
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasy
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337 Chs

Chapter 129

The sound of battle reverberated through the air, claws clashing against armor, blades against blades, magic against magic. The border checkpoint of Aeruna was a stark, imposing structure of stone and steel, adorned with banners fluttering in the wind and fortified with defensive walls and watchtowers. This was a military outpost, strategically placed to guard against incursions, and now it was under siege.

The demon force consisted of ten veinblood cherubs, ten imps, and five drakoraths, led by a fearsome named demon called Azid. Azid was a centaur-like figure with the lower half of a black panther, likely a tiger, while his upper half resembled a blue-skinned human with jet-black hair and inhumanly pale blue eyes. Armed with a spear, Azid's presence was commanding and terrifying.

On the other side, the defenders of Aeruna were organized into three distinct groups. The first group, heavily armored and armed with various melee weapons, formed the frontline warriors. They stood their ground against the drakoraths, their blades flashing and clanging against the demons' extended wrist blades. The air was filled with grunts of effort and the ringing of steel on steel.

The second group, unarmored and dressed in combat robes, consisted of mages. They fired off a barrage of spells from the backlines, their hands launching flames, gusts of wind, and shards of earth to strike at the invaders. Azid deftly dodged most of their attacks, his agility allowing him to close the distance quickly. He tore through the ranks of mages, claws slashing and spear puncturing their defenses.

The final group was hidden inside the checkpoint building, their presence only revealed by the occasional firing of runed crossbows aimed at the cherubs. These defenders were strategic, their bolts enchanted to pierce through the cherubs' fragile porcelain bodies, taking advantage of any openings created by the frontline warriors and mages.

The battle was intense. A drakorath roared, its reptilian body rearing up as it swung its massive wrist blades at an armored warrior. The warrior parried the blow, sparks flying from the contact, and counterattacked with a swift slash to the drakorath's exposed belly. Nearby, an imp screeched as it lunged at a mage, only to be met with a blast of fire that incinerated it mid-air. The veinblood cherubs hovered above, their telekinetic powers hurling debris and conjured spikes at the defenders, causing chaos and disruption.

Azid was in his element, a whirlwind of death and destruction. He dodged a volley of flames, then darted forward, his spear finding its mark in a mage's stomach. Lifting her up effortlessly, he threw her lifeless body aside with a savage grin. *I wasn't expecting opposition this early, but we're winning,* he thought, a toothy grin spreading across his face. *These things don't stand a chance!*

He charged towards a cluster of mages who desperately tried to defend themselves. Blades of wind, bolts of fire, and walls of earth were unleashed in a frantic effort to stop the demon. Azid dodged, batted away, or leapt over the spells with ease. His spear struck true, piercing a mage through the chest. As the man fell, gurgling and clutching at the mortal wound, another mage attempted to blast Azid with a burst of flames. Azid's back claws swiped out, severing the mage's hands, leaving him to scream in agony on the ground.

Azid moved to the next target, one of the last remaining mages. The man's hands shook as he conjured a desperate spell, but fear made him slow and clumsy. "Come on, where did all your energy go?" Azid taunted, his grin widening to an inhuman degree. The mage stumbled backward, falling to the ground in terror. Without breaking his stride, Azid skewered another mage's skull with his spear, the lifeless body crumpling instantly.

The terrified mage was now the last one standing. Azid approached him slowly, savoring the fear radiating from his prey. Meanwhile, the front-line warriors were being overwhelmed. The drakoraths, with their relentless stamina, cut down the defenders mercilessly. The remaining veinblood cherubs blocked the crossbowmen's vantage points with debris, effectively neutralizing both themselves and the Aerunans.

Azid towered over the cowering mage, who looked up with wide-eyed fear, teeth chattering uncontrollably. "How truly pathetic," Azid sneered, "even at the face of death you cower. This is what I hate about you mortals." He burst into laughter, the sound chilling in its mirth. "By Michael, that sounded pretentious! Haa, I don't actually hate mortals, but you just have to die or else I will get an earful." He raised his spear, ready to deliver the killing blow.

Suddenly, Azid froze. He turned sharply towards the checkpoint building. *A sudden spike of mana? What was that?* The lone mage seized the opportunity, crawling away as Azid's attention was diverted. Azid's eyes narrowed, and he fully turned away from the cowering mage, his focus now on the unexpected surge of power.

The front gates of the checkpoint building slowly raised, their heavy metal frames creaking under the strain. They were fortified with layers of steel and reinforced with runes, designed to repel both physical and magical attacks. From behind the gates bolted out three figures.

The first was an elderly man with gray hair and bright yellow eyes, wearing light, functional armor that allowed for both protection and mobility. Armed with a glaive, he charged towards the drakoraths with surprising agility, his movements belying his age.

Next was a young woman with striking white hair, dressed in a black suit with gold lining. A black blindfold covered her eyes, though it didn't seem to hinder her movements. She had four katanas, two on each hip. Drawing the top one on her right hip, she shakily charged towards the cherubs.

The third figure was the most peculiar. He sprinted towards Azid, closing the distance with remarkable speed, and attempted a flying kick aimed at Azid's head. Azid easily evaded the attack by slightly tilting his head, clipping the man mid-air with his spear, and sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Ow," the man groaned, holding the side of his head as he stood up. Azid's thin smile grew as he took in the man's strange attire—black leather jacket, red t-shirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Clearly, he was not from this world.

The man, now on his feet, froze momentarily as he took in Azid's terrifying form. "Jesus Christ, now that I get a close look at you, you're terrifying as hell," he muttered.

Azid pointed a finger at him, "You're not from this world, are you?" The observation was clear from the man's modern clothing and manner of speaking.

"Holy shit, you know?" the man replied, eyes widening in surprise. He then shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts. "Wait, now's not the time, Mark," he said to himself, steeling his nerves. He looked Azid up and down, trying to appear intimidating. "You've killed a lot of people, and for that, you will face the judgment of The Order!" With that, he dramatically pulled out a twenty-sided die.

Azid chuckled at the absurdity of the scene. "If you say so," he remarked, gripping his spear with both hands, his smile unwavering. He was ready to fight this peculiar off-worlder1.

Never let 'em know your next move!

Au revoir!

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