
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasy
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269 Chs

Chapter 37

As Xain, Zee, Larkin, and Clarissa stepped into the office, the opulence of the chamber unfolded before them. It was a space that demanded respect, a testament to the power and authority wielded by its occupant.

The warm embrace of sunlight filtered through the towering windows, casting intricate patterns on the marble floor beneath. Heavy curtains framed these expansive windows, allowing only a calculated amount of light to grace the room. The deliberate touch of luxury was evident in every corner.

A grand mahogany staircase, meticulously crafted, curved along one wall. At the room's heart, an imposing mahogany desk stood, a true masterpiece of artistry. It bore intricate carvings, showcasing the skilled hands that had shaped it. Behind the desk, a high-backed leather chair, befitting of a mayor, faced the entrance, a symbol of authority.

Flanking the desk, a semicircle of plush chairs and velvet sofas formed an inviting sitting area for guests. Above, crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, casting a soft, flattering radiance that bathed the room in an ethereal glow. It was a chamber that spoke of power, influence, and the mark of a formidable leader.

The room was indeed impressive, but there was one vital element missing – Eirisse herself. Lennix couldn't help but vocalize the question on all their minds, "Where is she?" But it wasn't long before their answer descended gracefully down the polished staircase.

"I'm right over here, little brother," the voice, sultry yet commanding, echoed through the room. As they turned their attention toward the source of the voice, the trio of Xain, Zee, and Larkin laid eyes on Eirisse for the first time, in all her captivating glory.

She was a striking figure, a young woman of undeniable beauty with a body that exuded sensuality. Her flawless skin seemed to glow in the soft light of the room, and her long, ebony hair was artfully arranged in a bun, with delicate bangs framing her right cheek. Eirisse was impeccably dressed in a mayor's suit, crafted from the finest materials and exuding an air of authority that left no doubt about her status.

As Eirisse descended the elegant staircase, her captivating gaze remained fixed on Xain, and she wasted no time in addressing him. "So, it was your shadow I blasted away earlier, wasn't it?" Her tone carried a hint of amusement as she began to close the distance between them. However, her approach was promptly interrupted by Lennix, who firmly placed himself between Eirisse and Xain.

"Hey, sis, shouldn't you give me some credit for capturing these guests for you?" Lennix interjected, seeking acknowledgment for his efforts. Eirisse, wearing a warm smile, affectionately patted Lennix on the head. "Well done," she commended him before elegantly making her way to her imposing mahogany desk. There, she took a seat and crossed her legs sensually.

As the conversation between Lennix and Eirisse unfolded, Xain couldn't help but be captivated by the vampire mayor's beauty. In his thoughts, he mused, *I didn't expect her to look this... good.*

Ercale's voice chimed in with annoyance, *Ape, I swear if you're falling for the woman who turned me into a puff of smoke...*

Xain quickly retorted within his thoughts, *I'm not falling for her! I'm just... acknowledging her beauty, that's all.*

While Xain was mentally debating this, Lennix, maintaining his respectful demeanor, approached his sister and executed a graceful bow. "Dear sister, I've taken the liberty of capturing these individuals for us to partake in a meal together," he declared.

Eirisse responded, her voice holding an edge of surprise and curiosity, "Well, well, what brought about this change in you? You rarely undertake such efforts for your elder sister."

As the siblings conversed, Clarissa had discreetly positioned herself near the exit, prepared to act when the need arose. Lennix continued his explanation, saying, "Sister, tonight is a momentous occasion as you are on the cusp of evolving. How could I not provide a fitting feast for such an event?"

As Lennix continued to lavish praise upon his sister, it was hard for everyone in the room to stifle the thought, *Isn't he overselling it a bit?* The compliments were laid on so thick that it was almost comical, and Lennix could practically feel the incredulous gazes directed at him.

However, to everyone's surprise, Eirisse seemed genuinely pleased by her brother's words. She left her desk and approached Lennix, enveloping him in a cold hug. "I'm elated to see you finally embracing your role as the Supreme Officer," she declared.

As Eirisse released Lennix, Xain couldn't help but think, *Did that actually work?* His sense of relief was short-lived, though, as Eirisse once again fixed her gaze on him. She pointed towards Xain and remarked, "I'm quite pleased that you managed to capture this one. He... interfered with my dear Almer." Her tone carried an undertone of amusement rather than anger.

Lennix affirmed, "Indeed, he was quite challenging to apprehend. Clarissa played a significant role in capturing the others, while I personally handled him." Eirisse turned her attention to Clarissa for confirmation, and the emotionless maid nodded in agreement. "Master Lennix is correct, Mistress Eirisse. However, he omitted that he sustained severe injuries during the process."

Lennix gave Clarissa a confused look, not understanding why she would say that. Eirisse's developed a predatory grin as she heard this detail. She couldn't help but be intrigued. She moved closer to Xain again saying, "Is that so?", but this time she was blocked by Larkin and Zee. However, upon seeing Zee, her focus shifted entirely. Eirisse grabbed Zee's face, invading her personal space, and exclaimed, "An elf!" Her fascination with Zee was palpable.

Xain, concerned for Zee's safety, had been on the verge of intervening when Ercale's voice echoed in his mind, *Hold your ground, not yet.* Trusting Ercale's counsel, Xain restrained himself, closely monitoring the unfolding scene.

Meanwhile, Lennix appeared perplexed by Clarissa's comment until she subtly mouthed, "Use this opportunity to inquire about how she defeated his shadow without harming the office, you imbecile." At last, Lennix comprehended her message and turned to address his sister, asking, "Dearest sister, may I inquire as to how you successfully vanquished the boy's shadow without causing any damage to your esteemed office?" Eirisse, still seemingly fixated on Zee, eventually acknowledged Lennix's question. She released Zee from her grip and strolled back to her desk. Eirisse explained, "I've been meaning to reveal this artifact to you. Originally, I planned to do so after my evolution. However, with live subjects on hand, it's an excellent opportunity for a practical demonstration."

Upon hearing Eirisse's words, everyone except Xain shared a collective thought: *Artifact? He mentioned it was a device.* Eirisse produced a small, round, black object, approximately the size of an apple, adorned with a central eye that continuously shifted colors. It was only when Eirisse kissed the object that it settled into a steady orange hue, hovering just above her left shoulder.

"This is the Eye of Destruction, or so my master calls it," Eirisse revealed. Lennix couldn't help but ask, "Your master?" Eirisse playfully hushed him with a finger to her lips. "Oh, you haven't met them yet. But that's a story for another day. Right now, I should demonstrate what this little trinket can do." As she spoke, the eye locked onto Xain, glowing brightly before firing.

Haven't done a cliffhanger in a while,


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