

This book contains depressive thoughts, some horror themes and not safe for work remarks you have been warned A guy gets trapped in a dark empty room, have to go through stages of grief within a week prior. If you are interested in other cool stuff I do check our my linktree: https://linktr.ee/3emadp

3emad0 · Horror
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the finale

Mark Bufinzberg. an American who has been in, "not-all-great" kind of childhood.

when he was little. like 3 or 4 years old. he was tormented by his mother about his brother, Jerald. who was kind of a golden child.

like imagine waking up and washing your face and your mother all of the sudden start belittling you and praise your brother. that's what Mark was dealing with all these years.

his brother wasn't any better either. he was mischievous in fact. when they fight over anything Jerald always calls the mother and tell her a story that made up to make Mark always the villain. and the mother buys it mindlessly.

there isn't anything that made them hate. just pure hatred towards him in every possible way. why this mother even been pregnant with him in her belly in the first place??

his father wasn't all bad but not good either. he was a shallow figure who just get money and give it all to the mother. hell I don't even remember his name! the only things Mark hear from him is just "man up boy" or "listen to your mother" always with dead tone, no sign of emotion whatsoever ever!

he has been tormented by them for 12 years. until one day he tried to escape and his mother caught and beaten him, revealing her fullest cruelty towards him.

when Mark saw his brother. he was happy to see this. his father was beside him reading a book and couldn't careless to get up from his comfy chair and stop the mother beating the shit out of Mark.

that day. that moment. Mark couldn't feel the punches he got from this woman, he was feeling little to no emotion at this moment. instead, he was thinking of how to tear them apart. all of them! this treatment is now gonna be over. the years of torture, the years of abuse.

next thing Mark knows he started screaming in complete madness. he launches on this woman and beating her with his full force, scratching, biting, even breaking her limbs. one by one

the golden child was afraid to help, he just ran away to his room calling the police. the father tried to calm him down with the same words. even in an insane situation? but his empty words isn't enough to end his wrath, anger, and hatred. even worse! he gotten his turn of beating!

it wasn't long until Mark heard the siren of police car. he successfully escaped them. his brother was found. crying and couldn't talk about it, afraid of what will happen to him. he was justifiably traumatized but why we should feel sorry for this brat?

the mother was paralyzed. so as the father but he fortunately for him he didn't last long got beaten up.

since then the police didn't find Mark and he continued living as if nothing happened, now he live in an abandoned place til he got a job and found a cheap apartment. although his family still alive, they still in fear of him finding them. 1 year later and he got a girlfriend but he couldn't feel satisfied knowing his family still alive. and maybe tormenting another person with their entitlement and cruelty.

he found their new location by sheer luck. they were living in an apartment nearby. he came to visit, this time he brought a gun to quicken things up a bit. they were in the living room, silently in their chairs, paranoid as fuck! Mark knocks on the door, his brother opened it for him. and in no time he shotted in the head. then immediately after Mark shoots another bullets to his mother. and a bullet on his father's head. lastly he shots his brother exactly where his heart is.

the cops arrive afterwards when they got calls from the neighbors who heard shooting noises from the apartment. unlike the last time Mark tried to escape but got caught by the police.

he got sentenced to 50 years in prison buy he got out of there after a week from his sentence. after that he directed his going to his girlfriend's house. she knew the murder that happened at the time and she doesn't want anything to do with a murderous monster! that was enough for Mark to lose his mind. he assaulted her. raped her out of anger. last he killed her with his gun. he tried to kill himself too! but the police found him and arrested him immediately.

they said he got a sentence of life in prison, but eventually he escaped the prison again. but he didn't expect this one was in the middle of nowhere. but he continues to escape because they eventually gonna kill him any sooner.

he found an abandoned place where there was only one room in it and it was empty. near from a place that looks like there was some explosive activities going on there. he did get in the room and oddly enough he didn't want to get out.

he was in the stages of grief process but he couldn't even get close to acceptance before he dies from sickness, after eating a raw meat of a rat.

the police didn't understand what was happening, because it wasn't often they find criminals dear in an abandoned place. they just closed his case nothing more to add.


hello there fellas! this is the author emad speaking.

I just wanted to thank yall for reading this far, appreciate it really.

well if you find it good you can check out in linktree for more content, like art and stuff.

and if you want to work with me like commissions and stuff dm me on my insta 3.emad0 for details.

hope you enjoyed my work and see you next time!