
The Beginning

"Keep calm. Keep calm. Slow steps, gentle movements. Best not to wake the sleepy son."

These were the words engraved on the footsteps of the old beaten down house. The establishment stood on the northern side of the foothills of Meadow Lane. It had been abandoned long before I was given this job. Most people walked past the place without a second thought, forgetting it was even there. The house was cold, dusty, and smelled like old books.

"Hurry up." called my partner's voice. He was a strong-jawed man with handsome features that he was all too aware of. I suppose his voice did come as some relief in this dire situation. After all, that voice of his echoed through the walls pulling me closer and worked as a safe heaven away from the echos of silence. "Don't blame me if you get snatched by some ghost." He jeered.

My lips twisted into a frown as my footsteps quickened trying to match his speed. "Do you really think there is something down here Lucas?" I asked.

Lucas did not answer with his words. His only remark was holding up his left arm stopping my movements. "Stop." He warned. He had always been better at sensing things than I was. I suppose that's why they always placed him in charge.

Yet, I couldn't help but think that his one true power was arrogance. He knew he was clever and liked to show it every time we were on a mission. Turning my light upwards I looked at his face only to be greeted by a boyish wink. I hated when he did that. It always meant he knew something and was not planning on telling me what it was. "Are you saying you don't sense that Mia? Are you really that far behind? Don't tell me you didn't read the pre-mission report."

"That is not the case. I read that thing front and back. This is a simple case of a lost child's soul. We are here to help return him to his proper place. No more. No less." I replied.

"Maybe..." his voice was drawn as if he was lost within his own thoughts. "But a child's soul is far more...active don't you think? Children souls tend to run and try to greet their guests. Yet, whoever is haunting this place has yet to make their presence know. Really Mia, I thought you graduated from one of our top schools. Are you all books and no street?" He mocked.

Rolling my eyes, I kept my words to myself. There was no point in arguing with him. He had his opinion and I had mine. "Wait!" He shouted moving his hand forward to grab mine.

"Wha...?" Before the words could finish leaving my lips, I felt a chill slid down my spine. It was harsh like ice yet swept through me like fire. There was warmth in my heart followed by a heaviness. Then suddenly everything went black.