
the darkness of life

ThenightEg · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

"good morning Landon, today is your lucky day, no meeting" said Alexa the virtual assistant.

"good, hey Alexa open the blinds and please wake dan up for breakfast".

I put on my favorite slippers and head to have some hold morning shower, morning shower are a thing for me, they freshen me up and make me feel amazing. I brush my teeth just like usual. but this time heading to the library on the 3rd floor, yes I have a huge house all to my self, and I mean nothing can come close to me. I have magic, so anyways I head to the library to get my magic book cause why not just learn something new.

" good morning, Landon" said dan.

"oh hey, you look like you slept well" I replied.

"yeah I did, but not at good at bunk beds, sorry I'm just not into the lavish life of yours" he replied.

he starts looking at what I have behind me, the magic book."why is that here?" he asked in shook.

" I practice magic using this, you forgot or what" I giggled.

"come on the food is ready" I grab dan and head to the kitchen.

we start digging in the food which was amazing, my favorites are the waffles and chicken, ugh they make me feel fucking horny all the time. like waffles and chicken with syrup are like a food to eat when I'm like drunk or something.

"so your practicing magic?" asked dan as I take on the biggest bite of a waffle and chicken ever seen.

"yeah, well ummm I just memorize the stuff on it but like never use it ever at all. like I have never used magic since dad and mom died"

"Landon, you haven't used magic in 10 years" said dan, he didn't seem to be happy for me. for me having just to be normal.

" what's up with that, I mean I'm just trying to live a normal life just like any other human. Is that hard?" I replied while eating.

"when a witch stops using his magic for more than 10 years, his powers go away, causing an explosion you dumb fuck" said dan with an angry tone.

"wait what?, what do you mean by explode?"

" your body will start to cramp up, you will feel pain in your head, and then you explode with magic, look its right there in the magic book page 29" he uses his magic to get his own book of magic and shows me. I get shocked and start getting nervous, but still having to continue the waffle and chicken.

" so what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

" do this spell, Today is the full moon, this spell will take a lot of magic enough to make you not explode and still be able to use magic at the Same time" said dan, for some reason I felt like something was wrong, having to tell me to do this spell knowing its powerful.

" what's this spell?" I asked.

"this spell is used to break a curse, but it doesn't really matter what it is for" said dan.

" you need to trust me, I'm everything you have right now" said dan.

well I mean it's true he's everything I have right now, but having to trust him after meeting him for the first time in 10 years and the person who killed my mom and dad.

"yeah okay" I replied to dan with a small fake smile.

"so are you gonna do it?" asked Clair.

" I have no fucking idea to be honest" I replied while driving out of target cause I mean I love shopping alot.

"well of course he's trying to do some shit to you, I mean the spell is no where to be found in any magic book so I have no idea, just don't do it for the best" said Clair.

" okay ill think about it, bye now cause I reached home and ooh lord he's standing at the roof of the house" I close the phone and text her to come over as fast as possible.

"DAN, what are you doing at the roof?" I screamed from the garage. I head up real quick and get hit on my head causing me to faint.

I open my eyes trying to regain my conscious and try to figure out why on earth am I in a circle with black roses around me.

"Dan, is that you, what on earth are you doing and why am I here?" but he never listens, dan was ignoring me.

" DAN" I screamed.

"shut the fuck up, you wanna know what I'm doing to you, I'm killing you asshole, finally after your death I'll be able to finally fucking show that you are a mistake Landon" said Dan with an evil tone.

" Dan, I know you hate me but I did nothing to you, and what mistake?" I asked trying to text Clair without him seeing me do so." you don't know do you? you have no idea what you are" said dan, I look at him in confusion, not knowing what he's talking about.

" Dan you look drunk" I tried calming him down, but he just gets angry by the second.

" enough talking" said Dan, he holds a huge old book, then starts casting a spell.

"solis matutinis ortus in tenebris mors omnia utquid hoc? et conteram in quas maledicta congessi animam meam" said Dan.

the clouds start to get darker and windy, thunder starts getting bigger with the moon getting brighter.

"ligabis eum" said Clair. tying dan to the ground.

" thank god you came" I praised.

"no time, comes out this spell is used to give a sacrifice to break a curse" said clair.

she breaks the circle around me and frees me, we run out to get in her car, while dan is still tied up screaming that he's gonna kill us. Clair drives as pastas possible to the safest place, the council.

" what the fuck is happening?" said Clair.

" what do you mean, he's trying to kill me" I replied trying to heal my self.

" no, look up", I look up in shook, the circle was broken but the spell looked like it was still activated, and getting stronger every second.

"what spell is this"

" this spell is a banned spell, its used to destroy a curse and can be only done in a full moon" said clair

" but what is he trying to destroy? what curse?" I asked.

" well, in a full moon like this and a spell like this one, the only curse he's breaking is to make werewolves turn in anytime they want" said Clair.

" but why, no one in my family Is a werewolf"

"well that's on you, or maybe he want's to kill something else" said clair.

" I mean he did say he wants me dead for good" I didn't really understand what he meant by that, I mean I'm just a normal witch that's it. a rock out of no where comes flying on us hitting us and causing me and clair to bleed from our heads.

" what the fuck was that" I screamed.

we get out the car and clair gets here samurai sword out, her sword is like nothing ever seen, he sword gives power to the worthy making him powerful enough to kill a god, it can also store the souls of the ones killed by it.

" you really think your going anywhere" said Dan.

" why do you wanna kill me?" I asked.

" why not, your a mistake. you need to be killed" said Dan.

he starts running to me hitting me, I try to protect my self while clair try's to block his hits, " ignis" causing Dan to burn, but it did nothing at all, no harm for me.

" magic will cause nothing to me, I'm unstoppable asshole" said dan, "suffocant" causing both me and clair to choke, we couldn't breath, her sword was on the ground while we both were levitating in the air and Dan trying hard to kill both of us.

"Flecte" Dan's hands start bending breaking his bones, giving us time to run away before he starts healing back