
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasy
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269 Chs

Chapter 12

"So you just saw them beaten and did nothing!?" Dal yelled at Azure, his frustration evident in his voice. Azure flinched under the weight of the accusation. "I-I mean, what do you expect me to do? I'm weak," he replied, his voice tinged with self-doubt. Mel, the female guard chimed in. "They had just finished fighting, so you could have taken them," she pointed out, her tone firm.

They had told Azure there names, and the fact that they were siblings.

"I might have been able to handle the boy, but the guard? No way in hell did I stand a chance against her," Azure defended himself. Dal, still fuming, lashed out, "How the fuck did a weakling like you even end up working for The Shadow Baron?" Mel intervened, trying to diffuse the tension. "Calm down, Dal. It's already happened, and we can't change the past," she reasoned, her voice laced with a hint of exhaustion as she carried Mary on her back.

"Agh, whatever. You're going to report everything you just told us to the boss," Dal asserted. Azure's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, you mean I'm going to meet The Shadow Baron?" he asked, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice. Dal let out a scoff. "No, you fucking won't. You damn weakling, you're just going to meet the captain, that's all," he clarified, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Okay, alright. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, is this it?" Azure inquired, looking around the seemingly bare hideout. Mel raised an eyebrow. "Is what it?" she responded, slightly confused. "I mean, is this really the hideout? There's not much to it," Azure explained, gesturing to the lack of furnishings or equipment in the area. Dal let out an exasperated sigh. "No, you dimwit. If we had a flashy base above ground, The Guard would get suspicious," he explained. Azure's eyes widened with curiosity. "Wait, above ground? What do you mean?" he asked. Mel nodded to Dal, who handed Azure an item he had never seen before. "This here is called a Gee Pee As, as the boss calls it. It will help you get to the real base that's underground," Dal explained, his tone slightly condescending.

"So, how do I get underground in the first place?" Azure inquired, looking at the Gee Pee As device in his hand. "Usually, you use the sewers," Dal replied matter-of-factly. He pointed to a button on the device. "Once you're there, you press this button right here, and it'll open up the entrance to the underground base." Azure nodded, trying to absorb the information. "And don't worry about Mary, we'll keep her here safe and sound," Mel reassured him, gesturing to where she had placed Mary. "Alright," Azure replied. "Anyhow there's a manhole cover behind back so use that" said Del. "So, I just head to the back of the house and use the manhole cover?" he confirmed. Dal nodded. "That's right, weakling."

Azure made his way to the back of the house, where he found the manhole they had mentioned. With some effort, he managed to lift it, muttering, "Damn, this thing's heavy." He descended into the darkness of the sewers, which were dimly lit with a few Luminary's along the walls.

"I hope this works," he said, pressing the button on the device. Its screen immediately came to life, displaying a central green dot surrounded by lines. A line moved in a circular motion around the green dot, and there was a red dot positioned away from it.

"Is that central dot me? If so, I guess the base is the red dot. I hope anyway," Azure muttered to himself as he ventured through the dimly lit sewers.

Ten minutes later

Azure had been navigating through the sewers for about ten minutes by now, getting closer to the red dot on the device. Surprisingly, the way he initially thought the device worked turned out to be accurate, which brought him a sense of relief and satisfaction.

As he was coming close to the red dot a sudden movement catches his attention. From out of nowhere, a wall slides open, revealing an entrancing figure stepping into view.

Azure's gaze locks onto the newcomer, his breath momentarily stolen away. Standing there, bathed in an ethereal glow, is a man who possesses an undeniable allure, captivating Azure's attention with his delicate features and captivating presence.

The man's silky, straight platinum hair glimmers under the dim Luminary's, flowing gracefully around his ears, a testament to its well-groomed and luxuriant nature. Azure's eyes are drawn to the sleekness of his hair, appreciating its lustrous shine.

Azure's gaze meets the man's enchanting emerald green eyes, which hold a depth that demands recognition. The eyes speak of hidden stories and unspoken mysteries, captivating Azure's curiosity as he acknowledges their captivating allure.

The contours of the man's face are delicately sculpted, evoking an impression of refined beauty. Azure notices the softness of his lips and the gentle lines of his jaw, adding to the man's overall elegance and charm.

Dressed impeccably, the man wears a fitted black cloth jacket that accentuates his slender frame, exuding a sense of sophistication. Azure admires the stylish choice of attire, noting how it enhances the man's captivating presence.

Underneath the jacket, a form-fitting light gray shirt complements the man's physique, hinting at a well-maintained form and adding to his overall appeal. Azure appreciates the way the shirt highlights his slender yet well-proportioned figure.

Azure's gaze lingers on the man's tailored slacks, which effortlessly showcase his slender legs with grace. The ensemble, from head to toe, reflects a keen sense of style and attention to detail.

Azure's mind raced as he observed the unexpected figure standing before him. *Holy shit, who the hell is he? He doesn't belong to be in the sewers at all!* Azure couldn't help but wonder. Breaking the silence, the man finally spoke, his voice filled with a hint of amusement. "Hey, I get that I'm pretty and all, but can you at least say something before you just stare at me?" As he waved his hand in front of Azure's eyes.

