers. In a desperate move, Hitler crushed Excalibur, the sword that had been Arthur's source of power and symbol of his kingship. It seemed like all was lost, but just in the nick of time, Merlin appeared and saved Arthur from certain doom.

While Arthur was saved, Okita and I were still captured by Hitler's forces. We were thrown into a dark, dank prison, where we were left to rot. As we sat in our cell, nursing our injuries and planning our escape, we couldn't help but wonder how things had gone so wrong. We had started out with such high hopes of defeating Hitler and Genghis Khan, but now we were trapped and powerless.

As we sat in silence, the weight of our situation settling heavily on our shoulders, we could hear the distant sounds of Hitler's army marching forward, conquering all in their path. It was clear that we had to find a way out of our prison and rejoin the fight against these villains, but the question was, how?