
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

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337 Chs

Databooks: Moonveil/Triton

Character Profile: Eirisse

Name: Eirisse Star

Age: 176 (Deceased)

Height: 5'8" (172.72 cm)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Occupation: Former Mayor


1. Mental Torture: Eirisse was skilled in manipulating and tormenting the minds of others.

2. Battle IQ: She possessed a high tactical intelligence in combat situations.

3. Judo: Eirisse was proficient in the martial art of Judo.

4. Taekwondo: She was skilled in the Korean martial art of Taekwondo.


- The Eye of Violet: A legendary artifact with versatile powers, including freezing, burning, crushing, negating, trapping in an illusion, and more.


- Vampiric Super Speed, Strength, Agility, and Healing Factor: Eirisse possessed enhanced physical attributes typical of vampires.

- Vampiric Drain: She could heal and temporarily gain power by drinking blood.

- Night Strengthening: Eirisse became stronger at night.

- Bloodline Ability: The Red Flame: Ignited spilled blood into painful red hot flames effective against supernatural creatures.

- Mind Control: Eirisse could control minds in a massive area of effect, though it had no effect against those with strong willpower or magic.

- Sun-Touched: Gained strength in the daytime and could drink souls after becoming a vampire.

- Soul Drinking: Consuming souls massively increased her power and healing factor temporarily, while permanently killing the victim.

- Transformation: Eirisse could use basic vampiric transformations to grow black claws on her fingers.

- Keen Senses: Eirisse possessed heightened senses, which allowed her to detect subtle changes in her environment.

Likes: Lennix, blood, torturing people, pleasing her master.

Dislikes: Victoria, seeing Lennix in pain, harming Lennix.


1. Sole Attachment to Lennix: Eirisse's care was reserved exclusively for Lennix, surpassing even loyalty to her master.

2. Lack of Relationships: Despite making suggestive comments during fights, Eirisse had never been in a relationship nor had any sexual experience.

3. Brother's Scent Memorized: She had memorized her brother's scent to locate Lennix wherever he hid.

4. Sociopathic Tendencies: Eirisse exhibited sociopathic traits, particularly in her approach to relationships and actions.

5. Learned from her Master: Eirisse was taught Judo and Taekwondo by her master, who learned them from someone else.

6. Evolution for Protection: Her desire to evolve stemmed from the need to become stronger and protect Lennix.

Character Profile: Lennix

Name: Lennix Star

Age: 170

Height: 5'11" (180.339 cm)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Occupation: Former Supreme Officer


1. Brawling: Lennix is skilled in close-quarters combat.

2. Natural Fighting Talent: He possesses a natural aptitude for fighting.

3. Being Stupid: Lennix may not be the brightest, but he makes up for it with his combat skills, kind of.

Equipment: None.


- Vampiric Super Speed, Strength, Agility, and Healing Factor: Lennix possesses enhanced physical attributes typical of vampires.

- Vampiric Drain: He can heal and temporarily gain power by drinking blood.

- Night Strength: Lennix becomes stronger at night.

- Transformation: Lennix can use basic vampiric transformations to grow black claws on his fingers.

- Sun-Touched: Gains strength in the daytime and can drink souls after becoming a vampire.

- Soul Drinking: Consuming souls massively increases his power and healing factor temporarily, while permanently killing the victim.

- Keen Senses: Lennix possesses heightened senses, allowing him to detect subtle changes in his environment.

Likes: Eirisse, fighting, Xain, Clarissa.

Dislikes: Fighting strong opponents, killing, birds.


1. Love for Fighting: Fighting is Lennix's all-time favorite activity.

2. Dislike for Birds: Lennix dislikes birds due to a childhood incident where a crow ate his pet mouse.

3. Lack of Friends as a Human: He didn't have any friends when he was human.

4. Argument Resolution: Lennix typically wins arguments by resorting to physical confrontation.

5. Dreamless Existence: Currently, Lennix doesn't have a specific dream or goal.

Character Profile: Clarissa

Name: Clarissa Evergreen

Age: 34

Height: 5'9" (175.259 cm)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Occupation: Personal Maid of Lennix


1. All Forms of Housework: Clarissa excels in various domestic tasks.

2. Knife Throwing: She is proficient in throwing knives with extreme precision.

3. Battle IQ: Clarissa possesses advanced strategic thinking skills in combat situations.


- A lot of knives.


- 20/5 Vision: Clarissa has the eyesight of eagles, allowing her to throw knives with exceptional accuracy.

- Inhuman Decision-Making Skills: In a fight, she can formulate strategies within a single second, adapting her approach instantly if needed.

Likes: Insulting Lennix.

Dislikes: Lennix's stupidity.


1. Incredible Fitness: Under her uniform, Clarissa boasts an incredibly fit physique, rivaling Olympic athletes.

2. Indifference Towards Life: Clarissa doesn't seem to care much about her own life.

3. Mysterious Past: She has never spoken about her past, shrouding her history in mystery.

4. Unsolicited Employment: Lennix didn't hire Clarissa; she just started working for him one day.

5. Lack of Dream: Clarissa has no specific dreams or aspirations.

Character Profile: Karin

Name: Karin Zebik

Age: 31

Height: 5'6" (167.64 cm)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Occupation: None


1. Baking: Karin is skilled in the art of baking.

2. Faking Emotions: She excels at pretending and faking emotions.

3. Lying: Karin is a proficient liar.

4. Master of Unique Weapon: She is a master in the use of her unique weapon, the Kusarigama.


- A Kusarigama.