Azure's words stumbled out as he tried to make sense of the situation. "I... um, just didn't expect someone like you in here," he managed to say, emphasizing the word 'you.' The man responded with a playful tone, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I get that, but it's rude to just stare, you know," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Azure gathered his courage and asked, "Um, are you the captain by any chance?" The man chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Huh, is that what I look like? But no, I'm not the captain. I'm more like a 'bodyguard,' you could say," he replied, a mysterious glint in his eyes. He extended his hand towards Azure. "The name's Valien, by the way."

As Valien walked closer to shake Azure's hand, Azure couldn't help but notice the slight height difference between them. Valien stood at around 6'1, a bit shorter than Azure's 6'3 stature. Azure's gaze briefly scanned Valien's physique, taking in the confident way he carried himself and the aura of strength that surrounded him.

As Azure shook Valien's hand, a sense of unease washed over him. *What the hell is this feeling?* he thought to himself, his body instinctively trembling in response. His instincts urged him to let go as soon as possible, as if his body recognized a threat in the presence of Valien.

As Azure's body trembled with unease, Valien seemed to sense his discomfort. In a surprising move, Valien leaned in close, his breath tickling Azure's ear as he whispered, "Come on, there's no need to be scared. I won't do anything to you... unless you want to give me a reason to?" His words carried a seductive undertone that sent a chill down Azure's spine, feeling creeped out by the unusual combination.

As Azure awkwardly distanced himself from Valien, his voice quivered with nervousness. "Um, c-can I go? I mean, how do I get into the base?" he stammered, struggling to maintain his composure.

Valien smiled casually, pointing to the wall he had emerged from. "Just go in through the wall I came out of. I have somewhere else to be now," he replied nonchalantly. "But don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again." With those cryptic words, Valien turned his back to Azure and walked away. Even though he couldn't see Valien's face, Azure couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that Valien was somehow still watching him, his presence lingering in the air.

Azure took a moment to calm his racing heart, trying to shake off the encounter with Valien. *That escalated quickly, from enchanting to downright terrifying,* he thought to himself, his unease still lingering. *I just hope the captain isn't as intimidating.*

Taking a deep breath, Azure stepped towards the wall that Valien had pointed out. He entered through the opening, and as he passed through, the wall closed behind him, sealing off the entrance to the sewers.

He finally found himself inside the base, and a sense of relief washed over Azure. *Finally, after all that effort,* he thought to himself. The room he entered was adorned with intriguing paintings in an unfamiliar style, and the walls were covered in writings he couldn't understand. The space was filled with over a dozen people, mostly human, but Azure's attention was caught by an elf and a wolf demi-human engaged in conversation. They stood out amidst the crowd. As Azure glanced around, he realized that nobody seemed to pay him any mind, focused on their own conversations and activities.

*These people must be the top brass,* Azure thought to himself, contemplating his next move. He decided to approach the elf and demi-human, thinking, *Why not? Maybe they can direct me to the captain.*

"Uh, hey Sir's, can you direct me towards the captain?" Azure asked, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness as he tried his best to sound respectful.

The two of them abruptly halted their conversation and turned their attention towards Azure, their expressions shifting to annoyance. "Huh, who the hell are you?" the wolf-man inquired, his tone sharp. Azure's nerves intensified as he stammered, "I-I'm Azure. I have, um, a report to give to the, uh, captain."

"Come on, don't scare him, Wyett. He's just a grunt," the elven man interjected, his tone laced with condescension. "Well, then I should be punishing him for not respecting his superiors, Sanev," retorted Wyett, the wolf-man, as he cracked his knuckles menacingly.

"Calm down Wyett. The captain is further into the base and literally has a room labeled 'CAPTAIN,' so get out of here. Shoo, shoo," Sanev said, waving his hand dismissively. "Ye-yes, sirs," Azure stammered, quickly retreating from their presence.

Azure proceeded further into the base, following the instructions given by the elf. *Why did I bother asking them? I should have just gone in and checked myself,* he thought, slightly annoyed with himself. It didn't take long for him to locate the room labeled "CAPTAIN," which was adorned with writings in that unfamiliar language.

"Alright, here goes nothing," he muttered to himself, standing in front of the door. Just as he was about to reach for the doorknob, a thought crossed his mind. *Probably should knock,* he considered, retracting his hand and instead giving a few knocks on the door.

"Come in," a muffled voice replied from inside the room. Azure took a deep breath, preparing himself, and then turned the doorknob to open the door.

As Azure cautiously entered the room, his eyes were immediately drawn to the figure before him. The man stood with an air of authority, emanating an intimidating presence that captured Azure's attention.

With his dark and tousled hair, the man possessed a rugged appearance. While his intense gaze pierced through Azure, leaving him feeling exposed. The captain's features conveyed a sense of strength. His strong jawline and hint of stubble gave him a rugged masculinity that was hard to ignore. Azure couldn't help but notice the captain's mysterious expression, as if there were depths to him that remained hidden.

Dressed in a fitted leather jacket, the captain exuded a sense of toughness and experience. The worn fabric spoke of a life filled with challenges, while the tailored fit emphasized his well-built physique. Despite his shorter stature compared to himself, the captain's presence commanded respect.

Azure could feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as he stood before the captain. The captain's words cut through the air, tinged with a hint of impatience. "You're finally bloody here."

Took a while anyway let's use one of these.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

...Okay then SAYONARA.

Q_Tipcreators' thoughts