
the darkness of life

ThenightEg · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 3

" he won't find us here" said clair as we enter her house, we then hold our hands together.

"obice" (barrier)

"I still don't get why he would want to kill you" said clair.

" I myself have no idea" I replied thinking of a way to contact the council, the worst part is that the weather is getting worse.

"its freezing in here"

"clair?" i look around but don't see clair anywhere, I start looking around the house but find no one at all.

" looking for her ?" said Dan. I look behind me,"leave her now" I demanded, but he still doesn't listen to me, pushing her on the ground. she doesn't move but is still alive.

" I'm not going to go anywhere until I kill you asshole" screamed Dan.

" kill me then" I screamed. "gladio" (sword)

"so you wanna fight this way ha, ill make sure this is your last one then" said Dan.

I run towards him kicking him with all I have, he dodged some of the hits but I was still able to make him weaker with every hit I give him. " you wanna know why I wanna kill you?" said Dan. I wanted to, but know I can't believe him at all, having to know that he wants to kill me. "tell me" shit seriously why did I say that, that's the last thing I wanna hear from him. " your---" a sword suddenly go thought his head killing him, the weather started. to loosen up and going back to normal. " ooh shit" , I run to clair picking her up, looking around to who thought that sword on him. " TAKE ME TO THE COUNCIL" I screamed using my magic.

we fly thought the hall way hitting our backs, clair stands up and so do I, finding our selves in the council but dark, " why is there no one here?" asked clair." that's what I wanna ask right now" I replied looking around in confusion not knowing what went wrong here.

" something doesn't feel right " I start trying to use my magic to open some light up but can't.

" I can't seem to feel my magic anymore" said clair. " same here" I start trying again and again but fail at doing so. almost feels like we lost our magic for good. which by the way I have no problem with that cause I my self hate magic and would love to have a normal life like anyone else.

" hey look " said Clair, we look away next to the huge trophy and see an elf. we run towards him but he seems to run faster, we try to split me and clair, she goes right and I follow him, we run about 7 chairs when finally clair jumps on him and pushes him to the ground, and let me tell you clair is seriously amazing but sadly I can't really marry her cause she just wants to be friends that's it, but that still doesn't mean I'm not gonna take my shot.

" why are you running from us ?" said clair.

" I though you wanted to kill me" said the elf.

" why would we? and what happened here? where is everyone?" I asked.

" you don't know?" asked the elf

" know about what exactly" said Clair.

"all magic forms are under attack, our powers are gone, a witch will no longer have powers, a vampire will turn human, a werewolf will turn human, everything will turn human" said the elf while walking back to the center of the council.

" what about you" asked Clair.

" I'm an elf, I might not be able to have magic, but if you drink my blood or siphon me, you can have magic for as long as a week" said the elf.

" so you thought we were here to siphon you" I asked.

" yeah, I don't want to die" said the elf, I felt him having to be scared of death all the time is painful. " your gonna be alright" I hugged him and he hugged me back even harder.

" but what caused all this, why can't we use magic and why is it gone?" asked clair.

long story, there was a student in the school of gifted in Egypt, all he ever dreamt was to be the most powerful magician on the planet, all he ever wanted was power. to the point where he started killing for it, after he knew that the flame of power is hidden somewhere in Egypt he started searching for it, for 100 years he never stopped looking for it, but he never found it. until two days ago, that's when things started going south, he managed to steal the map from Olympia, Zeus demanded all the angels to attack but no one was able to stop him, it was just to late. now that person who goes by the name floka, said the elf.

" so were supposed to sit her do nothing at all ?" I asked.

" son there is no way you can stop him now, you don't have magic" said the elf," the only thing we can do is just wait for the end, because the gods have no choice but to save us all"