- Blood-fed Thrall: As a blood-fed Thrall, Karin possesses the strength, speed, and agility comparable to most demi-humans.

- Demi-human-like Senses: Karin has senses that rival those of a canine demi-human.

- Exacerbated Healing Factor: While not as fast as vampires, Karin has a fast-acting healing factor that surpasses most humans.

Likes: Nothing particular.

Dislikes: Mari, Mari's father, Lennix, the black knight.


1. Unmarried due to Assault: Karin isn't married; she has been a victim of sexual assault.

2. Hatred for Mari: She despises Mari, as Mari is the child of the man who assaulted her.

3. Self-taught Kusarigama Mastery: Karin learned how to use the kusarigama by herself.

4. Acquisition from Traveling Merchant: She bought the kusarigama from a traveling merchant.

5. First Thrall of Eirisse: Karin was the first Thrall that Eirisse ever made.

6. Dream of Retribution: Karin's dream is to kill the man who assaulted her and eliminate Mari from her life.

Character Profile: Mari

Name: Mari Zebik

Age: 8

Height: 5'4" (162.56 cm)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Occupation: None


- Being Cute: Mari possesses the natural talent of being irresistibly cute.

Equipment: None


- Unknown.


- Nice people, being kind, puppies, kittens, toys, playing, her mother, Lennix, candy, etc.


- Vegetables


1. Adoration for Everyone: Mari likes everyone and everything, except vegetables.

2. Belief in Second Chances: Mari believes that everyone deserves a second chance.

3. Crush on Ercale: She first approached Ercale not only because she thought he looked sad but also developed a crush on him due to his looks.

4. Crush on Xain: After meeting Xain, she also has a crush on him.

5. Dream of Becoming a Princess: Mari's dream is to become a princess and have a kingdom made of candy, reflecting her innocent and imaginative nature.

Character Profile: Victoria

Name: Victoria Evarick

Age: 37

Height: 5'5" (165.10 cm)

Hair Color: Pink with red tips

Eye Color: Red and blue

Occupation: Mayor of Triton


1. Leadership: Victoria excels in leading and managing her community.

2. Campaigning: She is skilled in political campaigning and public relations.

3. Yelling: Victoria possesses a powerful and authoritative voice.

4. Magical Knowledge: She has extensive knowledge of magic.

5. Alchemy: Victoria is proficient in alchemical arts.


- Fluffy Pink Hat: Has a protection spell that can block any attack three times a day before needing to recharge.

- Potions: Always carries a healing potion and a mana potion.

- The Dragon Staff (No Longer Functional):

 - DS Module 1 - Dragon's Bolt: Shoots a more powerful blue version of the regular fire bolt with six charges.

 - DS Module 2 - Dragon's Bullet: Shoots three blue fiery bullets that always hit their target with six charges.

 - DS Module 3 - Dragon's Breath: Unleashes blue flames resembling a dragon's fiery breath with three charges.

 - DS Module 4 - Dragon's Might: Temporarily increases Victoria's physical abilities to match that of a lesser dragon with two charges.

 - DS Module 5 - Dragon Scales: Creates a shield of scales around Victoria for 12 seconds with one charge.

 - DS Module 6 - Dragon's Requiem: Releases the dragon soul inside the staff to destroy a target with one irreversible charge.

Abilities: None

Likes: Coin, her people, Xain?, tourists.

Dislikes: Losing coin, her people dying, Eirisse, Lennix.


1. Past Lover's Arrest: Victoria had a lover who was arrested when people mistakenly thought he was dating a minor.

2. Reading for Knowledge: Victoria reads solely to expand her knowledge, not for enjoyment.

3. Popularity in Triton: She is the most popular woman in Triton.

4. Wizard Heritage: Victoria's parents, like her, were wizards.

5. Ambitious Dream: Her dream is to own a country and perhaps even the world.

Character Profile: Kaden

Name: Kaden Olfar

Age: 33

Height: 6' (182.88 cm)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Occupation: Supreme Officer of Triton


1. Fashion: Kaden has a keen eye for fashion.

2. Chasing Down Criminals: Proficient in apprehending criminals.

Equipment: None


- Sorcerer: Kaden possesses a significantly higher mana capacity than most individuals, allowing him to cast multiple spells simultaneously.

- Ice Magic Affinity: Highest affinity for ice magic, enabling the use of various ice spells.

- Gravity Magic Affinity: Rare affinity for gravity magic, even a slight affinity is highly valued.

Likes: Victoria, fashion, Victoria.

Dislikes: Amara, Eirisse, Lennix, anyone posing the slightest threat to Victoria.


1. Splurges on Jewelry and Clothes: Kaden spends most of his coin on buying jewelry and fashionable clothing.

2. Obvious Affection for Victoria: It's very apparent that Kaden is deeply in love with Victoria.

3. Battle Junky: Kaden has a penchant for battles and enjoys the thrill of combat.

4. Dream Aligned with Victoria's: Kaden's dream aligns with whatever Victoria's dream is, showcasing his strong devotion to her.