
The buisness

"I was born into darness" on a remarkable day in February 1964;as i heard my mom almost died during child birth at least that's what I believe. My dad hate when my mom gives birth to a male child he kills them right before they see the break of dawn he believes that female kids are the future and very resourceful for him. He used my mom as a baby making machine he successfully mad 12 girls from one woman which is my mom he made sure no male survived.

The thing is my dad use his daughters to get wealthy I won't say he sells us off. He trains us to win the heart of men, make them fall in love with us and make sure we get married to them. Then we stay in the marriage for a year and six months latest two years if any thing goes wrong after that we kill the men we marry and make it look like an accident, get thier property and get back to my dad for the next mission.

I never got the chance to meet my siblings cause they were posted to different countries I was the youngest so I stayed with my dad and the helpers.Before that my mom wanted to flee with me but unfortunately he caught up with her and killed her right at the spot . Since then I started my training. My dad's buisness have been running smoothly not knowing that his last daughter will be the end of him