
Reunion (2)

My dad had left for sometime and am just standing by the dining table alone that's when I remembered that I forgot something very important. I left for my room and carried the most important thing for the day cause I don't know what my father planned for me so I carried the pen knife and hid it in my underwear. After picking it up left the room and sight my dad at the position I just left at the dining "how does he do that" I whispered and rushed to my previous position. "Your siblings will be here in ten minutes so put on the face mask" he handed it over me "you are not to know or see each other, so put it on" What! my siblings are coming and I don't get to see them is this old man serious right now "sir I think that's not necessary. I finally have a chance to meet my siblings and......" I felt a strong grip at my abdomen "you better watch what you say little girl or I will kill you this is more like a buisness reunion I hope you get that" he finally let go "yes sir" I put on the face mask with the sound of the gate ooening. I and Dad we walked directly to the main door to welcome them. I saw a black van drive into the compound, my heart racing at the same time, I can't believe we will be a complete family and having dinner together wow that's kinda wierd but am ready for what ever will happen today

Mr Calum (POV)

Finally I have the chance to see all my daughter's together at the same place they don't really have a name because they have to change thier identity anytime they a through with a particular mission right now j have no idea of what thier names are. Am getting really old and forgetful. They all came down from the van with thier face mask on and I can recognize them from the color of thier contact lens so it will be easy for me to know who is who. They all walked in front of me, in a straight line as I taught each and everyone of them they all have me a bow which gave me some sense of power all over again cause I really missed it. All Elena ever do in this house is to rebel against me. Am sure when she see the nature of her sisters she will learn more. I was about letting them in when I noticed something different about the sixed daughter her weight was a bit different her stomach was a little pointy I walked down to her slowly to be sure of what am seeing if it's true "are u pregnant green" I call her green cause it's the color of her contact "give me an answer right now" I screamed at her and she flinched "you little brat give me an answer " I punched her directly at the stomach "give me an answer you foooo....." I was interrupted rudely as usual by Elena "sir please if she is pregnant she will be in so much pain please sir just.." I didn't let her finish I gave her a dose of her own medicine "get your fucking hands off me you prick, how many times will I tell you this is a business and not a family meeting, now all of you get inside and wait for my final order NOW!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Part 3 coming right up

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