
The Dark Generation

What would you do if your life was shattered by a ruthless crime syndicate? Park Taejoon is a young MMA fighter with a promising future. But everything changes when he witnesses the murder of his father and the coma of his mother by the Rising Suns, the most feared gang in Ansan. Swearing vengeance, he embarks on a dangerous journey to take down the syndicate and unify the country under his rule. Along the way, he will face fierce enemies, unexpected allies, and shocking revelations. Will he achieve his dream of peace, or will he fall prey to the darkness of the gangs? Find out in this thrilling action myestries webnovel

Rissing_Elite · Action
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Chapter 38: Invading Ansan Finale

Part 1: A Devastating Blow

Solomon, battered and bruised, lay sprawled on the ground. He had defeated Taejuk, his self-hatred mode fueled by despair granting him the edge. He struggled to get up, his body screaming in protest. But the desire to reach Minho spurred him on.

He stumbled towards his friend, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and trepidation. But before he could reach him, a chilling scene unfolded before his eyes.

Choi, his face contorted with a sadistic grin, plunged a knife into Minho's chest. A scream ripped through Solomon's throat as he witnessed the life drain from his friend's eyes.

Part 2: A Descent into Darkness

Rage, raw and untamed, surged through Solomon. He lunged at Choi, a primal roar erupting from his lips. His punches rained down on Choi with a brutality that defied description. He ignored the pain coursing through his own body, his focus solely on inflicting punishment on the man who had taken Minho away.

Lee Jin and Kim Daeho, who had witnessed the final moments of the fight, rushed into the scene. Lee Jin, fearing further bloodshed, intervened. He managed to restrain Solomon, pulling him away from the unconscious Choi.

Kim Daeho knelt beside Minho, his face unreadable as he checked for a pulse. After a moment, he shook his head solemnly. "He's gone."

Solomon, his rage momentarily replaced by a crushing despair, slumped to his knees. Tears streamed down his face as he cradled Minho's lifeless body in his arms. His cries echoed through the vast hall, a haunting lament for a lost friend.

Part 3: Grief and Broken Promises

News of Minho's death reached Seoul with devastating speed. When Solomon returned, a shell of his former self, Taejoon was the first to greet him.

"Where's Minho?" Taejoon demanded, hope flickering in his eyes.

But Solomon's tear-filled silence was a brutal answer. Soon after, the arrival of Minho's body confirmed Taejoon's worst fears. He collapsed to his knees, his grief manifesting in a torrent of sobs and choked apologies. "I failed you, Minho," he cried, his voice wracked with pain. "I promised to protect you..."

Seongjin, Eunwoo, Miguel, and everyone else who knew Minho gathered around his body, their faces etched with sorrow. The air hung heavy with grief, the weight of loss pressing down on them all.

Part 4: A Looming Threat

Meanwhile, in Incheon port, a scene unfolded that would have a significant impact on the power dynamics of the underground world. Taejuk, defeated and broken, was attempting to flee the country.

But his escape was cut short by an unexpected visitor – Nick Kim.

"Leaving the country without settling your debt, Taejuk?" Nick taunted, a playful smile on his lips.

"I won't give you another dime," Taejuk growled, defiance flickering in his voice.

Nick's smile widened. "That's a shame," he said, popping a lollipop into his mouth. "Then I guess I'll have to dispose of you. It's an order from Daeho."

Part 5: The Unseen Attack

Taejuk, enraged, lunged at Nick. But before his fist could connect, a flurry of kicks landed on his pressure points, blows so fast that they were invisible to the naked eye. This was Nick Kim's mastery of the Unseen Attack, a technique that exploited blind spots and lightning-fast strikes.

Taejuk, caught off guard by the speed and precision of the attack, roared in frustration. "Unseen Attack?" he gasped. "How is this possible?"

Nick, unfazed by Taejuk's outburst, delivered the final blow. With a swift kick to the head, he sent the former king of Ansan crashing to the ground, unconscious