
The Reunion (3)

Elena's pov

I stand there looking at all this beautiful ladies that could start a family, have kids and..... i heard my dad talking to the sixth lady with so much force . Everyone just stared blankly "are you pregnant green? hearing those words gave me hope , I heard my dad scream "give me an answer right now" I stared at the others and thought they would defend her but there just stood there like a rock that's unmovable. I had to do something "you little brat give me an answer" my dad was getting really furious he punched her directly at her pointy belly, I walked as fast as I could to where my dad was "sir please if she is pregnant she will be in so much pain please sir just..." He gave me the punch of my life "get your hands off me you prick, how many times will I tell this is a business and not a family meeting, now all of you get inside and wait for my final order NOW! He screamed. I wanted to help her get on her feet but with the look on my dad's face made me walk in line with the others.

We all took our respective chairs on the dining and sat down. All I could think of is what will my dad do to her? "Listen up everyone you can all eat" my dad said so casuallly like nothing happened "green I can give you a chance if you answer my question" every one paused from eating to hear the question "what is the gender of the child you are carrying" there was silence in the dining room like we we're ordered to keep quiet "don't make me ask you again green" green? that's wierd I think it's from the color of her eyes cause all of them have wierd eye colors I think that's how he differentiate them "sir it's a male child" my dad stood up like the God that he think he is "Green stand up and come to me and don't make me say it again" she walked as fast as she could to where he was "Elena " I wondered so bad why he called me " come" I walked slowly to my dad "faster Elena" I ran towards him cause the dining table was kinda big and long at the same time "Take this knife and make a way through her stomach" at first I thought it was my imaginations clearly it wasn't I looked at the others they were busy just eating not even minding what's happening "sir I thought you said it's the dog, I can't do this" I started to cry I cried badly that the others stopped eating and we're all glaring at me "you better do this now or else you will be tortured" "I'd rather be tortured than do thi...." My dad got the sword from me "purple come here and take this sword and end this abomination" she just walked calmly with her head held up high took the sword from my dad and made a whole out of the pregnant lady. I fell to the ground and realized that this is a shithole of a family "And that's how you do it" my dad clapped and the rest joined in the celebration leaving me in my own tears.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Enobong_Bassey_8982creators' thoughts