

This book contains depressive thoughts, some horror themes and not safe for work remarks you have been warned A guy gets trapped in a dark empty room, have to go through stages of grief within a week prior. If you are interested in other cool stuff I do check our my linktree: https://linktr.ee/3emadp

3emad0 · Horror
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5 Chs

Day 5


"a sound of someone smashing a metal door down"

omg... he's... dead!

"minutes later"

policeman 1: mate wtf is going on in this room and this man's rotten corpse is like he died from the day before yesterday.

policeman 2: i don't know man, but should we tell the station about the corpse?

policeman 1: of course you moron! he's a fucking criminal.

policeman 2: OK I get it shut up already.

"in the station"

policeman 1: we found his body in weird empty room in the middle of nowhere. he died of sickness, as we believe that happens because he ate a rat. the date of death from our autopsy that he died in 2009/7/13. which is the day before yesterday as we all know.

the chief: hmm what was his name again?

policeman 2: Mark Bufinzberg. he's a criminal for all the correct reasons chief. he robbed, raped, killed and more . no one has an idea about this man's origins, because he killed his own family. and he didn't answer our questions at all. he got caught multiple times but he managed to escape. he escaped two times and the second one was near from his death place actually.

the chief: why he was there anyway?

policeman 1: we don't know actually. we only know he has some kind of mental illness resulting from past trauma we believe.

the chief: fascinating! a dead criminal. what should we do with this garbage of a corpse? we only bring shame because you two were slacking off and jerking off to these anime shit. what should I do to you two just to grow the fuck up? get out of my sight before I fire you two on the spot!