
The Dark Generation

What would you do if your life was shattered by a ruthless crime syndicate? Park Taejoon is a young MMA fighter with a promising future. But everything changes when he witnesses the murder of his father and the coma of his mother by the Rising Suns, the most feared gang in Ansan. Swearing vengeance, he embarks on a dangerous journey to take down the syndicate and unify the country under his rule. Along the way, he will face fierce enemies, unexpected allies, and shocking revelations. Will he achieve his dream of peace, or will he fall prey to the darkness of the gangs? Find out in this thrilling action myestries webnovel

Rissing_Elite · Action
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Chapter 39: Funeral of Minho

Chapter 39: Funeral of Minho

Part 1: A Promise of Strength

The air crackled with raw grief as mourners paid their respects to Minho. Tears streamed down Taejoon's face as he stared at the closed casket, a silent promise echoing in his heart. "I'll be strong enough to protect everyone," he vowed, his voice thick with emotion.

Solomon stood beside him, a statue of stoic fury. His eyes, devoid of their usual warmth, burned with a cold fire, a chilling testament to the rage simmering within him.

Seongjin, Eunwoo, Miguel – everyone who knew Minho wore the same mask of disbelief. Each shared a memory, a laugh, a moment whispered into the open air, a tribute to the life cut short.

"He was like a brother to me," Seongjin choked out, wiping a tear from his eye. "It doesn't feel real."

Miguel, his voice trembling, offered a memory with a shaky smile. "Remember that time Minho ate a whole cake by himself at our sleepover? We were so mad, but seeing him with chocolate smeared all over his face... that's something I'll never forget."

Eunwoo, his gaze fixed on the casket, spoke more to himself than anyone else. "We were going to take down the Bully Committee together, Minho. We... we had so much planned."

The ceremony ended, leaving behind a gaping hole that words could not fill. As everyone began to disperse, Taejoon approached Principal Takamura, his voice resolute.

"I accept your training offer," he declared, his resolve echoing in his voice. "I need to become strong. Strong enough to protect those I care about."

Principal Takamura, a hint of pride in his eyes, offered a cryptic smile. "Let's go then," he said, his voice carrying an undercurrent of strength.

Part 2: A Looming Threat

As Eunwoo walked home from the funeral, lost in the echo of memories, a figure materialized from the twilight. It was Dajun, his childhood friend turned bitter rival.

"Long time no see, Eunwoo," Dajun greeted him with a smirk.

Eunwoo, startled, stammered out a response. "Dajun."

"Central Seoul is up for grabs," Dajun declared, his voice dripping with ambition. "The Bully Committee's gone, leaving it a power vacuum. And I hear taking down Gen High claims the whole district. A stepping stone to conquer Gangnam too."

Eunwoo clenched his fists, anger flickering within him. "Central Seoul isn't yours to claim," he countered, his voice defiant.

Dajun chuckled humorlessly. "We'll see about that."

Part 3: Shifting Alliances

Across the country, in Busan, a meeting took place at the Hydra headquarters. Jin Jinho, his face a mask of predatory ambition, sat across from Juan, the leader of Gangdong.

"Central Seoul is leaderless now," Jin Jinho announced, his eyes glinting with a hungry glint. "And rumor has it, Gangnam's Dajun is making a move to claim it."

Juan eyed Jin Jinho with suspicion. "So Dajun is acting on his own?" he questioned, his voice laced with skepticism.

Jin Jinho leaned back in his chair, a sly smile spreading across his face. "Don't worry, Juan. We'll start with Gangseo. Then, Central Seoul will be ours for the taking."

Part 4: An Unseen Challenge

Back in Seoul, the air crackled with tension as Eunwoo and Dajun squared off. Eunwoo, fueled by a desire to protect his territory and honor Minho's memory, unleashed a flurry of boxing combinations. However, Dajun, a skilled fighter himself, easily countered his every move.

"You're still weak, Eunwoo," Dajun taunted, landing a powerful punch that sent Eunwoo staggering back.

Frustration gnawed at Eunwoo. He knew brute force wouldn't be enough. Taking a gamble, Eunwoo focused his energy and unleashed an unseen attacks he achive , a jab aimed at Dajun's kidney.

The blow struck true, sending a shockwave through the air and stealing the breath from Dajun's lungs. He stumbled back, surprised by the unexpected attack. However, Dajun, a seasoned fighter, recovered quickly. With a swift dropkick reminiscent of Taekwondo, he countered Eunwoo's offense.

The fight continued, a brutal display of skill and rage. Eunwoo, despite his technique, still struggled against Dajun's superior experience. DAjun told him, " Do you think with your this body you can attack me with UA (Unseen Attack ). You cant defeat a head. "

With Dajun hit a kick to Eunwoo to defeat him.