
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasy
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271 Chs

Chapter 7

Genji Takeshi, a frail 17-year-old boy, faced numerous hardships in his life. He bore the burden of growing up without a father and was left to fend for himself, juggling multiple part-time jobs to support his own education. His mother seemed distant and disinterested, often absent from his life, leaving him feeling alone and abandoned. In school, he found solace only in the presence of his teachers, as his peers rarely acknowledged his existence, making his second year appear to be just as lonely as the first.

Until one night, as Genji Takeshi was crossing the road on his way to work the nightshift for some extra pay, a sudden light came hurtling towards him. Instead of moving out of the way, he stood still, contemplating his existence. *Why should I move? What reason do I have?* Prepared to embrace the end of a life filled with nothing but pain, he closed his eyes, expecting the impending impact.

To his surprise, instead of the expected impact of pain, he experienced a gentle warmth, like the loving embrace of a mother comforting her child. When Genji opened his eyes, he found himself no longer on the empty streets of late-night Tokyo. Instead, he was surrounded by the vibrant hustle and bustle of a marketplace. People of various origins, both human and non-human, filled the streets. Machines were busy assisting them, carrying goods and showcasing their wares.

Looking around in utter confusion, Genji couldn't comprehend what had just transpired. *Did I just get isekaied?* he wondered, his mind recalling bits of conversations he overheard about isekai stories. Though he wasn't well-versed in the genre, he knew that such stories involved individuals being summoned or reincarnated into a completely different world from their own.

A surge of realization and hope washed over Genji. *Does this mean I've been given a second chance at life?* he muttered to himself, tears streaming down his face. Unbeknownst to him, passersby glanced at him curiously, witnessing his emotional display. But Genji quickly composed himself, wiping away his tears. This was no time for crying it was a time for embracing his newfound opportunity to live a life free from the shackles of loneliness and pain. It was a chance for him to find happiness, if only that were the case.

Genji, with a mix of curiosity and hope, now wandered through the vibrant market, wondering if the people around him could understand his language. Approaching a stall manned by an elderly man selling his own unique inventions, Genji gathered the courage to ask, "Um, hello sir. Can you understand me?"

The old man chuckled and replied, "Of course, boy. Why would I not understand you?" He took a closer look at Genji, studying his appearance, and remarked, "Although you resemble someone from Aeruna. Are you from the east, son?"

Genji, now aware that the old man could understand him, responded, "Yes, sir, but I'm not from that Aeruna place you mentioned."

The old man just shrugged and said, "Alright then, are you buying anything or what?" Genji hearing this, pulling out his rugged wallet, took out some yen both coins and notes. The old man observed the coins and remarked, "Ain't that some type of shiro? I thought you said you weren't from Aeruna." Genji thought for a moment, considering the similarity between the currency and his own world. *Maybe there is a country here that resembles Japan,* he thought. Despite his difficult past, he still held a deep connection to his homeland and the idea of finding a place reminiscent of Japan made him happy.

The old man shook his head and said, "Sorry, son, but I don't accept that currency in my stall. Move along now, I have other customers to attend to." Genji, put his money back into his wallet and looked around the bustling market. Despite the old man's claim of having other customers, Genji couldn't see anyone approaching the stall. He was about to question the old man's statement when the old man interrupted him. "You know what I mean, kid. Now, shoo! Find another place to bother." With a dismissive gesture, the old man shooed Genji away from his stall.

Genji moved away from the stall and started wandering again, taking in the sights and sounds of the new world around him. He approached a random person, a man with cat ears and a tail, and asked him where exactly he was. The man informed Genji that he was in the city of Ironhelm, specifically in the market district of the city.

While Genji was wandering around, a sudden thought came to his mind *What do I do?* Drawing from his limited knowledge of isekai stories, he knew that there was often a goal or quest that the protagonist pursued, such as defeating a Demon Lord or fulfilling a grand destiny. However, in his current situation, Genji had no clear direction or purpose.

Lost in his own thoughts, Genji failed to realize that he had wandered into the slums of the market district, where the bustling crowds had thinned out. Fewer people were present in this area, and the atmosphere felt more somber and neglected.

Genji was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as he heard a woman's scream. He quickly turned his attention towards the source and witnessed two rough-looking men dragging a young woman into an alley. *Did they just do that in broad daylight?* Genji thought to himself, a mix of shock and anger welling up inside him. He glanced around, hoping to find someone who would intervene and help the woman in distress. However, to his dismay, the people around him seemed to ignore the situation, going about their business as if nothing had happened.

Determined and with a clenched fist, Genji steeled himself for what he was about to do. Without hesitation, he ran towards the alley, thoughts racing through his mind, *I had to be brought to this world for a reason. Maybe this is it.*

Genji entered the alley and spotted the two men, but the woman he intended to save was nowhere to be seen. One of the men noticed Genji's presence and sneered, "Look, we've got a hero here." He motioned towards his companion, and the other man taunted, "Well, come on, hero. Don't you want to know what we did to the girl?"

Genji, driven by his determination to save the woman and his newfound purpose in this world, rushed towards the men. However, before he could reach them, a powerful blow struck him from behind, hitting him in the head with brutal force. The impact sent him crashing face-first to the ground, Pain surged through his body, unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

Unable to move, Genji heard a woman's voice saying, "Can't believe that worked." He looked up and saw the woman he thought was in danger now standing alongside the two men, a sinister smile on her face. His body ached, and he realized he had fallen into a trap, his hopes of being a hero shattered in an instant.

One of the men burst into laughter and commented, "I think you hit him a bit too hard, don't you think?" The woman smirked in response but quickly retorted, "Who cares? He's just an Aerunan anyway. Now let's search him for anything valuable before that blue-haired freak shows up."

With callous disregard, they proceeded to rummage through Genji's belongings, taking whatever they deemed valuable. Genji, still paralyzed from the forceful blow to his head, was helpless and unable to intervene. As they finished looting him, they callously left him lying there, left to his fate without any care or remorse.

As Genji lay on the ground, his mind filled with anguish and despair. *Why?* he wondered bitterly. Why did he have to endure a life of constant pain and suffering, both in his own world and now in this supposed second chance? The blood from his head injury flowed freely, symbolizing the relentless agony that had plagued his existence. The pain consumed him, echoing the anguish he had felt throughout his life. Gradually, he succumbed to the gradual pull of death, its cold embrace enveloping him as he drifted away, the world fading into darkness.

And then, as Genji opened his eyes, he found himself once again surrounded by the vibrant hustle and bustle of the marketplace. The sights and sounds overwhelmed his senses, causing him to mutter in disbelief, "What?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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