
The Helper

"Elena, Elena where are you, enough of this please I don't want to have a problem with your dad" I heard her plea my favorite helper miss Grace she called me countless times but I refused to come out I was scared of what my dad my might do to me cause I did not do as I was asked " miss Grace am scared my father will hit me again" I carried out which made it easy for her to figure out where I was hiding "Elena my dear" she walked close to me "You are making this really hard for me please, you should listen to your dad he will get really mad. You are 24 for Christ sake quit acting like a child and do as you are told" I looked at miss Grace directly in the eye and what i saw in them was just pure pity for me and my thought was cut by my dad's voice "Elena" my dad screamed, at that moment my body ran cold all of a sudden and miss Grace knee there was nothing she could do to help me

"Ye.....yes sir" I left my room and miss Grace and stood in front of my dad and looked directly in his eyes because he hates it when you look down "Elena can you tell me why the dog is still alive" I stood my grounds with nothing to say "Ern.....sir...I...I..." "Will you stop talking gibberish and give me a fucking reason why you did not kill the dog" my dad screamed at the top of his voice "sir am sorry...." My dad cut me before I even finished talking " don't you dare say the word sorry to me you little brat you will pay for this. Miss Grace miss Grace" he called out to miss Grace which made me really anxious of what he is planning to do

"Miss Grace kindly tell me why that creature is alive at my back yard after telling you to oversea Elena kill it" Before miss Grace could answer the question I interrupted "Dad its not her fault I was the one that ran away from her please she has nothing to do with it please dad I beg you..."I flinched when my dad grabbed my arm "don't you dare call me dad and as for your disobedience you will pay for it" He pushed me with tears in my eyes "Guards come in here" I was on the floor wondering why he called out to the guards "Yes sir" they all chorused "Take miss Grace to the dark room and torture her to death and make sure you keep her hand as a souvenir in my office" at that moment I saw my world crashing down right in front of me I couldn't think straight,miss Grace was like a mother to me miss Grace cries and plea brought me out of my thought "sir please I will try my best sir ple...pl...sir I beeeeeg you sir please" I looked at my dad he had no emotions what so ever, her plea meant nothing to him.I had to do something "Dad sorry I mean sir please just punish me leave her out of it please" my dad came down to the position I was sitting "This will teach you that anything I say you will do it" he was about leaving

"Sir I will kill the dog as part of my test please let miss Grace go" my dad looked back at me "oh don't worry you will still do it, your sisters are coming tonight we are having a reunion as a family so you will do it as your first kill infront of them, so you better go to your room and get ready to welcome them.